If 8K is coming soon, how about 8K-X? (Does same computer suffice?)

@deletedpimaxrep1 Is the 8K-X coming up soon after 8K? Because of the extra grafix power that is required to wield such an 8K-X. The X does have 2 chips, I read from @Heliosurge his comments. So, would two 1080GTXs be sufficient? Or is an even more advanced type of grafixcard required? (1180 / 2080)

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Hi George for games that support MGPU a dual 1080 setup may work. Bit we’d be looking for dx11 games with vrwerks or dx12/vulkan games that support it. I could be wrong though. :wink:

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Pimax has stayed pretty silent about the X’s status and it’s not enough to just blanket statement “When the 5K/8K is done, we will work on the X”.

That’s so far from what their Kickstarter indcated…

5-31-18 is soo gone.

Oh really ? Don’t tell me that they will not deliver the 8K last January either ? :scream:

I dont care for the release dates. I am wondering that if 8k-x is using 2 chips, how much computerpower you will need. If I find a way to afford myself the 8k, I will need a nice and shiny high end computer. But if, say, a year later the 8k-x is hitting the shelves, ‘We gonna need a bigger boat’?

It’s probable that all current cards available now will have performance issues at some level driving the 8K-X at full res/90hz. However its also dependent on other factors… the application/game being used and the rendering resolution you use…such as if you’re sub-sampling or super-sampling.

Its always been stated by pimax from the start “Only for those who own a PC with at least GTX1080ti (still testing, may need 1080Ti SLI, or the next generation graphic card e.g. Nvidia Volta), CPU i7, and 16GB” and basically they don’t know… so we don’t either.

As the next generation of GPU’s are on the way rumor have it… that’s where I would be aiming to run an 8K-X minimum and accept the compromises.


I understand. I was hoping for a more or less modular solution, in which one can use a high end computer with a 1080ti card and when 8kx comes in, add another 1080ti for mgpu use, which by then has dropped in price, making it somewhat bearable moneywise.

SLI is not very well supported by VR. As @Heliosurge mentions there is nvidia vrworks which includes the vr sli capability but apps and games need to support this, as far as I know very little do.

So personally I would be aiming for the best single card you can buy, possibly a GTX 1180 very soon (who knows).


It’s some time before new GPU’s are available, Pimax is in no hurry to deliver a working 8KX when the GPU’s aren’t even for sale yet. After the 8K they still have some time to iron out the kinks in the 8KX and ride the publicity wave of a frikkin awesome 8K.


Yeah I always though that was interesting, 8k-x may need two gpus but you can only use a handfull of apps in SLI. So 8Kx is basically great for playing nvidia funhouse as long as you have 2k worth of cards in your rig.

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You dont really need two gpus in order to use headset. You need two gpus only if you want to have some over powered performance without any reprojection considering hard demanding games.

Its like purchasing 4k monitor and trying to get 166fps for the gaming monitor. You can easily use these with 60 fps and a single card, or you can spend thousand dollars for multi GPU and prey for volta.

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2x 3840x2160 @ 90hz is the requirement, not taking into account the recommended sampling rate. That’s a big ask for any title from the off and not “over powered performance” and not much out there will achieve that without some compromises. Re-projection shouldn’t be one.

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I think Pimax are betting that foveated rendering will be more common place by then. NVidia/AMD know they are behind the curve when it comes to the doubled up demand that VR requires and it is only going to keep biting their heels unless something changes.

Solutions are many though

  • Foveated rendering with/without eye tracking
  • Dual/Tripple GPU single cards
  • Brute force 7nm
  • A entirely new card specifically for dual display VR/AR.

Then there are VR/AR advances that don’t even have display panels and use lightfield or other direct to eye techniques that might lower power demands but have greater clarity and fov.

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Pimax 8K !!! A 1180 in Q4 2018 is great.
Pimax 8K-X !!! You are very rich. Nothing less TITAN SLI 7nm in Q1 2019

I get the picture:
hardware is designed for 1 GPU card. companies dont like developing for 2 cards
software isnt ready for 8k-x.
entire vr industry isnt developed enough.

So for the time being, 8k is here to stay for a few years and only when the industry develops further into software and hardware, a 3rd generation will come out. being 8k-x or even better.

So even after all the hurdles, there is some silver lining, making the 8k a standard which you can enjoy for at least 2/3 years. High end PC plus good gpu cardat least 1080, but preferably 1180.

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Sorry, although I did pledge for the 8K(X), after checking my account again I can confirm I do not qualify as rich by any means.

So I would have considered a Titan if it had been in the price range fo the previous editions, but I believe nowadays NVidia is asking around 3,000 EUR for them and that is simply completely out of range. For that kind of amount I‘d rather wait the 8 months for the Ti version and invest the saved amount into a motion rig…

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I’m not sure higher resolution counts as next gen VR. I would say things like light field and adaptive focal lengths in combination with a higher resolution will make a headset next gen. New stuff, not just more of the same stuff.

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True. You are right. New stuff will make gen 3.

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I have a different point of view here. The next gen is the subsequent group of VR goggles with characteristics setting them apart as a group for the previous gen. The current gen has a kind of consensus on resolution, FoV etc. with more modern ones having extended the resolution and improved SDE, but in sum not yet enough to make it next gen.

If we asked for new advanced elements like the light field to be the trigger for the next gen, then we would be stuck in the current gen for another 5 or 10 years and the Playstations iterations from PS1 to PS3 would probably all count as one gen and only PS4 was next gen because adopting a more standard PC architecture ? Oh, no it would not because from the customer perspective it still just offered more of the same…

Hmm I see your point. Yet, after this headset fov won’t increase much and all that’s left is higher native res and maybe refresh rate. While different techniques might be more suitable for a next gen title. So it’s a matter of defining next geb as different or better.