can’t believe i never tried this… like i tried everything else in the book and this solved all the worlds problems for me. thanks for sharing.
Nice. I’ve tried a lot of different things too, but never this exact version so looking forward to trying it too…
Shared it as soon as I saw it…
I’ve already done the procedure he’s describing in the video. And it makes quite a difference.
The information has already been out there on the forums, but it’s scattered, not necessarily well written, and some of it is conflicting. This video brings it together in an easy to understand way which is going to help a lot of people have a better experience with their Pimax headsets.
Sargon is right, he credits me with this tutorial, but if you find what I shared in the Pimax and MRTV Discord I mention that it wasn’t really original information. Rather, I cobbled it together from various things I saw here on the OpenMR forums - focusing on a controller, going one eye at a time, etc. If there’s any original contribution in there, it’s to use your keyboard arrows, as I found that a much easier way to fine-tune the values!
Okay if you can post this we can add both the written and @mixedrealityTV video. Haven’t looked over the video; but on the other hand have not had eye strain issues except with using extreme ipd soft offsets.
You can also use tab (next control) and shift-tab (previous control) to change between the controls (left eye, right eye, vertical offsets, etc). This can be particularly helpful since it avoids changing the current value of the control and losing what it was set to like clicking on it with the mouse does.
Only thing I can’t believe is that @mixedrealityTV is doing positive Pimax content again.
Oh snap, of course that would work… thanks for mentioning it! That’ll make my next recalibration that much easier.
Time can heal past experiences. That and it seems pimax has resolved some of the earlier issues he described.
I’m having a bit of trouble doing this. The controllers in vr looks a different size than in real life so it does look like they are at the wrong height/distance which makes it difficult to adjust. Controller size is not affected by world size so that doesn’t work. I only use on base station so that might be one explanation. Anyone else have the same issue?
Exactly! @mixedrealityTV had a preproduction unit…imagine if @PimaxUSA gave @mixedrealityTV a pre-production 12K? Of course we appreciate the honesty that Sebastien brings to his channel! Im glad he gave Pimax another chance. @PimaxUSA and @mixedrealityTV: we hope to see all of THAT goodness - coming up!
How can you calibrate IPD if you don’t have controllers to use as reference?
Possibly by using the base stations as spatial references, in their stead…
turn the soft ipd half of the mechanical discrepance smaller
like, if you have real ipd of 64 und your hardware ipd is fine at 62, use -1 on soft. Its not perfect, but good start to refine.
That’s the way I’ve been walking for 2 years. I ended up with -1 on the left and -1.2 on the right to be nearly perfect
It’s a pixel shift. When you understand how it works, the principle becomes logical.
64-2 = 2:2=1, the 0,2 remove the the slight blur on the right eye for me.
So, my IPD is 66mm, so I try 64mm then adjust using Pitool?
What do I use as references to get the focus?
mechanically by eye, digitally the difference divided by 2
66-64=2 /2 =1
so -1 per eye as a basis
You can do it in PIExp. set to see if everything is sharp.
If you then take off the HMD and don’t have eye strain from CrossedEyes, you’re already close.
Then you can finetune. (Fine-tuning as the exact value varies a bit depending on the thickness of the face covering/lens-to-eye distance. But only in the smaller +/- 0.x range.)
The vertical setting, on the other hand, is tricky. At first I just adjusted by feel. But only in 0.1 steps. But in the end I stayed at 0 and positioned the HMD correctly on the nose.
So can getting first dibs on a shiny new 12k for exclusive unbiased independent review …
“. and all of this goodness is…coming up”
In all seriousneds though even Immersed Robot has come around and admits that he had a poor experience before and was wrong for just washing his hands of it and never going back to see it improve.
My first 4 months of ownership were terrible but after that It became my favorite headset.
I really would like Mike from VROasis to get an 8KX and see if his tune changes but I know he’s hardcire biased now and Pimax might not like the Risk/Reward proposition of sending him a headset for review.
Eric 4 Pres is also hardcore biased against most Chinese based headsets
but he’s lost alot of respect from me because he bad reviews headsets without even trying them himself.
Thanks to MRTV’s video, I now feel comfortable watching videos and playing game. I thought I had it correct before but very hard to judge. Even following this video, it is still a bit hit and miss…but somehow I feel I got it right this time…maybe lucky…and you do need a bit of luck because the size of the virtual controller is not same as the real world.
mir persönlich hat es nicht geholfen, denn allein die Tatsache, dass ich keine Controller als SIm Spieler besitze, macht das ganze Video nutzlos. Auch das der IPD Wert nicht wirklich berücksichtigt wird und alles etwas nach Pi mal Daumen geht, hilft nicht wirklich. Brille ab und auf und dann …schätze mal es wird schon passen?
Ich habe etwas gefunden, was man bei z.B. meiner Pimax 8Kx machen kann, um den absoluten optimalen IPD Wert einzustellen und somit das perfekt scharfe Bild bekommt OHNE diesen ungenauen Controler versuch mit Brille auf und ab etc pp.
Als erstes braucht man seine IPD Werte von einem Optiker. Wenn man dies hat, stellt man genau diese mit dem kleinen Rad an der Pimax ein. Schon mal klar das das nicht Unwichtig ist und schätzen ist da nicht wirklich hilfreich sondern ungenau.
Dann benötigt man diese Datei
Dann eine Sicherungskopie machen von pimax_default.jpg in C:\Program Files\Pimax\Runtime\resource
Jetzt diese Datei ersetzen durch das herunter geladene Bild
Jetzt Pimax aufsetzen und nun geht die Schieberei in dem Pimax Tool los.
Bedeutet Du musst auf den Punkt im Pi Tool klicken und Pfeitaste an der Tastatur, kannst Du die Werte ändern. Noch seht ihr ein verzerrtes Bild vertikal und horizontal. Aber …
Jetzt das nicht dominante Auge (das wo ihr schlechter im normalen Leben lesen könne) zumachen und solange die Schieber bewegen bis:
a) auf eurem dominanten Auge (das andere Auge ist ja zu) das Kästchen in der Mitte ist, beim gerade aussehen und gestochen scharf.
b) Jetzt beide Augen aufmachen und das linke Bild so anpassen (auf das andere schieben) das es auf das andere Bild zu 100 % passt also aufeinander liegt. Bedeutet das man nur ein Bild, keine verzerrung bzw Verschiebung sieht. Eine Line liegt zu 100 % auf der anderen und siehe da …
Fertig ist das Top Bild…
Have Fun