How to cancel 8KX backer upgrade?

Let the 3080 / eye tracking / hmd dust settle til next spring

20 posts were split to a new topic: HTC Cosmos lens Mod


I understand that you try to do your best to deal with the matter of letā€˜s call it diplomatically unexpected ā€žrefund feesā€œ
As you said you would prefer having issues like these via PMs I am unsure how to deal with it from now, as this issue afftects multiple customers though, it may be easier to communicate progress on that matter openly.
Iā€˜m ok with any though as long it will be dealt with at all and imho preferablyā€¦soon.
To avoid multiple times asking for the actual progress and acting against the rule by being overly repetitive on that issue please state your preferred way and I will follow accordingly.
Will you post your decision how to handle it here or via pm?
thank you


sorry to point on that but this is the first time I experienced the very downsides when threads go too off-topic, so pls take it elsewhere.

Had a message from quorra laying out all the refund issues broadly discussed here, againā€¦

It may be because of not understanding the reason at all, or because of too many off-topic posts.
Iā€˜m a glas half-full guy so I hope it is because of the 2nd reason.


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