How To Make Your Pimax Image/Picture/Screen Clear/Crisp (Increase Clarity)

please specify that the vrpathreg.exe path needs to be in qoutes like this:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\vrpathreg.exe”

Also while it usually is on c:\ it really is on the steam installation drive so some people may need to change that.

i feel silly now

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In the config file Image, Max recommendres… I can see no quotes…
:wink: I know, not your picture…

a numeric value does not need qoutes in a json file


quotes shouldn’t be there, I have no quoutes & it works, it’s int value


Ahh, interesting… for me, it works in quotes, but nice to know :slight_smile:

quotes won’t break it, but boolean, numeric values don’t need it


Thanks for putting this together!
Please archive it (and keep your archive updated). Every time someone does something like this, Pimax reorganizes the forums and we lose it. (I don’t mean to imply that they do it intentionally)
At some point, you will most likely need to re-post it, so please plan on it now.


I am curious why do you keep changing GpuSpeed? AFAIK it only determines the recommended render target resolution, when you set it in SteamVR to “auto”?


Apparently, that affects quality of steam vr menus (and something like fpsVR). Set them all manually to say 200 and check the menus resolution.


Confirmed as should be lower for some users and use cases, but not necessarily wrong.

Geometrically, there is only one thing that needs to be aligned correctly. Draw an imaginary line from your fovea, through your eye lens, through the canted VR lens. If the center of the lenses is not directly in this line, even if it is off by just 1mm, the results will be a bit more blurry.

If you have ever seen a 3D movie (using polarized glasses or similar), think about why precise IPD adjustment does not need to be done for everyone in the audience. There may be multiple optical problems unique to VR headsets that necessitate such precise IPD alignment.


I don’t know why but whenever I add anything to my steamvr.vrsettings file, it resets everything to default when I start SteamVR. What am I doing wrong?

I think there are several things that can cause that, but the most likely issue is a syntax error. Are you using the standard double-quote character " or the “pretty” ones? Note the slight difference; only the standard one is recognized and SteamVR will restore the file to defaults, if the file has an error.

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Thanks, great work!
Why can’t they restrict all these hardware measurement dependent heuristics to the “automatic” mode without messing with the advanced manual settings… Multiplying and capping the manual setting with various intransparent, frequently changing hardware related factors is just really complicating things.

And for preventing the user from using settings that could lead to a suboptimal experience (by making the user puke, damage their interior and then sue Valve), they could still make a green and red marker at the supersampling scale that indicates the recommended and maximum settings that make sense for this hardware. And if somebody moves the slider over the red marker they could even show a warning dialog - or only allow this when additionally an “expert settings” flag is enabled which needs to confirm a warning message.
Or they should go the fully automated route and just provide a “performance vs details” slider instead of concrete supersampling resolutions. And the concrete mapping of that slider to resolutions could then go through various heuristics to determine the resulting settings. In that case the heuristic would obviously have to allow the HMD manufacturers to provide HMD specific configuration parameters - just hardcoding this for Index wouldn’t be totally awesome.
But having very concrete settings that show a numeric supersampling resolution and then just ignoring this setting and replacing it with something completely else is just unnecessarily confusing.

I know, it is probably of restricted help to post this here on the Pimax forums, Valve won’t hear us here. But it helps to feel better. A little.


Exactly. At the bare minimum it should show the value of the limit (if exceeded) and add “maximum resolution limit reached” or similar text.


Thanks for you help.
I am using the quotes above my comma key. Is there another kind? Maybe someone can post a copy pasta or make a .bat file we can edit. I just don’t know what I am doing. I add one line and it just over writes with default.

Edit: I figured it out-a misplaced comma. Got to be more careful…

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It’s a @SweViver recommendation… :slight_smile:

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I’ve spend a few hours tonight on writing a program that will find the correct steamvr.vrsettings file and if wanted edit it with the wide fov friendly values. it still need a little polish and a bit of testing but if work is willing I should have it ready in the weekend.


As for Counterweights and Straps, I just received this studioform kit and its very comfortable…huge difference if you use the Vive DAS:

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Can someone just copy/paste it, so its easier?

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