It's stupid to make purchase decisions solely over how a graphics card LOOKS

My card faces me in my mini-itx case actually, currently a 1080 FE, quite a looker. Can’t lie though, the 3080 will be going straight into my mid tower… facing down for only me to stare at :rofl:

I know it’s just a case, but the overall quality of that matters to me as well. I had an ASUS strix 970 and the plastic was just horrific in terms of quality, feels like the 5k+ plastic. Middle fan bearing shot after about 1.5 years, sounds like you’re making coffee when you play games. I don’t feel it’s right to support companies that put so little effort into case designs of thousand dollar products, even if I hardly look at it. The conservative approach of the asus TUF and zotac cards is cool though, I’d go with either if I can’t get a FE.


This video that just was posted has a part that is aimed directly towards this thread

@NextGenVR he’s talking to you :slight_smile:


Yeah I saw that lol. I don’t think it’s a minority. I think the majority of people, probably like 55% don’t really care what a card looks like but are not vocal about it on the internet :rofl:


I bet people just slap the card on their Motherboard and call it a day, let’s face it people who care about this is the huge huge minority looking at Steamcharts.


you’ll love this review

this is how a boutique reviewer sees things.

He’s a good laptop reviewer but he’s so out of his element here.

Believe it or not alot more people care about what their stuff looks like than you think. I know designers you’d be shocked. Their minds are wired differently.


I got lucky my Gigabyte 3080 Gaming Oc arrived one day after launch… I then immediately strapped my pc to my motorcycle and and ripped it 2 hours to that PC shop.

I was 16th to order at my semi local Pc shop, i asked for the ugliest 3080 they could ship as anyone before me wouldn’t want that one. Only two cards made it to the store, 1 MSI card and my gigabyte.

Pff what a fluke but a little birdy told me there was a gigabyte maybe heading this way from their warehouse :).

I have the ugliest old Pc case and no rgb but its a stealthy sleeper. Under the hood it has all new hardware and it’s ready to rock…(well almost i get pc back tomorrow i hope)
I upgraded from a gtx1080fe so this will be a decent upgrade.


Nice, congrats man! Can you do some VR benchmarks with it? We don’t have a lot of those.

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Yes i plan on trying Pcars 2 first/ DR 2.0 / ED / MSFS to start as these have bin a thorn in my side to run previously. Many more 2 try after that.


I want a new Pc case though i never cared about visual Aesthetics… Was just happy to be able to run a sim in vr.

I hear this case has some issues but i like the look of this full tower with a bit of brushed Aluminum and black with carbon fibre accents and maybe some white rgb & clear water cooling. (Cougar Panzer Max - G). The Gigabyte 3090 brushed aluminum high-end model would look good in this imo.

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Sweet case. Reminds me of my ooooold CM storm scout. I’m a huge fan of handles on a case, honestly.


I never got the glass panel and all the lighting effects people look for in their in case components. Even before VR my attention was focused on looking at the screen. Not my tower. Most of the stuff in my case that lights up is wasted and even more so now that I’m inside VR.
Making my tower light up like a rock concert may be entertaining and lovely at Christmas, but seems to be more like vanity plates and bragging rights than having any real intrinsic value.
I can, however, understand how some would want the aesthetics of their rigs to enhance their room from a furniture perspective.
If that’s your thing then by all means.
Personally, I don’t see it literally (no window panel). In fact. lighting from my tower would be disruptive as it also runs my home theater. Nice we all have choices. :smiley:


Thanks by the way!
Only tested PC2/DR2 so far and i am very impressed with the Sharpness i can achieve on my 5k+.
Pcars 2 (non Vr) 2560×1400 60hz
Med settings full field of cars. @nords between 280fps/305fps (just for reference) auto in game settings.

Pcars 2/5k+ VR
Pitool 264 & firmware 264
72hz/normal/no motion smoothing. Render quality 2.
Ffr balanced.
Steam Vr 30%/pcars application 90%/ Res 3200x2732.

Pcars2 Graphics settings
Monitor res 1280×720 24hz
Windowed yes
Textures High
Vsync yes
Post aa off
Msaa medium
Lol everything else low off
Shadows low. (I could turn things up need more time but close to wall i think)

Same setting i use with gtx 1080fe accept shadows off & pitool at 1.5.
Early testing i want a very stable 72hz and highest res possible.
This sim is still very demanding and my R5 3600x isn’t enough i suspect, soon to be upgraded to amd zen 3 hopefully should help.
However the Sharpness feels dialled in very smooth I am extremely happy.

Pc specs: Gigabyte 3080 gaming Oc no extra Oc.
R5 3600x no Oc just boost.
Asus Prime x570p mobo
Mp600 1tb pcie x4 ssd/ 1tb hdd/ 240ssd/
32g Ram 2×8 flareX 14c
Corsair 850wt gold


Heaven benchmark score… I imagine this is okay I have no idea I don’t use this stuff.

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Aerofly fs2 looks incredible with all in game graphics maxed and in game sharpening tool maxed.
Pitool res 2
Steam vr 30% & application 100%
Large fov is very sharp.
72hz no motion smoothing

Elite Dangerous looks very sharp and smooth in stations now. Made my day :slight_smile: Pitool res 2 / normal / in game ss 1.0 / Hmd quality 1.25
With some fairly high settings
72hz / no motion smoothing.

Anyways got way off topic … it’s Saul good now graphically in games

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For comparison, here’s what I got on my 2080…


The 3080 score was 37% higher, but interestingly, my minimum framerate was 24% higher.

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Its seems to be a bit random … Did another test and got this


Okay a couple more benchmarks but just let me know if it’s not proper to post this here … looks quiet no one reads this anyway :slight_smile:

No Man’s Sky you can crank game graphics set a high all around but there is more room need to test more.
Pitool res 2/normal/72hz no motion smoothing/ steam vr 30%/application 100%.
Extremely smooth flight on planets & very sharp.
Pitool 264 made some improvements in color on all games. Great fps still.

MSFS. 103fps flying through heavily treed mountains, 73fps when flying ground level through the Valley’s.
2560×1440p / high game settings with some res settings set higher to emulate more of a 4k look but with less fps loss.


This is why it’s such a shame multi gpu is not really supported in any games or vr.


Choosing a good looking card from a popular brand isn’t a bad idea from a resale perspective.

This setup meets my minimum requirements and it looks cool, ironically the guy doesn’t use a clear cover.


problem is it costs so much more time, effort and money and to me looks like crap now because the cards are deprecated.