My Review of the Pimax Vision 8kX and some missteps [Review]

Kind of a boring read but since so far there hasn’t been many initial reviews from some now recieving there Pimax 8kX HMD, I thought i would try to share my experience so far briefly and explain why i have not given a review and things that where mostly if not entirely my fault effecting my initial impressions.

Chronological ordering of events.

Received my unexpected delivery, Pimax box friend at my door all alone, oh OK then ah well excellent!

Downloaded what used to be one of my favorite VR games Vanilla turned out to be a mistake more on that later.

Downloaded Pitool 261 had issue no PiServiceLauncher. my fault probably.

Re-downloaded Pitool 260 worked without a hitch paired controllers and basestations took no time and
seems much more responsive than the earlier version i had been using v149 with the 8k.

Out of box HMD first impression, feels really light, like the smooth rubbery texture feels nice. Much quicker to place on head and get a stable place to adjust for sweet spot and the ratchet mech. allows for very secure stable feel, not going to move much at all depending on tightness applied compare to the DAS on my 8k.

Here’s where i will say what can go wrong for you as i found if you try the same things as i did while assessing the device.

Okay i’ll just try to take you there in my discription;
Head set on everything working. Started steamvr made the obligatory adjustments there. Started SkyrimVR vanilla no mods. Now ingame. Impression. Seems cloudy to bright what is this i say to myself, i then look down at the virtual ground in the startup area and the screen changes darker to what i feel should be the experience look up again and get this white blurring screen (what the…) Continue than i realize the fpsvr app i have attached to my wrist is causing the screen to cloud whenever i move my left wrist up or down. Okay glad thats not a HMD’s issue disabled and that problem solved.

Next and why i do not recommend using Vanilla SkyrimVR to test your Pimax 8kx when it arrives. The amount of fog in the game from room fog to floating fog will give the impression somethings wrong with your high resolution headset. At one point in the past i had 100’s of mods for this game fog removers being an important addition only then maybe. However, the very sharp crystal clarity of the hud menu i would describe as something akin to etched laser printed white writing on glass and yes readability in the pimax 8kx is that good in that situation, formerly more like looking through plastic but still nice on my 8k.

Briefly first impression on colors and shadows as i experiment with settings. Settings are very important here at least using SkyrimVR (don’t do it) or maybe but know that you need to adjust settings, back to my intent. Color and shadows, Color can be very good better than the 8k and for those who have the 8k+ you already knoow this. Increase in gama and adjustments to pitool game settings achieved great results. Amazing blue sky oranges reds very nice tomatoes those look nice. Still trying to get shadow and black levels to look right in game.

Something the high resolution can do as another mentioned is give a greater perception of this Virtual world being more real somehow. It makes sense when you think about it. VR characters seeming much more like living breathing persons.

I spent a lot of time in game just looking at what would be mundane objects like a wash bucket sitting on a barrel wow how fascinating or the wood grain in various stuctures.

Sound quality without headphones i will not even comment on.

So my early impressions despite my mystakes still overall very good. Working adding some mods maybe for better clarity or i try a different app.

Maybe this will help someone avoid making a few mistakes and as i learned do not always be quick to blame the HMD or software sometimes its just user error plain and simple. Take some time to adjust settings.



Thanks for your impressions! Have never tried SkyrimVR, only read that the vanilla experience can be rough… Perhaps Alyx might be a better reference game?

Ok… Perhaps it would be better to make one of the two alternatives the default then - or for people who want to use their own headphones anyways perhaps a no speakers option might be better than SMAS?


As Skyrim Vr is one of my main reasons I got into VR I would love to hear the settings you changed to get the best picture in the 8KX when you’re done fine tuning!


Hi Pimel,

I’ll try to share some of those settings a little later, if i don’t get lost again in Alyx or some other game. SkyrimVR is a favorite with mods. Yesterday I also decided to experiment with Skyrim Special addition modded using VorpX amazing there is a profile i found only one however i did manage to get it looking pretty nice and playing well in the Pimax 8kX that way with some mods using a wireless xbox controller.
There unfortunately again is a decrease in resolution but you can use Full Geometry the only way i would consider playing and VR experience.


I won’t ever use a normal controller for skyrim. Part of the fun is installing TK mods and flinging people all over the place with your hands.


Yeah i know what your saying generic, I was using the full body mod earlier that way in SkyrimVr and it was better. But sometimes when I’m am a bit tired or i play many older games still, hobby gamer here, the wireless xbox controller using the Controller Companion App if no support in game works for me and provides many hours of entertainment i can not at all get from movies. I must be interacting with my entertainment and have some effect maybe on outcomes.


Thanks for the impressions! Can you see any SDE? Did you notice any issues with distortions? Sounds like I’ll be placing an order for the DMAS asap. :slight_smile:


Seems so far we have had 2 :-1: and so far 0 :+1: on SMAS speakers.

I am glad the pimax team chose to create the Kickstarter advertised headphones instead of including a headphone pre amp or trying to make a low powered version of the SMAS.

I suspect over time the SMAS will be discontinued as one X Backer has remarked it to be less than Rift S and Quest.


I love that!
Sometimes when I go into VR it’s just to relax and be in another place, so it sounds like the 8KX plus Skyrim will be great for that.


One of the nice things about Half-Life: Alyx is that it rewards looking at (and searching through) details like that.


Agreed, am not really into the shooter aspect of the game (nor any other of that kind), but the atmosphere and attention to detail and interesting story made this a really worthwile experience!


neal_white_iii I was shortly after release playing halp life alyx with my 8k. The initial impression standing on the balcony was OMG next level stuff here. I did spend what seemed like an inordinate amount of time connecting circuits in the wall kind of cool at first but like the lock picking challenge all through skyrim gets old after awhile thank god for the Lockpicking mod by Kenny, just get the challenge out of the way and continue to explore is what i wanted.


@Fresco What does your wife think of the 8KX?

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Well thank god my X will never touch my Pimax8kX. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What about your girlfriend?


You mean my computer?


Skyrim is my go to test. But it is with 386 mods and a sharpening enb.


@ Fitzy Can you do a quick video . I would like to see how your modded skyrim looks like with that many mods .


People with the money to spend on an 1k USD headset should have the money for decent headphones too. I am happy to just have an unobtrusive headstrap that allows my headphones to sit comfortably. Audio engineering a whole different set of expertise to what PIMAX has experinece with. Better to rely on companies like Audeze or Bose for your audio output devices.

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I’m interested in using the new PS5 Pulse headset when it comes out.