Let's talk about 'Pimax Day' here

Such professionals…lmao


Pimax (may)day …


That’s awesome! looking forward to it actually.

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Is the stream frozen for anyone else?

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Yes it is!!!

I think the only thing available soon will be the updated 8k and the base stations. Everything else will be well into next year


Stream is dead
Do something plz

lol what a bad time for the stream to freeze. “Ah yes, the eye tracking is 200 dol-”



Typical pimax professionalism

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I thought they were doing alright then the stream crashed.

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@SweViver @PimaxUSA @Matthew.Xu stream is always cutting out. If they don’t know, then someone at Pimax needs to inform them so that they can restart their streaming software.

Seen it all before with Frontier and Elite :joy:

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Stream is dead. Dissapointed in the fact we can not play till june 2020 and stretch goals seem to cost extra money.

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Thing is, they didn’t cover it in detail… :wink: They didn’t say that the rigid head strap would be free for pre-order customers, so they “forgot” just like they “forgot” about the eye-tracking stretch goal?


LOL they’re probably still talking there, without even knowing the stream is down


Exciting to see they are putting out a flexible upgrade program, just hope on that new site they build for backers that they allow ordering of everything at once (eye tracking, hand tracking, headset, long cable, cooling fans, face pads), etc. So we can at least be in the queue for it all.

Gotta see some captures to determine which headset I will upgrade to though. I still don’t know how they will get anything for the next five years to run true 4K per eye at 75fps, 2080ti struggles to get one 4K render to run at 75fps, let alone two but maybe this is where other fancy tech will come in! I do know that rendering 4K twice is stupid though as so much is overlap.


Do you think people with broken cases will receive an upgraded version or the old ones?

Actually, stream ended … LOL

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Stream ended. WTH is going on?

Difficult to say could just be RGB vs pentile like.

So backers were aupposed to get eye tracking free…but it said just b4 the stream ended… $299 for eye tracking $199 for backers…bunch of jokers