No Mans Sky VR releases August 14

Nice…! :+1::wink:


You’d probably say the same about minecraft. :beers::yum::+1::sparkles:


Downloading now in UK :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::nerd_face::grinning:


Optimization is lame …
I have wild FPS drawdowns :japanese_goblin: (1080ti, normal FOV, PiTool 1.0, SS = 25%).
The video card does not really load (50-70%).
I hope all this will be fixed with patches.
But in general - everything looks very beautiful :slight_smile:


I find without it the grass looks bad and there’s clipping

But with it it jitters

Hoping someone can figure out the ideal Pimax settings


Hey what can I say, I’m a VR junkie. Not sure if youv’e seen it yet but its amazing steering the ship gripping the controls directly with the oculus controllers…come on pimax!!! Each patch overhauls this already great game.


Performance is bad.

Grass looks wrong without PP.


Will be interested to see what the modding community manage to do with it.

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Awe man I cant wait to get home from work to jump in.

I want to try it on the pimax. but all I have are vive wands. Ill probably end up playing on my oculus.


Going to try Pimax next…with a HOTAS. The ergonomics are nicely implemented, just reach over to the gripbar on either window edge while in cockpit and pull up to release the canopy and exit ship.

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Spent some time with it already.

PP is NOT required, but there are some display anomalies if you play without it.

I have an 8700k and 2080ti. I started with the game on Normal and 90FPS. Stayed at 45Hz reprojection even though my GPU wasn’t fully loaded. I dropped down to Small and 90FPS, same problem. GPU not fully loaded. Dropped to 72Hz, in space I stayed at 72Hz. Soon as I went to a planet it dropped down to 36Hz. GPU wasn’t fully loaded, but according to frametimes it seems like I could have been running at 72Hz. I had enabled PP at this point but I disabled motion smoothing and stayed around 60Hz.

So. 2080ti with Pimax Small, PP on and with the in game graphics at their lowest I am getting around 60fps variable. Would love to get it to 72Hz locked, motion smoothing in this game is very noticeable with the multitool and HUD. I am also on the latest beta, I am thinking of downgrading to the previous software to see if things are different.


Yeah, I surely has its place.

I have the same exact issue with the same setup

I think the game is currently poorly optimized for vr on all headsets. (perhaps a little worse for us since we need pp)

but at this point it’s borderline unplayable unless you can tolerate 45fps


I got 30 fps on a gras Planet with my Pimax Xr , 2080 ti @ 2050 mhz on the core and 8100mhz on the memory . Ingame settings maxed out . Pi tool render 1.0 , steam vr ss 130% . On a Ice planet I got 40 fps. In space 57 fps . Gpu usage was around 70 to 80% . Lates beta pi tool version was used .
So if you really want to play this game in vr on pimax wait 4 years for a 4080 ti


This is not a high load on the system.
This is simply a lack of optimization.
The GPU does not even load normally. Loading at the level of 50-70%


Played it the last few days with my sun in coop on xbox. We love it.
Downloading it right now for PC and will try it with my VIVE Pro with Gear-VR-Mod.
Anyone used the Index controllers? Or is it better to use the normal wands?

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Ummm, how do you move around? Using the Vive wand. Tried pressing everything and couldn’t move.
Also how do you disable the message about leaving the game area?

Apparently gamers are going nuts in r/nomanskythegame. Over 3k replies and complaints about the game not optimized on VR headsets. WMR users says game crashes when turning on controllers.

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@prinyo I had that problem also. Press the left trigger and point the controller in the direction that you want to go. To disable the message hold the left or maybe right menu button.


Trigger locomotion will take some time to get used to.
Pressing the menu button removes the message but it will appear again. So far I have been unable to hand-interact with any object without it appearing. Whichever way I lean seems to trigger it.

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