[PIMAX 4K] Star Trek Bridge Crew

You and us all :slight_smile: let us know when you get it working

I hope it will work soon,:heart_eyes:

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Do you know how long the new patch will take?

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The Final Answer

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Oh, come on now. That was pretty funny. Might be too much for some, but it’s a nice vent. I took a risk and ordered a P4K and a NOLO sight unseen based on the trickle of information coming in, and I’m excited about it. But the video is really clever and obviously from someone that cares about the issue enough to make the video, and knows how to vent with tongue deep in cheek. I’m 100% German and unlike some I know how my emotions can take me to a very large range of views from passionate altruistic enthusiasm to Must Invade All within range for taking advantage of my generosity and making fun of my genius. If you look at the video from that viewpoint, it’s actually pretty darned clever. FWIW, I will be making one of I can’t see aircraft panels in Prepar3d well enough to use them.

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I’m Italian and well I liked it as well, was sad, but still pretty funny. Anyway I still have faith in Pimax team to solve the problem. I admit it, I’m playing this game with an other support right now, but I can’t wait for them to fix it because Pimax is way better then others headsets! I never had eyes problems with Pimax, my face never hurted. Instead now using an other vr, I’ve headakes every 2-3 hrs and my cheekbones are hurting like hell. So I’m waiting to have my lovely Pimax 4k working again on this game in order to have fun without having to take Ibuprofen for the head and ice packs for the cheekbones.


C’mon Pimax :wink:

Hi guys,

This is now working on Pimax.

I just installed the latest Drivers and loaded up the game and it works :slight_smile:

Bridge Crew was patched recently, it’s possible that fixed it.

Same here!!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Awesome news! Be sure to post a review. :wink::+1::sparkles:

What are you guys using for controllers?

Ubisoft fixed it lool. Well anyway the important is the result

with pimax the controller witch worked better with me was LOGITECH F710, anyway I’m waiting for nolo controllers

I’m currently using the Xbox One controller.
The left and right analog sticks control your left and right hand respectively and you use the left and right triggers to activate your selection.
Your hands/fingers snaps to the options as you move the analog sticks.
Works quite well, but probably not as intuitive as the touch controllers.

Update: Setup my Leap Motion to work with the game, now I can wave my hands about like everyone else and point at people. Not much use for controls in the game though, too inaccurate.
But at least you can switch between hand gestures and Xbox One Control by simply pressing A or B

PS4 controller with DS4 program!

Ifvyou folks are able please review star trek bridge crew. :wave::blush::+1::sparkles:


I bought it on Thursday and I can say it’s the best VR experience I had so far. Yes I’m a Star Trek fan and the game as a limited character creation (2 species - human or vulcan), two Star Trek eras (TOS and Rebooted Movie) but it’s really fun to play it even though I played with Xbox Controller on Solo modo.

I’m currently using Pimax 1.1.92 + Xbox Controller.

Awesome to hear. Congrats

You got the Pimax working with Bridge?


Yes, it works great!