Personally I’m very happy with my Pimax HMD but would like to buy Valve index controllers to replace my Vive wands. So happy to get the below message from them.
"Thank you for your interest in the Valve Index.
Valve Index VR kits will be available for purchase this Monday (March 9th) starting at 10 AM PDT (5 PM UTC).
I sold my 8kplus today(while waiting on my 8kx) and kept the index,you wont be disapointed with this device!
Very good brightness,clarity and colors!Only the glare could be less(but you get used to it somehow)
If this had the field of view from the pimax then it was golden…
But the field off view is better then the other headsets,and ofcourse the amazing audio!
Lol no back order, totally hoping to click faster (not helped that I will be stuck at work) . Happy to share the news with you guys even if it means dropping down the queue - in truth I’ve waited all this time and it won’t kill me to wait a bit longer.
I’m already feeling that feeling you get when you’re ready to get those concert tickets and still too many people got there before you and you’re left empty handed… I want these controllers…
The bundle with everything as well as just the headset are labelled as “available soon” in the German Steam store now. Unfortunately not the Index controllers alone, still just “out of stock”. Sigh…
Getting the game included would have been a nice opportunity to finally upgrade from the original Vive controllers.
I’ve have a horrible feeling you might be right ie they might not restock the controllers only option. I signed up for Valve index controllers updates but maybe they just sent out a generic email to everyone. Tyriel Wood suggested moving money to a steam wallet to make the purchase process quicker/simpler. Seemed like a good idea at the time but I might regret it later
I have to wait 15 more minutes to see what will be, but… they asked specifically which part of boundle, or option I am interested in, so generic email (HMD options only) would be a big no.
I got something; there was possibility to buy controllers, I clicked it (1st time error, 2nd time succesfuly). It says “ordered”, and in process of buying. I didn´t pay it yet.