New 8K+ Owner - Visual Problem Difficulty Troubleshooting

I’d say though old both Pimax 4k(p1 series) and Sony PSVR has best lenses as they used aspherical lenses vs Fresnel flavors. No rings to create undesired effects.

when you have your image sharp at 10cm can you try to move headset linearly further/closer and tell us if image gets scaled (bigger/smaller) or it stays at the same size just FOV decreases/changes?

But they arent, most headsets have a focal distance of 1-2m, not infinity.

Maybe its just me, but I’d feel pretty embarrassed if I didn’t know that.


Based on what? Measurements? Marketing claims?

My experience with Pimax, Oculus, and Vive headsets is definitely closer to infinity than 1-2m. My eyes would focus better at 1-2m, and would be less adapted to infinite distance after taking the headset off.

In any case, the difference in focal length/plane should be a few millimeters in a Pimax headset. Small enough I wouldn’t rule anything out, including shipping damage.

@geoffvader By the way, be nice. There is amazing plethora of phenomena and effects that emerge in this universe of ours. I’m not going to claim to know all of them, only to take a logical approach.


I’ve read that those were ~2m, but you might be right, except for the Pimax. I’m extremely near-sighted and am pleased that I can use my 8K without glasses. Unfortunately, I can also clearly see the individual pixels and SDE, which is why I’m really looking forward to getting my 8KX.


I am surprised you can see SDE with an 8K. I certainly wouldn’t rule out some Pimax headsets having different focal lengths.

The OP’s report of chromatic aberration is what most strongly leads me to conclude shipping damage is a real possibility. Due to wide FOV, Pimax headsets have extreme chromatic aberration, corrected in software. Any misalignment of the optics would likely result in severe uncorrected chromatic aberration.

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For some reason the headset manufacturers do not want to divulge this number (it has been asked several times here as well). But the people with a weak myopia who are able to wear the headsets without the correction glasses are the proof that it is not infinity.

My personal estimation for Pimax is ~ 75 cm based on how my eyes react (I am short sighted and need prescription lenses).


Thank you. With a little nearsightedness myself (but still 20/20 distance vision), I find the focus of my headsets to be at least 2.5m .


to put it another way, my eyesight is -4 roughly, in real life at 20m I can’t tell the difference between a person and a tree. Without glasses wearing a HMD I can very clearly see the difference, I can even read text if its big enough to be clear due to the resolution, at “infinity” irl that would be completely impossible to me. HMD’s are absolutely not set at “infinity” its complete nonsense. And yes you should be very embarrassed if you ever considered that to be an option.

Every HMD maker who has released that info has said something in the realms of 1 or 2m.


My camcorder shows the distance when I rotate the focus ring. So, my measuring for VIVE is 0.8m ± 10cm.


Assuming you don’t have a RL vision issue, these pics suggest reaching out to support would seem warranted.


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