HP Reverb G2 vs. Pimax 8KX - My Full Review and Comparison

This is quite possible as we know pimax has had panel issues in the past. @VR-TECH had a bad mura issue with his first StarVR unit not sure if he has had a chance to examine the replacement yet as he Said iirc he has been quite busy lately.


Indeed. The same will likely be true of the Reverb 2 as iirc it still uses fixed lenses with soft ipd? If so then the G2 will still not likely be great for those with narrow and wide ipds similar to G1 and Rift S.

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“The eye of the beholder…”

I don’t think it appears that way at all. :smile:

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No it has mechanical adjustment


very true I am done here really I still pop on because I like some of the forum members. Not for Pimax which I do consider over hyped and over priced and woeful quality control from my personal experience

Cool so they fixed one of the biggest issues.

Though some new reviews are not as favorable on the g2.


Maybe @mixedrealityTV overhyped the hp reverb g2?


Possibly. Though we know with PC peripherals experiences can vary a lot between users.


That’s the truth! And for devices as tricky to set up as the 8KX it’s especially true.
The new beta pitools really does offer better options but the key will be twofold:

  1. Incorporate the calibration tools seamlessly into the Pimax experience and,
  2. Provide better instruction manuals on paper with every Pimax accessory.
    A lot of reviewer’s point out how tricky it is to get some of the add-on things to work with the 8KX. A really good example is Voodoo’s (sic) assessment of the eyetracker. There is no instruction explaining how to fit the large face pad to the mask after attaching the only tracker. It’s these little things that drive customers crazy. I trackers that won’t stay attached,Accessories that are difficult to figure out and have them come with no explanation, and small flaws that should’ve been fixed in design. We’re still waiting for the DMAS with it’s superior comfort, fit, and audio. And the KDMAS apparently arrives without a clear instruction to plug the audio jack into the left side of the HMD.
    I don’t have problems with any aspect of my 8K. I am able to adapt better audio to it and so on and some days I don’t even bother because the audios OK and the head strap is comfortable for me right out of the box. But Primax does need to do a better job on providing clear and comprehensive instructions and in making sure that their product is everything they promise at the outset, and not a continuous work in progress. Pimax is no longer just a little start up company; it’s time for their quality control and product support/design to equal the quality of their hardware.
    The next edition of the 8KX that goes to reviewers must include the DMAS and instructions on how to fill it hook up the audio and make it comfortable. Then Pimax will start getting the kind of reviews I wish for it.
    I really love my 8KX- I want to be our community to love it too. It’s up to Pimax to deliver the goods!
    Sorry for the long post.

I have had no issues at all visually with my 8kx. I just received plastic hinges so now hopefully mas will fit better lower on back of my head. I had Reverb G2 on pre order but I ve since cancelled my order.

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Nope, I have not tested my StarVR One Replacement or my New 8k X. I will be back at home in a week or so. Will have a few days of rest and then I will be testing the StarVR One side by side the 8k X and the 5K BE/XR unit.

Note: I hope the 8K X works with the setting I have already for my XR unit

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This is their conclusion “The Reverb G2 is undoubtedly the best consumer-grade headset to get if image quality is of utmost importance. If you need to read text or see fine details, the screen in this headset is about as good as it gets. Racing and flight simulation fans will love the Reverb G2.”

  1. I have videos on my channel that walk through the mods I did on the 8KX. But I probably should have talked about them more for those who didn’t watch my previous videos. And yes the total price of both headsets is something to mention as well. Sometimes I forget to add context for those who are new to the channel.

  2. I didn’t downplay anything. The G2 definitely beats the 8KX in clarity, brightness, and colors. I find it easier to read text in that headset vs 8KX. Before receiving my G2, I’ve stated many times that FOV is important to me, but that I’d be open minded to the G2. Which is why I’ll be trying it more and making more G2 videos. It’s unfortunate that you and MRTV had a bad experience with the 8KX, so that kind of makes you guys biased against Pimax.

  3. I’m looking forward to watching your Youtube Channel Geoff, where you buy every product on the market with your own money: 2080 ti, 3080, 3090, and every VR headset on the market just to compare. I’m sure you can easily afford all of that. A “decent review site” or major YouTuber usually gets all that for free.


It’s easy to critisize but hard to create :+1:


do you own an index? and if so which do you prefer between index and 8kx??

Yes I could easily afford to buy all of that, but no I’m not going to because I’m not the one trying to create a “review” channel doing videos titled “review” on YouTube, you are. If you aren’t going to bother learning what a “review” is before doing one then be prepared for people to criticise your content, if you can’t handle criticism then boy are you on for a tough time on YouTube. I mean I can already see someone asking “how you managed to get your text to speech to sync up with your lips moving”, my comment seems pretty tame by comparison.

Lol, his reviews of products he owns and his opinions are his own and his alone. He doesn’t have to answer to anyone for his own experience.

Why does it have to be a best hmd for every human being, I have good experience with 8kx doesn’t mean I stop acknowledging how good a g2 is :man_shrugging:


I created my channel to just to share my VR experience and journey. Not to become a professional reviewer. I buy things that I actually want to keep and review. That’s why I don’t own a Quest 2 or Xtal 8K or a 3080 etc.

People can be harsh on the internet, that’s fine. I don’t have an appealing voice and I can’t get myself to jump up and down my seat with excitement like the other youtubers. They are true professionals. I’m like the guy who works in IT trying to start his own talk show. Completely new and different skill set I’d need to learn to become a good presenter.

I don’t expect to make a living from being a YouTuber, not even MRTV with his 50K subscribers can do it. So I’m doing this for fun and that means focusing on the content. Maybe I’'ll work on my voice & presentation for personal growth reasons but ultimately I’ll probably end up working in a field where my face is not in front of a camera.


Then you just have a branding problem, stop using the word “review” and make it clear it’s just your personal blog, job done.

if he doesn’t stop using the word review are you going to put him under arrest? :joy: :joy: