How To Make Your Pimax Image/Picture/Screen Clear/Crisp (Increase Clarity)

   "DesktopUI" : {
      "pairing" : "1422,222,800,600,0",
      "settings_desktop" : "983,222,800,600,0"
   "GpuSpeed" : {
      "gpuSpeed0" : 2251,
      "gpuSpeed1" : 2215,
      "gpuSpeed2" : 2212,
      "gpuSpeed3" : 2216,
      "gpuSpeed4" : 2210,
      "gpuSpeed5" : 2212,
      "gpuSpeed6" : 2214,
      "gpuSpeed7" : 2205,
      "gpuSpeed8" : 2202,
      "gpuSpeed9" : 2208,
      "gpuSpeedCount" : 10,
      "gpuSpeedDriver" : "",
      "gpuSpeedHorsepower" : 2211,
      "gpuSpeedRenderTargetScale" : 0.51999998092651367,
      "gpuSpeedVendor" : "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080",
      "gpuSpeedVersion" : 2
   "LastKnown" : {
      "HMDManufacturer" : "Pimax VR, Inc.",
      "HMDModel" : "Pimax Vision 8K X"
   "openvr.tool.steamvr_environments" : {
      "resolutionScale" : 100
   "perfcheck" : {
      "GPUProfiling" : false
   "power" : {
      "autoLaunchSteamVROnButtonPress" : false
   "" : {
      "resolutionScale" : 20
   "" : {
      "resolutionScale" : 100
   "" : {
      "disableAsync" : false,
      "resolutionScale" : 100
   "" : {
      "resolutionScale" : 100
   "" : {
      "resolutionScale" : 100
   "steamvr" : {
      "allowAsyncReprojection" : false,
      "allowInterleavedReprojection" : false,
      "analogGain" : 1,
      "background" : "#FF000000",
      "haveStartedTutorialForNativeChaperoneDriver" : true,
      "installID" : "2795071529987677102",
      "lastVersionNotice" : "1.15.19",
      "lastVersionNoticeDate" : "1610478940",
      "maxRecommendedResolution" : 16384,
      "overlayRenderQuality_2" : 0,
      "showAdvancedSettings" : true,
      "showMirrorView" : false,
      "supersampleManualOverride" : true,
      "supersampleScale" : 0.5

I know this post is a little old but just to inform this is how my existing steamvr.vrsettings default file looks so is it still recommended to make the config edits suggested in this post? Btw, I have Vision 8KX and I am using PiTool V1.0.2.087 and Headset Firmware V2.1.255.292. So far I only tried Project Cars 2 and the image quality is really bad if I compare it with my Quest 2 via link cable. I set PiTool RQ to 1.25, FOV - Normal, Smart Smoothing - Disabled and Parallel Projection and Hidden Area Mask both Enabaled, Contrast +1, and Brightness -1.

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I see you have supersampleScale set to 0.5, thats 50% steam SS rate & one of your apps has ā€œā€ : {
ā€œresolutionScaleā€ : 20

20% of that 50%, anyway above there is config & you can find all values there, you can remove this per app settings & restore scale to 1.0


Can someone tell me if I have to restart every game (DCS, FS2020) after changing my NVIDIA driver settings?
I am not sure and it take time to reload a game everytime.

yes some games like DCS (Im not sure about FS) require game restart, without it doesnā€™t affect anything, while other games like VRChat allows you to see changes on the fly, itā€™s up to the game engine I believe.

DCS doesnā€™t react to steamvr resolution value changes nor to super sampling in nvidia & some of game internal graphics settings also require game restarting


So just to understand the data flow here:
from the VRSet > PiTool Settings > Steam Settings > Game Setting. Right

has anyone managed to include FS2020 into the PVRHome Too? cos I did not. It just wont start


You need to start VR mode from game menu in FS2020


The best thing I have found to do is just use the Desktop mode in Pimax Experience to startup FS2020 and then activate VR mode once the game has loaded up. (This is for the Microsoft Store version of the gameā€¦if you have the SteamVR version then there may be a way to import the game exe file but I still donā€™t know if you could access the VR version in that way)

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NOOB IPD questions.

Iā€™ve had the 8k X for a month now and still canā€™t get a clear image. Iā€™ve tried the mechanical and Pitool IPD and Vertical Offsets but havenā€™t really gotten anywhere.

Most annoying issue is Double Vision. No matter what I adjust, Iā€™m having to physically push the hmd to the right to get the image sharper but still double vision.

