I really was hoping I was immune, but the cracks have appeared

Understood, I’m just saying I have made some regretful posts in the past I wished I had waited.

I hate the idea beating down someone trying and to realize I may have done so myself, I feel abit of shame for not being more forgiving.

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Well I think you pointed out the root that would have alleviated some of the irritation. Clear communication and giving the support personnel the tools and support they need to be successful. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

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If you don’t see the damage, you don’t feel the damage :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I use the original 8K (same black plastic) , I take cake of it like if it made of glass and it still in really good shape. Sorry man… At least ours X version will arrive soon.

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here’s the thing. Nothing pimax has released so far should be scrutinized by a review. The product is simply not finished yet. (until vision)

Tested was the first to hype Pimaxes Kickstarter up and it will easily go down as their most awkward video ever , the whole thing was so indicative of what was to come. Duct taped prototype, and poor confusing communication. Every question Norm had was met with “yes, yes” from Robin even if it wasn’t a yes no question . I honestly believe that Norm asked questions during that interview that Robin mistakenly answered and affected Pimaxes plans afterward., because there was no plan.

No way they were planing on 2.0 basestations and knuckles style controllers. But due to lack of communication he kind of agreed to it.

(i know there will be those who claim this is false, and is pure speculation on my part, but the facts add up)

anyway can they turn it around sure, “perception is reality” right now the perception is that Pimax is a poorly organized company that makes very strange decisions and have poor quality. (my cracked case is proof)

But all of this is based on pre-consumer hardware. , it sucks that as a backer I have to suffer with cracked cases. Most would say I told you so.

But if the vision line actually can stand the test of time, (here’s hoping) and enough people can get the word out that all of those stories you’ve heard about pimax in the past was the OLD Pimax, and that the vision is stellar. Then even haters like UploadVR would have to grit their teeth and admit it.

But all of that is a hopeful future, right here and now I feel a bit like a punching bag. This is the kind of thing that leaks out into the general media, another dissatisfied backer.

I created this topic not because I think that I have any chance of getting it fixed , but I want to put it out there that I think this is a problem, and that it’s NOT ok.

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You would think with the short comings that they would truly offer up a backer discount! Instead of electing out of stretch goals for a not so real discount. Come off it, if it was not for these fans and everyone of us willing to see this through the X would never had been achieved. If they believe in the product push it, put it in our hands, let us rave about them and you will sell thousands at the MSRP. If the are building a glorified kickstarter 5/8K with all the problems just polished over, then they better just charge us backer/preorders everything they can because it might be their last. As they finish off the campaign they need to be cautious, the general public will not be so patient or eager to spend on a subpar product. This is their time to shine and they will only do it with true value in the products they sell. Price, durability, comfort,and the overall experience is all important. They better have learned their lessons or we all have lost out. We have been there to back and cheer them on…


yup , It’s in all of our best interest that Pimax succeeds, and sometimes its stuff like this topic I hope to shed light on the shortcomings, so that maybe they handle their final product a bit better.

There is literally no reason based on specs alone why Pimax shouldn’t be taking over HTC in terms of the HMD market. Especially after HTC’s fall from grace last year with the cosmos.


After reading this thread, I just checked my 8K which I always handle with utmost care … and found that it has developed some hairline cracks in 2 places.

Considering how gently I have handled my 8K, I think ALL 8K/5K+ will develop cracks eventually.

It is amazing that they decided to cheap out on the plastic quality … typical Pimax decision making. And yeah, my OG HTC Vive since 2015 has been through many knocks, but is still solid as a brick.

Right now I’m thinking the 8KX/8K+s will eventually crack to hundreds of pieces inside their rubber casing, and at some point the rubber coating will also tear. There will be people disassembling their 8KX and posting pictures of the plastic casing inside cracked to a million pieces.

Anyways, I’m not too concerned. The usage life of these things is 2-3 years anyways and it should at least last through that.




Not a fat chance :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I do agree if the crack case problem is not dealt with it’s not ok.


All the crack casing photos I have seen they all seemed to be the front cover portion of the casing, has anyone gotten cracks with the back portion of the casing?

Maybe that plastic formula for the front cover for IR to pass through is not a good one.

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I think you’re right on the money there , My headset has a small fracture only and it has dropped off a stool a few times but I have an old modified hp wmr head strap affair that supports it from the top central plastics not pulling much at the sides

Think it was about 3 weeks, but that was when Mathew was dealing with My RMA.

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I think we are exactly alike. I recently boxed up my CV1 and will store it away but will probably never sell it. It is too good.

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Steamvr Tracking v2.0 was planned. The Knuckles style controllers evolved during the campaign.

However majority of your post I do agree is quite probable as there was a lot of questions that seemed to have glossy answers.

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I am not sure if you saw the drop test video or the other hmd test pics. I honestly don’t think they tried to cheap out on the plastics as the stress tests demonstrated the plastics are durable. However it has proven that the plastic itself is not a good composition as it cracks over a variable amount of time it seems.

Plastic formulas can be tricky. I know this from something ad simple as bottle forming. Which is generally fairly easy.

Either way the black housing has imho proven itself not to be stable enough and needs to be discontinued.


Damm dude that sucks. i hope mine does not. Im a backer and cracks started to show on my one as well. it was lucky due to covid they took it back and just gave me a whole new one 204 serial.

to be fair I only used it for less than 20 hours and it happened.

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Iirc they said they switched suppliers more than once, the drop tests were done on early prototype housings but you dont use the same method of construction for production. Again iirc they actually had issues with the first batch cracking during assembly and this delayed the first release as they had to get a new batch made.

I mean, they said they switched suppliers but most likely they just tooled the housing wrong not allowing enough fir shrinkage or something similar and the re-tool was still not correct leading to the issues people are having.


The drop test video came after reports of cracking and they asked about a variety of things like Hand cremes and such.

Another member here reported smashing it against a window frame while playing with no cracks. So no it wasn’t a promo prototype housing video.

My 8k is from the first batch and though it has minor cracks has faired well. The 5k+ I replaced as I traded my first one is not an early batch serial 203 and tge housing is in considerably worst shape with almost zero usage.

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so your saying 203 are old fragile batch?

I wonder how much he could sell a HMD full of cracks.