I have a question to all you beta testers.
i primary use oculus rift for racing games, and i think this is amazing, but the sense of speed could be better. And i hope Pimax 200 FOV will Cure this.
Can you please tell how the sense of speed is with Pimax vs vive, oculus?
I believe this information is ok to talk about regarding the NDA…
I really like your question . I’m not sure if describing feeling of speed will brake NDA but yes extra FOV should help in that sense. When playing PC2 ,Dirt Rally or Assetto in my Vive and turnig head left or right I have positive feelings but when my head is looking straight ahead than not so munch due poor resolutions of distance objects and road.
On the other hands there is only 80 fps so this might limit that sense but I belive with brainwarp this headset will be killer for all sims games ( racing and flight)
Peripheral view is more movement sensitive, so yes. It will be faaaaaaantastic (every one have the choice to get blind by words or by “numbers” lol) Great philosophy for a tech-youtuber
I think he means that a higher number refresh rate is not he same as having things move in the peripheral. Because your brain alerts you more when things move past you in your peripheral and that is not restricted by fps there as much as it would in your front vision. In the end it’s that extra immersive experience that counts which might not be immediately clear in just a higher ‘number’
It’s the biggest question I’ve been pondering too. And it makes sense that a wider fov will have a dramatic impact on the sense of speed. I’m thinking low-level flying in DCS. It’s going to be freakin amazing.
I was trying out the VR game Eagle Flight the other day and it’s a game where you’re an eagle and you fly through desolate Paris.
Whenever you pass an object or wall closely the blinders come in from the side. It was designed that way and the reason for it was that flying so close to things makes you feel uncomfortable or even scared. And seeing as you fly with your head movements the game designers decided to black out the area that is close to your peripheral.
So I’m even suspecting that the wide fov is going to be insanely effective in giving sense of speed, danger and overall awesomenesses
I understand that complaining about the monstrous fov of 185+ is really stupid but the hz count or the brightness of the pimax are very important things and every single step forward is an important step.
Though I will be totally happy with the current state of 80hz and (hopefully) a significant better brightness than the lcd-variants of the ms headsets…
It must be pure magic sitting with the pimax in elite dangerous in a krait mk2 hovering in a asteroid field or low altitude flight in the canyons of a planet…
I think what SweViver is trying to tell you without breaking NDA is that whatever hz count the 8K is currently running at is fine and this is a non-issue.
I remember the old school days lol, those math books:
Eva forces Adam to eat 9 apples every day.
Eating 9 apples a day makes Adam feel strong and smooth, and also Eva a happy woman.
But Adam is really struggling to eat 9 apples a day, some times he pukes, but he keeps eating
those apples only to make his woman happy every day, and also for his strength of course.
One day Eva decides that he only needs 8 apples a day.
Adam eats all 8 apples, feels strong and smooth as always, and his woman keeps being happy.
Soon Adam also realizes he never puked again. But he kept his strength.
Eva and Adam lives happy ever after…
And don‘t forget, that every FPS less means one FPS less to render. So as long as it does not cause motion sickness or stuttering I actually think we might also have some benefits from this Faustian pact…
Or to say it in the words of the late philosopher J. Cruiff: every downside offers an upside.