I noticed when in a Indycar in Iracing the steering wheel is double visioned but if I look ahead itā€™s a bit clearer but I have to push the hmd to the right to get it sharper.

The mechanical IPD ranges from 60 - 70mm

My IPD is 66mm, the only measurement my optician give me and Iā€™m short sighted. My vision is clear about 20cm/10 inches in front of me then it gets blurry before or after that.

I need guidance as Iā€™m sure Iā€™m adjusting things incorrectly.

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You might want to try a much lower IPD. Pimax IPD is about 6-7 mm too high. So try about 59. Seems to work for quite a few people (although in my case I still struggle with eye strain)

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Very interesting post, this confirms my suspicions that we not only have these problems ā€˜by designā€™ but also by Pimax manufacturing inconsistencies

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hard to say for me from what I read from your message, I have 2 questions though:

  1. is this double vision happens everywhere including steam vr home or only inside of the game?
  2. first what comes on mind is that your displays are put to wide or maybe misaligned or IPD settings or your vision is the reason

Try do next things:

  1. put your IPD on min mechanical state.
  2. while in game & wearing HMD use your mouse to focus in pitool on horizontal offset & use your keyboard arrays (left/right) to try put rendering images on 2 displays closer or more far away to each other & check if double vision gets better. Itā€™s just a starting point though.

If in steamvr you have no this issue maybe the problem is in PP (parallel projection setting) try turn it on/off but I donā€™t think its the case.

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sorry ignore my proposition to check software IPD offeset, as seems according to the. they were recently adjusted in pitool & now work in a different way (rather than moving virtual cameras they just shifts display on the screens).

So you can try to use fpsVR which has option to adjust steamvr IPD offset (for cameras value) you can do it through text steamvr config. google for it. How to find a config file is written in this article.


Should anyone be interested, I took the time to ā€˜declutterā€™ and sharpen the RGB cross image used for software IPD adjustments. Which is to say, I completely remade it to be far more useful.

Be sure to actually download the image and not just /save as. If you donā€™t, the lines will go fuzzy.
Usual procedure for install, just replace the default in Pimax.



I changed the IPD mechanically in 5K + from 68 to I think 64 so that every pixel can be seen and I can really see the effect, itā€™s a fairy tale. Thank you very much.


so i have the image now on my pimax screen,what need i to look for to get it right?


Move the mechanical IPD until you see every pixel in the graphic, you have to see the squares that make up the picture


Move your mechanical IPD to where itā€™s clearest, and then adjust your soft IPD r/l eye adjustments until all the lines align clearly and the image ā€˜popsā€™. Then adjust your vertical height IPD (if you need to). Donā€™t worry about the values. Go in small steps and youā€™ll get it. The further down the soft IPD adjustments (-.5, -1, -1.5 ect) the more pronounced the 3D effect will get.

All lines in the picture should match clearly, both vertical and horizontal. If you see ā€˜shadowingā€™ behind the set of bars in the middle square, the soft IPD is off.

Do one eye at a time and you should be able to dial it in.

Donā€™t worry if your values seem way out of whack, itā€™s individually tuned, so YOUR IPD measurements may differ wildly. Thereā€™s so many variables that itā€™s tough to get a universal baseline from user to user. You have to account for face shape, amount of padding, position of the HMD, ect ect ect.

For example, I have an IPD of 60, so in my case the mechanical IPD (the wheel on the lower right side of the HMD) is bottomed out and my software IPD settings are Left: .4 Right: -1.1 and the vertical are both -4.5. Seems like there should be no way that would work, but Iā€™ve ran the adjustment about 3 dozen times and those are the best values for me. So donā€™t freak out if you get some extreme numbers, or if you get virtually no change in your settings.

On the vertical positioning, itā€™s kind of backwards to adjust. To bring the image UP, you have to use the negative values. In my case, I have bifocals, so Iā€™ve moved the vertical up to where the image center is actually higher than normal (which actually aligns better for me anyway).

Good luck, and glad some of you guys are finding it useful.


Anytime, worms.

Took me about 3 weeks of scouring the forum here and on Reddit to finally nail down the procedure from I donā€™t know how many posts. Thereā€™s a lot of talk about focus lengths and near/far IPD and thatā€™s all good info to know, but doesnā€™t help a lot when all you want is a step-by-step guide to follow that will actually WORK and get you playing, rather than tinkering.


How about grey pixels ? I definitely see some mura/grey pixels at very bright sky or walls in my 8kx unit. Not sure if all 8kx panels have it.

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