How is the sense of speed?

Sound like a Parable that Jesus would say lol

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Respectfully, I think it is 80. Pimax got the 8K to 82-83 Hz in the lab, but it wasnā€™t quite stable. M1 was released as 80 Hz.


Makes no sense at all in having a 82/41 refresh rateā€¦ :confused:


have you done the vive lens swap ,i wasnā€™t convinced at first as it seems to loose some depth ,i was going to swap back but just stopped playing a few weeks and forgot what original lens was like ,now im like wow especially with pc2 the tracks clearly visible so im like super stoked now as before i just wouldnā€™t bother with racing games

hurry up pimax i want to see the woooooosh :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Ha ha maths ,it sounds like the start of 40 shades of grey

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Iā€™m glad that 8 apples did not make Adam sick. :wink:


After 8 apples heā€™s not sick, heā€™s dead.:laughing:

yeap, too many transistors to be swallowed from 8 Apples :slight_smile: