Kat Loco DOES WORK now!

Not tested much with them myself and i am afraid i can’t help either :frowning:

I am still much invested in diy locomotion methods that really that is the only thing I am testing and developing for all this time .


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I saw on their Kickstarter that they are no longer purporting compatibility with Cosmos. :disappointed:

Hi guys, I am thinking to maybe buy this kat loco, but it is at the moment a lot of money for me and that is why I am still a bit doubting.

Also it is hard to find current reviews for it for me.

How do you like the experience with the kat loco? Does it work well and do you think it ads a lot to the experience? Games I would like to play with it is Skyrim VR and Borderlands 2 VR. I have the oculus rift S.

Greets! Looking to hear from you guys :slight_smile:

I got katloco the other day. I got it to work with skyrim which I had purchased on steam walked around for a good hour which was cool.

I saw a you tube video with someone playing robo recall and I dont know how to make it work on steam. Or with katloco any help would be appreciated

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To make it work on steam you have to launch Kat Gateway as administrator first, check firewall and grant permissions, it will appear in the steamvr menu, between desktop and library. For RoboRecall you have to use revive and use this mod: RoboRecall Locomotion Mod - Meta Community Forums - 556551


Hi guys!

I received katloco last week but I still can’t got it work :cold_sweat:.

Following the steps of the Kat Team the headset is detected by gateway and recognise my headset. I have checked also I can see KatVR menu into my SteamVR.

I tried to play games using it and using Steam in my Desktop following the instructions in each game (change the type of locomotion mode) but I can not still walk within the game

I tested on Fallout4, Arizona Sunshine & Gorn but 0 success.

I am using Htc Vive headset.

Do you know what more can I do?

Thanks a lot in advance :slight_smile:

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