My Pimax 5K+ has been stolen... Warning for french backers

vive la France…


Non ce ne sont pas tous des voleurs. D’un autre côté, s’ils arrêtaient d’exploiter des contractuels sous payés, peut-être que ces derniers n’auraient pas besoin de piquer des colis pour arrondir les fins de mois…

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C’est malheureusement vrai…

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I had a Vive headset stolen out from under me too… just the headset. It adds insult to injury knowing that for them, this headset is just a very expensive paperweight. I can just imagine these fools trying to figure out where their phone fits into it.

Hope that Pimax can make you whole.


Still nothing today… This support service is a joke.

I round an Idea to make the time pass… I will build a sim motion simulator. We will see if Pimax can solve my issue before I finish it.


New reply !
" Hi, really sorry for the late reply.

We are contacting our logistics partner and will give you a solution about this case, thanks for your waiting.

Best regards,

Pimax Support"

I don’t know what to expect next…


How long did you wait before you received this response from Pimax ?

I got this email yesterday. Before this one, i waited three weeks…
And it said to be a country with 1.3 billion of people… (I am joking)

At this rate, I will have done my rig before my headset arrives. Maybe @mozi can do something about it ?


J ai de très bon conseils pour toi si ca t intéresse pour ton Sim, le mien était similaire et j avais le meme design avant.


Je t’écoute ! :slight_smile: (20 characters)