MRTV: Pimax IPD Tutorial - How To Set Pimax 8KX IPD Offset Correctly! No More Eyestrain!

mechanically by eye, digitally the difference divided by 2

66-64=2 /2 =1
so -1 per eye as a basis

You can do it in PIExp. set to see if everything is sharp.
If you then take off the HMD and don’t have eye strain from CrossedEyes, you’re already close.
Then you can finetune. (Fine-tuning as the exact value varies a bit depending on the thickness of the face covering/lens-to-eye distance. But only in the smaller +/- 0.x range.)

The vertical setting, on the other hand, is tricky. At first I just adjusted by feel. But only in 0.1 steps. But in the end I stayed at 0 and positioned the HMD correctly on the nose.


So can getting first dibs on a shiny new 12k for exclusive unbiased independent review …

“. and all of this goodness is…coming up”

In all seriousneds though even Immersed Robot has come around and admits that he had a poor experience before and was wrong for just washing his hands of it and never going back to see it improve.

My first 4 months of ownership were terrible but after that It became my favorite headset.

I really would like Mike from VROasis to get an 8KX and see if his tune changes but I know he’s hardcire biased now and Pimax might not like the Risk/Reward proposition of sending him a headset for review.

Eric 4 Pres is also hardcore biased against most Chinese based headsets

but he’s lost alot of respect from me because he bad reviews headsets without even trying them himself.

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Thanks to MRTV’s video, I now feel comfortable watching videos and playing game. I thought I had it correct before but very hard to judge. Even following this video, it is still a bit hit and miss…but somehow I feel I got it right this time…maybe lucky…and you do need a bit of luck because the size of the virtual controller is not same as the real world.




mir persönlich hat es nicht geholfen, denn allein die Tatsache, dass ich keine Controller als SIm Spieler besitze, macht das ganze Video nutzlos. Auch das der IPD Wert nicht wirklich berücksichtigt wird und alles etwas nach Pi mal Daumen geht, hilft nicht wirklich. Brille ab und auf und dann …schätze mal es wird schon passen?

Ich habe etwas gefunden, was man bei z.B. meiner Pimax 8Kx machen kann, um den absoluten optimalen IPD Wert einzustellen und somit das perfekt scharfe Bild bekommt OHNE diesen ungenauen Controler versuch mit Brille auf und ab etc pp.

  1. Als erstes braucht man seine IPD Werte von einem Optiker. Wenn man dies hat, stellt man genau diese mit dem kleinen Rad an der Pimax ein. Schon mal klar das das nicht Unwichtig ist und schätzen ist da nicht wirklich hilfreich sondern ungenau.

  2. Dann benötigt man diese Datei

  3. Dann eine Sicherungskopie machen von pimax_default.jpg in C:\Program Files\Pimax\Runtime\resource

  4. Jetzt diese Datei ersetzen durch das herunter geladene Bild

  5. Jetzt Pimax aufsetzen und nun geht die Schieberei in dem Pimax Tool los.
    Bedeutet Du musst auf den Punkt im Pi Tool klicken und Pfeitaste an der Tastatur, kannst Du die Werte ändern. Noch seht ihr ein verzerrtes Bild vertikal und horizontal. Aber …

Jetzt das nicht dominante Auge (das wo ihr schlechter im normalen Leben lesen könne) zumachen und solange die Schieber bewegen bis:

a) auf eurem dominanten Auge (das andere Auge ist ja zu) das Kästchen in der Mitte ist, beim gerade aussehen und gestochen scharf.
b) Jetzt beide Augen aufmachen und das linke Bild so anpassen (auf das andere schieben) das es auf das andere Bild zu 100 % passt also aufeinander liegt. Bedeutet das man nur ein Bild, keine verzerrung bzw Verschiebung sieht. Eine Line liegt zu 100 % auf der anderen und siehe da …

Fertig ist das Top Bild…

Have Fun


I will try this as I do not have a controller. Many flight & race sim users also without tracked controllers which the VR channels forget to mention.

Thanks Mister German speaking guy ! :wink:


Here is mein-blau tv’s explanation translated from German to English using Google. Few grammatical edits for clarification ~ Big Thanks to Mister Mein-Blau TV :+1: :blush: :-


it didn’t help me personally, because the mere fact that I don’t have a controller as a SIM player makes the whole video useless. The fact that the IPD value is not really taken into account and that everything goes a little by thumb doesn’t really help either. Glasses off and on and then … I guess it will fit?

I found something that you can do with your Pimax 8Kx, to set the absolute optimal IPD value and thus get the perfectly sharp picture WITHOUT this imprecise controller attempt with glasses up and down etc.

First you need your IPD values ​​from an optician. If you have this, you set exactly this with the small wheel on the Pimax. The most precise measurement is very important.

Then you need this file :- 15

Then make a backup copy of pimax_default.jpg in C:\Program Files\Pimax\Runtime\resource

Replace the above file with the downloaded image.

Now put on your Pimax headset and the adjustment using the Pitool can begin.

You need to click on the point in the Pi Tool and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to change the numeric values up or down. At first you will see a distorted image vertically and horizontally. But …

Now close the non-dominant eye (the one where you can read less well in normal life) and move the slider until:

a) on your dominant eye (the other eye is closed) the box in the middle is looking straight and pin sharp.
b) Now open both eyes and adjust the left image (move it onto the other) so that it fits the other image 100%, i.e. it is on top of each other. Now you shouldt only see one picture, no distortion or displacement. One line is 100% on the other and lo and behold…

The top picture is ready…

  • With both eyes open and the image lined up correctly with no overlap, means the IPD settings are now correct ! *

Thank you when I have a moment will post a copy of this in #guidebank

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Danke für die Anleitung… aber blöde frage, wie komme ich zu pimax home, damit ich das Bild sehe und die IPD einstellen kann! Danke für die Hilfe.

Thanks for the guide… but stupid question, how do I get to pimax home so I can see the picture and set the IPD! Thanks for the help.


Tick box “Start Pitool Home” in Pitool settings to see the grid in the hmd

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I don’t see “start pitool home”!?
Just boxes to tick “close” (i think), “home” and “experience home”… but nowhere i can see hiw to start this.
I’m sorry :ok_man:t3:


I also cannot see the image, I do not understand why

You need a Pitool without the experience. It’s an older method before the software came out.


I’m using Pitool 261. Didn’t realize the option had gone from later pitools.

If the Guide has mentioned replacing default.jpg you need to load pitool and not launch SteamVR; as long as the Home is not active(3d planet scape) you should see the Pic.

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I tried Pitool 261 but it does not work with the 8kx dmas 2076

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You may need to try maybe 271 or 272.

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Pitool 271 and 272 does work with 8kx dmas but also with these old pitools I cannot see the image :pensive:

You would need to see what pitool version was out in Dec 2021 as that was when tjis new 8kX came out

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Is there another method to set up correctly the ipd offset? The method advised by mrtv is not so much precise to me

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This post describes a variation or different.