Key questions about 8K VR ? List here

If you watch the second video on the bottom of the Kickstarter page the one that show the modular design he spins around the headset without cords and attaches the wireless module so its safe to assume yes they are removable. And at 26 seconds it shows him unplugging the headset cord. And at 29 seconds it shows the USB and DSP connection cable and if you look closely you can see the unplugged end on the table. And there is no way they would have a wireless module with 5 meters of non removable cable attached to the headset.

Thatā€™s just observation official comment would be nice.

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Same as HTC vive, around 5m

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We have strict requirements for our suppliers, so please be assured that cords will not easy to damage.

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But i think @JeepingJohnny has the answer. Yes the cords are removable & thus replaceable as with the wireless module youā€™d want ti have the cords removed.

While your supplier may make cords quite durable, dogs & cats can be quite proficient at destroying them. :v::weary::+1::sparkles:


When will htc launch the new lighthouse 2.0? Pimax is the first to offer them? :open_mouth:


Probably the same time knuckles are launched. Right now there really is no reason apart from supplying them in the new Vive kits. Everyone who has vive has the lighthouses already.

You can also add 75USD to your pledge for 1 pimax lighthouse

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whether circumstantial or not, would be technically the first basestation compatible with the 2.0 tracking system, if the deadlines are metā€¦ this circumstance could be a good publicity :wink:

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Sorry if this has been asked and answered already: How long will the DP cable be on the 8K? Also, whatever length it is, can it be extended?

I believe it wa said 5m


Will pimax allow us a way to use steamvr asynchronous reprojection/interleaved if we want? Why I think this is important is I heard a rumor theyā€™re working on a really great new version of space warp where each axis/x y z will have its own independent reprojection. This is something we will certainly want to utilize if pimax opens up options to use this.

How kickstarter product will look like ? Prototype unit have ugly holes with diods!
do we get more precise HMD look ?

I believe the look of the HMD in Kickstarter is the final look of the unit. I donā€™t see these ugly holes or diods you mention. The controllers on the other hand have not been finalized so we donā€™t really know for sure what they will look like. Anyway, do you really care what the HMD looks like as long as it functions the way itā€™s being advertisedā€¦ comfortable, light, no ghosting, no SDE and 200 FOV?


LOL come on man, if you want to look good better buy some nice clothing instead of a HMD. This is for gaming, not to impress women.


just check how they finished diods area in Vive or Oculus , in prototype I clearly see holes and green PCB layout. Donā€™t you think that thouse holes should be masked somehow ? Come onā€¦ :slight_smile:
Even from practical point of view - dust or sweat can get in.

Where exactly do you see these holes? Now on the side I see some screws. But as I also understand, Pimax is going to provide additional add-on modules which would use their screws to attach the add-ons. Me personally, I couldnā€™t care less how they look. Itā€™s all about functionality and performance.

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Iā€™d like to see something like this, personallyā€¦
But Iā€™m a girl and I like nice looking things lol.
But Iā€™m definately not going to complain about the look as I really just want them to focus on making the headset work wellā€¦ like itā€™s supposed to.


marketing picture of first prototype is not the same like 2nd builded prototype

do you have Vive HMD ? dont you see obvious differences in build quality
so the key question is do they going to mask somehow thouse holes for kickstarter units?

Thatā€™s obviously prototype hardware. I remember Pimax said theyā€™d cover them, but I donā€™t remember quite whereā€¦ probably near the end of the impossible to read kickstarter comments stream.


I know with the lg hmd you canā€™t even see them, thatā€™d be great.

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You say that the 5K backers will get the option to choose between OLED and CLPL screen on our units.
Will choosing one screen over another effect the time we receive the units? And will we have too pay extra to have one screen over the other?
Seems like CLPL will be the default, so will we have to pay extra for an OLED screen?

@PimaxVR @deletedpimaxrep1 @Matthew.Xu

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