How worried are you about 75hz?

@Heliosurge dont you think 60hz reprojected with even frame interpolation to 120hz would be smoother all around?

Fruit ninja can barely handle 75hz. 60hz with reprojection can solve all these issues.

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Possibly but in this testing would be best method.

All good ideas are worth a try.

I think you’re getting motion controls/standing confused with room scale. Having your hands tracked has nothing to do with it. None of the solutions you’ve mentioned support room scale. If you can’t stand on one side of your room turning around and walking to the other side to pick something up it’s not room scale. Less then 90hz is fine if you’re not walking around, but it becomes very apparent once you start dropping frames.

hdmi is fine with the vives resolution and I never supersample more than 1.4. Even with no supersampling I am guaranteed to drop frames in large scenes, especially revive titles like robo recall just due to optimisation.
As for the drivers? I got my Vive just over a year ago but I haven’t noticed any difference in the drivers. If the 8k can run at 90hz and I don’t cancel then I’ll definitely be jumping on a next gen gpu to run this thing, I don’t buy it running on a 980 at all.

Interesting that this forum has all but seen an inverse ratio to Reddit in terms of 75hz being a problem or not.

Ultimately I don’t think they’ll have any issues filling the orders cancelled by people who think 75hz is an issue, but I can’t help but think there’s an excess of apology in here. Would you be equally fine if Pimax cut the FOV? How about the resolution? How about compatibility? Where do we draw the line?

I’m just hoping someone from the company can come out and confirm they simply won’t ship without everything originally promised, even if they push back the shipping date.


I feel like they’ll fix that. Honestly I’m more worried about the latest reviews saying it didn’t feel like 200 degrees fov and the brightness not feeling like daylight in onward. Also the vertical fov not being big enough. We’ll see but I hope they can pull through.

dont be worried because of someones ‘feels’, there are lots of review where people say FOV is immersive and almost like a human vision

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Surely that’s just accepting the “feels” you prefer? :slight_smile:

A healthy dose of cynicism is worthwhile for any consumer.

I’m very worried. I only backed the kickstarter because I felt they had proven trustworthy so far. Now it seems they have been lying about the demos being 90hz this whole time. Idk what else they are lying about. Kickstarters have a history of taking people’s money and not delivering on promises. I’m seriously considering canceling so that I don’t have the risk of being scammed out of $500. If I don’t get a promise that it will ship with 90hz as promised or we have the option of getting our money back then I will likely cancel.


I’m gonna be very upset if they don’t get 90hz but I’m confident they will be able to. Every concern the community has brought up, Pimax has fixed or are trying to fix.

Even if it’s not, I can just sell the headset on ebay. My bigger concern is the future of the headset if its not 90hz, no one is going to be buying it if other headsets start coming out with similar specs but at 90hz. Just look how much the Rift got dominated in sales against the Vive because it released with half baked roomscale support.


It is a deal breaker for me. 90Hz or I stay with my Vive.


I demo’ed yesterday. The FOV is awesome. Don’t worry. Also, don’t put any stock into the comments about Onward. The game crashed immediately upon loading. The guy who said it had low brightness didn’t get a real opportunity to investigate. Brightness on all other demos was perfectly fine.


I hope that Pimax gets the 90Hz display’s working. More is (most of the time) always better. If not, it may ends on Ebay. And thats not what i had in mind when i supported Pimax.
We will see what it’s gonna be. I cross my fingers.

I’m quite concerned. I’ve got a dk2 and a Vive, so I know the difference in feel between 75 and 90 fps isn’t much, but it is noticeable, and I’ve ‘only’ got a 1070, so there’s a reasonable chance it’ll remain at 75.

But my biggest concern is the fact that I have one eye considerably weaker than the other so, at best, Brainwarp may not be effective for me or, at worst, it could introduce a flicker effect for my good eye.

This news may mean this headset isn’t for me, which is disappointing. Unsure whether to cancel or try my luck and possibly sell. Nearly $700 aud is a big gamble…

90Hz it a must, I’m unsure if I will stay a backer now…

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I don’t worried because I am playing steamvr on mobile, it can run only 60 Hz.

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85-90 is fine. I was very worried initially , but if the headset could only do 75 and brainwarp worked then its a non issue to me. Would still like 85-90 and or a v4 or v5 in the works that uses brainwarp .

Not a big problem for me missing 90Hz.
But I hope they solve this problem.
They should have honestly admitted that they have technical problems. They should not lie.
Playing games is not my priority, so I guess I will survive. :wink:
I hope BrainWarp will work well.

Whilst faster is always better this 75/90hz thing is not an issue for me because a. its a prototype and subject to change and improvement (or it wouldn’t be a prototype) and b. I’m not an obsessive FPS counter chaser personally, provided the experience allows me to “get the job done”.

Whilst I’m not prone to motion sickness and I know some are, I’ve always been suspicious of claims that 90hz should be the minimum for VR. Its always seemed to me to be a way of pushing latest gen GPU sales.

Being an old sim flyer/developer 30fps used to be a good day, so my pledge remains and PiMAX’s transparency has been extraordinary throughout this campaign. Its not normal to get emails about a company’s supply chain and batch ordering (these are normally guarded secrets in the industry).

  1. It‘s a Kickstarter after all, you know.
  2. If they mess it up to a degree which the average customer would feel that it makes the HMD proposition at its price inattractive, they will have made their 3 mln. on KS, sure, but that‘s it then and their real goal, having a viable product to make real profits on down the road, did not work out.

So what I am trying to say is that people should liberate themselves from the thought that a company like Pimax only is interested in getting as much Kickstarter funding as possible and then just deliver a piece of crap. This may be a greater risk with a group of guys who just have a business idea and Kickstarter is supposed to let them enter the business world - Pimax is a company with some VR experience and products already, that’s a different starting point.