KDMAS and 5k+ fit, not great

Finally hooked up my backer KDMAS. I’m coming from a 3D print modified Vive DAS, which was great except it couldn’t tighten enough for smaller heads.

Biggest issue I have with the KDMAS is it doesn’t matter how low the back is and how much I tighten it, it’s still very loose on the sides and so I cannot get it to be as snug as others. Does anyone else have this issue? Has anyone modified theirs in any way to improve this?

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This is a feature. You just need to tight it more :slight_smile:.

Seriously, the problem is that Pimax uses the same frame as for the DMAS with off-ear drivers and the additional cushions they put on do not stretch far enough. Either find a thicker ear pads or tighten it more.

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My head is more average. However just in front of the speakers inside the strap towards the hinges. Those pads are removable attached by velcro. So you can likely put thicker padding there.

@GrodenVR has made 3d printed ‘bass extenders’ for the ear cups.


Yeah I have the same thing. I tighten it to the point I’m scared the wheel gears are going to snap to get a decent fit. Frankly I like the cloth strap better. More pressure on my nose but better with my own headphones and overall fit. But I use KMDAS for convenience

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So the headphones placement is good, but yeah, if there was replacement thicker foam out there for the foam that’s right above the headphones then that would solve my problem I think. Doesn’t seem like there’s anything out there for this though.

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Think this for now would need to cut some foam to shape.

After having used this for a while, it really is one of the most uncomfortable setups. Very disappointing. Going to just go back to my 3d printer modified mount of the Vive’s DAS. The Vive DAS ends up being too big for small heads but 99% of the time I’m the one using it so, oh well.

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I was initially disappointed with the fit and was going to return to my DAS but once I added some foam in the right places to fill out the fit, I actually got liking mine.
I wasn’t pleased with the KDMAS audio, but since i don’t use headphones for gaming that never became an issue.

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I agree about the bad fit and the inability to tighten due to the weak construction of the tightening wheel makes it even worse to get it to sit tight. Is it that they never tried these on Western heads (possibly these are narrower on average)? As it is the my KDMAS is loose around the sides and the back padded section looks like it should sit properly, but at least for me it kind of touches mostly on one edge of the padding rather than supporting with the whole pad surface.

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Unfortunately western heads have alot of variation. If you look at early prototype in white plastic from the KS updates they did have a familiar western personality we all know wearing it. :smirk:

The fit on my head is reasonably. But I don’t have a universal western head(there really isn’t one).

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My first feelings about the tightening wheel are also that it feels weak. However after adding some foam at the sides to close the gaps (average head size) and several months use, i find that while feeling cheap the tightening wheel is hold up well and tightens sufficiently. For my head anyway.
I did read a post where the wheel apparently broke, but it doesn’t appear to be any kind of issue as far as i have seen.
I didn’t need the counter-weight that I used on my Vive DAS but I could see where that might be helpful for smaller heads.

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The wheel design is indeed very weakly designed. One fellow I think redid the shaft with a screw iirc. This is where they should have bought the Ratcheting mechanism vs designing there own and we would have a quick release as well(though simmers with Headrests might have an issue with it loosening)

whats the status of the Deluxe Modular Audio Strap ?

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Last update on them. We might see them start shipping by 2nd week of Apr(maybe)

On several occasions I’ve tightened it and then had it slip - you could hear the strap slipping past the teeth. Really, the wheel has a crappy design mechanically speaking. Feels cheap and fails at its function sometimes. I guess it matches the overall feel of the KDMAS - i.e. not very refined.

I have to say that the bad/loose fit of the KDMAS combined with the painful fit of the 5K+ on my nose (due to my relatively small IPD) really doesn’t make me want to spend much time in VR. Sure you can pad it all up (and I have added some ghetto padding around the nose piece), but you really shouldn’t have to do this kind of stuff at this price point.


I found the fit as shipped to be poor compared to my Vive DAS (especially the thick foam). I added foam at my temples for better snugness. I use the thin foam but found the rubber nose flap to be annoying and cut it away and then added two small pieces of foam to where it fit the sides of my nose to reduce the light exposure. and add comfort. I do like a little gap to peek at my keyboard in some flight sims and games that still use the keyboard in menus and extra controls,
As modified, the comfort is fine for me. If it breaks it was free and I still have my DAS.

I just got the KDMAS. For me it is loose at the sides with gaps and lets in light but the big issue is the knob at the back won’t tighten as much as I would like.
If I tighten it past a certain point it just slips undone again and the whole thing slackens off.

I dare say you paid for it one way or another, because it’s Pimax.

The side pads are removable and you could install thicker ones. They are attached by velcro.

The rear pad can also be removed and thicker padding can be attached.

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True but given what I ended up paying for the 5K+, I’m ahead of the game. Especially for the hours spent in it. VR is really a very economical form of entertainment when calculated in $/hr. Compared to going out for a movie it’s literally peanuts and if your thrifty verging on cheapass :grinning: like myself that cost/hr gets less the longer you can go without upgrade costs.
Then going out for a movie may not be high on the entertainment expenses these days either. I certainly have been glad to have my own home theater. Especially in these Covid times.