[Pimax 4K & PSMove] Install Revive, Playing Touch basics

PSMoveService v6.0.6

PSMoveService v5.5.3

I tried to run the Oculus app through the Pi plugin on the dashboard using PSMove.
But It did not work. So I ended up with a revival installation and tried Touch Basics.
PSMove works well, but there is a problem with the distance adjustment of the camera due to hand tremble.
The conclusion is “We can enjoy it through PSMove”.

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The Pi Dashboard has never worked on my side. Revive is what I use as well.

How does VRidge utilize FreeTrack in SteamVR’s “The Lab” with phone?

Using Opentrack with Free UDP Reciever/FreeTrack 2.0 Enhanced/PSMoveService/FreePie/FreePieBridge & FreePie IMU on Phone gives no input to SteamVR whatsoever.

Also, have you tried this, it works good, GitHub - matzman666/OpenVR-AdvancedSettings: OpenVR Advanced Settings Dashboard Overlay

Hi CMM~.
Thank you for your information. It seems very usful.
I have something to tell you about the riftcat & psmoveservice setup.

This guy’s explanation would be very usful.

That’s a video I actually have saved. The positional tracking seems to only work with Vridge & Trinus VR. I’d slap an old phone on top of the Pimax for positional tracking if the driver was not bound to the aforementioned.

If OSVR-Fusion is possible …
Pimax does not process location information, so we need to turn off the gyroscope and have OpenTrack send location information, but that’s just a thought. Who knows?
Old phone is not heavy? I thought PSMove. lol
Now I am just enjoying Pimax fun.

Yes, the PS Move would also need to be utilized for positional tracking but so far, I’ve found no way to get input into SteamVR using Opentrack. It works fine for games supporting TrackIR/FreeTrack/Opentrack which I do not believe “The Lab” supports.

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OSVR/Open-HMD on the Pimax was a no-go on my side. Well, it worked in extended mode and Steam could detect the Pimax but head tracking was absent. Direct mode refused to take completely.

Oh ~ OSVR test ~ !, yes. Headtracking is not a big problem because there are many ways to add it.
The mode change by OSVR does not work, so Pimax’s Pimax mode must be prepared by Piplay.

Noticed that in Opentrack/Pimax Extended Mode, the Oculus Rift runtime 0.4.2 – HMD Input option works but 0.8.0-1.4.0 does not. Any idea why this might be?

I have not tried it yet, but I found it with Google Search.

Got that saved too and it does not take on my side, all the LibOVR.dll files are in System32/SysWOW64,


Hello there, can u please explain how to do headset tracking please ?

ANd i have an another problem, i m trying to play oculus game, but the controler are not totaly emuled with th psmove, how to play it please : i m stuck with this :

i can’t found the butons u can see in the screen, can u have some information how mapping all the button touch


path relatvie to your install: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\steamvr.setttings

you can add things like this to map controller buttons to things…


my whole file looks like this (which is wimpy compared to most).

{“audio”:{“onPlaybackDevice”:"{}.{0cc3d82a-01f6-4c21-9a71-b275e63f06be}"},“driver_vridge”:{“renderScale”:0,“windowHeight”:936,“windowWidth”:1664},“psmove”:{“circle”:“a”,“cross”:“button_8”,“meters_per_touchpad_units”:0.07500000298023224,“move”:“touchpad”,“ps”:“system”,“rumble_suppressed”:false,“select”:“button_9”,“square”:“grip”,“start”:“button_10”,“triangle”:“application_menu”,“trigger”:“trigger”,“use_spatial_offset_after_touchpad_press_as_touchpad_axis”:true},“psmove_settings”:{“psmove_filter_hmd_serial”:“00:06:f7:d6:f1:e1”},“steamvr”:{“activateMultipleDrivers”:true,“background”:"#FF000000",“mirrorViewGeometry”:“0 0 720 1280”,“playAreaColor”:"#003CFF2B"}}

I have installed the psmove on another PC, and I have a problem with the controllers that I can not adjust under my helmet and therefore in real hand position.
Currently the controllers are displayed trops and the cameras do not have the correct position in the 3D view of steamVR, do you know how to position the controllers at the level of the helmet please?

I try to make a video of my preb

Tracker Pose Calibration
This is the most important task in determining the position of the camera.

  1. First, be sure to stand in the play position, wear the HMD, run SteamVR, and set up the room.
  2. Place the calibration mat on the floor of the play location center.
  3. Download the calibration mat and print it out.
  4. Make sure that the fourth and fifth numbers on the calibration mat are well positioned towards the monitor (or in front of the gameplay).
  5. Click Tracker Settings-> Compute Tracker Poses
  6. Click Next Tracker and Previous Tracker to see the screen.
  7. Click Looks Good!
  8. Place the PSMove with the light on the bulb in # 1, leave it until Complete, and proceed to steps # 2 to # 5.
  9. After completing up to # 5, move the PSMove by hand and the Test Tracker screen will appear. Check the direction of the PSMove and the position of the camera.
  10. If the camera position is different from the actual position, repeat steps 5 to 9

thanks, i m still stuck with this step i do it many times, and evry times, i can put my controleur on my Hand in steamVR


I had the tracking too high issue and had to use PSMoveService v0.9-alpha 8.1.0

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Yes this is it !!

Why I did not do that earlier

so thanks, now works better !!!

now i have to install oculus and retry Playing Touch basics

see u later :slight_smile:


I can not, or I do not know how to map the PSMOVE buttons to that of the touchs. It lacks buttons.

Well well well,

now in steamVR i can move the controlleur push the button, when i lunch apps, i can’t push any button ?

how u map the button and the joystick of the touch on the Psmove ?

I responded to your request for an example of how to map buttons already. Scroll up.