One day delay for Pimax Day 2

I have to get up at 2:30 again… Really annoying…

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Hey, could be worse mate


It seems they are still debating the special backer discount. Doesn’t bode well, because “discuss” translates into Robin suggests a tiny bit of discount and Kevin & Sweviver go “oh no, you can’t do that, we’ll be ripped into pieces by the backers if we go out with that suggestion !!” but Robin isn’t willing to give in… let’s see what a day more of debate has brought us…


@Axacuatl That’s a level of conspiracy theory that even I would not entertain.

Given how cautious and measured Martin & Kevin were in trying to paint the Eye Tracker ‘bad news’ in the best possible light, and the subsequent massive amounts of grief they received, if Pimax reneges on the substantial discounts to backers they publicly promised on PD1, then Pimax (for all intensive purposes) is done. Put a fork in them.

The wider VR community has pretty much written Pimax off, so there is a LOT riding on PD2… they know they must ‘ace’ this.

I hope (for you guys as I am an 8KX backer) that I am wrong, but the point backer discount has been mentioned by Sweviver as one of the few reasons for the delay so my gut feeling tells me that it’s not so much about the nitty gritty details but must be a substantial issue…possibly disagreement…
However, we will find out the result soon !

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FOV is good, backlight needs to be fixed.

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Is it smaller than the Index FoV though ?

I understand your reaction but to me this refresh rate really is more of a tech demo thing, I don’t seem to mind even the refresh rates below 90 Hz. So before all of you complain too hard, this was a true freebie by Pimax, not even hinted at in any KS stretchgoal or promise, so don’t be too harsh on them… it’s nice that they don’t just keep it to themselves but make it available “as is” for those who would like to play around with it…

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the colors are bad too. Very bad. Seems like I can’t use my brightness slider at all on the new update. It also looks like the resolution took a hit as well. Backlight brightness doesn’t work at all.

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Which means that you can enjoy 120 Hz with a 130° FoV, you just need to apply the Large setting ? May of course mean that the highest resolution (because of Large) is being computed at 120Hz, making for quite an insane amount of GPU load. But it would be feasible, and may make sense for some applications (e.g. cinema, double the 60Hz framerate)

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Yes… :+1::wink:


Index FOV is dependent on how close the user puts the lenses to their eyes. It maxes out at around 130 degrees if you don’t wear glasses and don’t mind your eyelashes touching the lenses.


Where does the stream start ? Or is there no stream ? @SweViver you didnt anounce anything on Youtube ?

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The sweviver and pimax channels.

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15 minutes to go and I dont see new stream at this #'s

P.S. Guys, we just switched to winter time. What CET will it be then? 7pm or 9pm CET? :sweat_smile:

If it’s pre recorded and set to be ‘live’ at a time the channel creator set beforehand, it’ll just pop up at the time set.

If it’s live , there’s a banner and a count down timer on Youtube.

Is there a Pimax YouTube channel?

This is so unorganised


Can’t find Pimax’s channel so I go to Sweviver on Youtube. It’s on both channels apparently.


Pimax Youtube channel is here.