Internal power adapter lets your pc power your pimax instead of an external power adapter

I was unaware this is @lgbeno product when I posted this thread but I’m in for one!

For those looking to “simplify your vr setup” or maybe got shorted a power adapter by Pixmax by accident, I think this is worth a look. It draws power from your internal Sata port and then runs it to your headset thus eliminating the need to plug into an electrical outlet. Costs $20 USD plus shipping.

Also a Vive/vive pro option for $16.


@lgbeno this is your product?
Will you ship to Europe? Shipping cost?

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Thanks! Yes it is, at least the DC cable product, Accell is a separate company and product. It is still cool though and gives me some ideas…

I am taking orders for European customers now as well. I’ve been trying to get my shipping costs as low as possible but it seems like right now that best that I can do is $13.99 for shipping to Europe through the post office. To be specific, the breakdown is $11.99 per order plus $2 for each item that you purchase. VAT is not included, I still need to learn if it is possible for an american company to collect that and give to respective governments.

What I would really like to do (and could use some help with) is to find a distributor or shop in country so that I could bulk ship to them and then they can fulfill local orders, I think that would save everyone some headache. Until an arrangement like that can be made, the process above should hopefully work.


Can you offer Pimax users a discount code?

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Why buy it? Save money.

-More details-

  1. When producing, make only those with electrical knowledge.
  2. After making the cable, connect it to the computer.
  3. For a normally functioning power supply, if an accidental short circuit occurs, the safety device will operate and shut down automatically.
  4. For products sold, a motherboard slot is used. If an accidental problem occurs, the motherboard may fail.

You are more then welcome to do that, some things to be careful of:

  1. when cutting the 5v wires you need to make sure to insulate the stubs so then do not short to something inside your PC case.
  2. this product is fuse protected so that is generally a good idea to protect you PSU from accidental shorts
  3. Exiting the PC case with this wire is definitely possible but the PCI slot makes it more detachable, convenient and tidy.

In any case, I think its cool for people to bulid it themselves and it will save some money (If you don’t consider time and risk)

With respect to a discount, unfortunately I cannot do it wholesale for everyone right now.

I’m able to offer sale pricing of the Vive product because I know roughly the number of Vive users that are out there and how many units will be break even on the much larger investment I made on the MOQ from the factory.

With Pimax, the market is smaller so I need to divide that MOQ by a smaller number and hence the price difference.

All of this said, I also realize that financial circumstances are different for different users. On a case by case basis, I would consider a discount. For example if you were a student or to help offset a few dollars of shipping to a country outside of the US. That would be a private discussion that you are welcome to ask via the website form on the product page.


Yeah I saw this, however with shipping and taxes it would end up at about $60, so not really an option, unless as you say you can team up with other retailers to ship in bulk.

Exactly, and at the moment the vast majority of that $60 is cost that is out of my hands. Sucks for all of us that it works out like that. But again, better local distribution would be the answer.

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You could add a small fuse holder on the 12v+ easily enough


It is better if it has this.

There is a better way to spend a small sum.

Is there a tutorial for noobs? I don’t wanna ruin my pc or do something stupid while setting this up lol

I did an install video that is on the website and in the uploadvr article


Funny you mention this.
I just today made an order from China to make my own approach to this, very similar to yours.

adapter of vive is bigger than pimax, not sure the size. Pimax use the 3.5mm jack.

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@Virtualmisterl have the measurements in the other thread

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Yes I believe the vive is 3.8mm & the pimax is 3.5mm.
I have purchased one of these off of @lgbeno website but it does get quite pricey for what it is, once you start to calculate other costs. $34 + 20% vat + usually about an £8.50 customs handling fee, for me in the uk

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Next week I’ll look at getting Fulfillment by Amazon in the UK, maybe that solves some of the logistics shipping to there. I’m still learning on the rest of Europe and the best way.

I see the most intest coming from Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland in that order.

If anyone else has recommendations, I’ll try to send a message to more localized providers.

I tried to get representation from Newegg but they declined.


Thx , ordered ! :slight_smile:


I really like the sound of this, but my PC power supply is about maxed out, so I’ll stick with the standard solution. I hope your product is successful.