New working reshade for openvr

Will try. Thank you…

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Can confirm this works with GTR 2. I am using Film Sharpening filter, it improves the image.


If using:

That version did not take on LFS.
It actually prevented textures from loading properly on my side.

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Folks, also check this:

The author is very enthusiastic and responsive. Would be nice to get best sharpening settings figured out and documented for the Pimax headsets.


Its a shame that its not compatible with FFR: At least not for AC and DCS world.

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is this reshade better vs skyrim rehade?



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Is it possible to combine reshade and “Dirt Rally 2.0 VR Fog & Exposure Fix”? Yesterday I tried reshade in Dirt Rally 2.0 and it didn’t work until I realized that I had also added this other mod to the root folder of the game. To cancel it I renamed “d3d11.dll” from the Exposure Fix mod and then reshare worked. I did not adjust anything, I just wanted to check that it worked but the colors are very saturated and the sharpening of the image is as if there were no active AA type, I suppose it can be adjusted for better results and to lower the general SS.

I used this (it’s a post within the forum, someone made custom dll)

I think the author runs reshade as the game checks for input devices, which occurs before the exposure fix.

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Thanks, I added the .dll you offer in that thread and now both mods are working. It looks great with that sharpness it seems that the sweet spot has spread to almost the entire lens, before I only had the perception of sharpness in the center. And added to the gamma / brightness compensation it now drives very comfortable, I am much more focused on the track. It’s great even though the game is almost finished after 100 hours. But it will give him a lot of life ahead.


I do hope this is something pimax can add as native settings in pitool. It makes a massive difference in sharpness and reduced hazyness/saturation etc. It’s like a new hmd


Just noticed this today on Pimax Reddit, but somebody has been busy with reshade

VRToolkit | reshade-vrtoolkit (


Lets hope it works. In the meantime at least for DCS world you can use open fsr with FFR and use only the sharpening there. I havent played around with much yet though and its much preferred to have all the options reshade provides


New Update to VRtoolkit Reshade Fixes


can you open the ui on the desktop or only in the headset? i tried the first link in that tread it works if i open in normal mode but crash my acc.exe when i open in steam vr haven’t tried the sharper eye but was just wondering i f you can open the ui on the desktop


both, in steam vr and game

ok but only in the headset right?

if you press >home< in the game window it shoud work om desktop

I just found out about this today. Can’t wait to try out in iracing. Always thought shade was off in iracing.


You might also want to check out.