GUIDE how to achieve Perfect Real View with Pimax IPD compensation

Yes & folks needing further documentation should skip betas. As said many users with Asymetrical ipds within mech range setting; were able to use it.

But agreed once the Official release is ready they should have better details for those whom need guidance for advanced settings like this.

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Where do you have these statistics? Link please.

We don’t know this info for either headset & out of 5000 backers even with scanning forum, Reddit, Discord, FB & youtube we do not have a proper measurement as there are overlaps in memberships. We’d better sampling than what we do.

Even with the number of members here the number is small vs members with headsets. The good news even though it’s not the direction you & some have stated you want (redesigned lenses for example). They are exploring methodes with in reason. And is already showing success. How successful? We won’t know how well the current changes are till more time has past.

It would seem your perticular case will need more investigation.

I will ask you the same thing, Where do you have these statistics for HTC.
It dose not take a rocket scientist to figure out that if some one cant use the HTC because the IPD dose not go below 60 then they will never be able to use the Pimax properly and this will cut out a lot of HTC low IPD users, My IPD 62, I can use the HTC Vive with any thing from as low as the IPD will go up to at least 65, Can I use Pimax, Yes but its not as good as HTC and I need lower IPD range.
There is and will be a lot of users coming from other HMD`s that have a low IPD and they are going to be disapointed the same as I was coming from the Vive. It needs fixing.

example dont take this the wrong way, 10 people using HTC Vive and they can only just use the Vive as the IPD range is just small enough for them to use the HMD, these same 10 pepole get the Pimax are not going to be able to use the Pimax. so thats 10 that can use Vive and the same 10 that cant use the Pimax.

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From the internet. For one we can’t presume because one can use Binocular Gen1 VR headset that one will have the same success using a pimax headset. Pimax is using a special custom set of lenses.

For example the same truth could be applied to StarVR & their later StarVR One as both like pimax uses custom hybrid fresnel lenses. Which is why things like the soft ipd is step in the right do able spectrum.

The link I posted in one of the other eyestrain ipd threads was an individual on HTC forum whom had an ipd of I think it was 58. The HTC representative stated due to limits of Optics & Panels they could only support a min of 60mm. And then said that he is close to min & should be fine. But as he mentioned children. The rep said they don’t reccommend vr for kids.

As I said as there are users around your ipd & some at less than 60 like pimaxusa whom are able to use the headset fine is puzzling and warrents more study for sure. There may need to be a modification to allow further per eye tweaking.

Just be glad there is a possibility to correct with software. Unlike the Rift S which cannot support folks like their original Founder with a wide ipd. Pushing out in the same analogy a similar number of users or more depending on which demographic is larger. Narrow ipd vs Wide ipd.


Hello everybody :slight_smile:

I just tried to follow your steps, @Yen .
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me: 1st, I don’t have the room around me to place an real object 3 meters away from me… 2m would work, but not 3.
But even if I had this room: As I still lack VR controllers, I cannot change my position in SteamVR Home, as SteamVR refuses to work properly with my XBox-controller.

So after having tried around for half-an-hour, I just can state, that the workaround described may work for a lot of people with full VR equipment and enough room around them - but not for seated VR-players without additional VR equipment (as long as Pimax doesn’t finally ship my controllers…).

So from my point of view, having added that software IPD offset feature to the new beta is a big step in the right direction :ok_hand:t3: - but it is not very easy and out-of-the-box to use :weary:.

@Sean.Huang, @anon74848233,
please, before releasing this feature officially out of beta, add a way for easy customization and calibration into PiTool. The way it works now probably will be just time consuming for most of the people, if ever they are able to find the right adjustment.
Thanks for considering this :slight_smile:


@Yen I just hold the Vive controller in front of me in steamvr overlay and peak quickly under my headset to compare and ajust till the scale is exactly the same. Its on the same place so i can compare quickly to the millimeter. Is this good enough?
EDIT if i peak i can even see half of the real controller and the other half in vr it transforms fluently together


Ok, so you adjust hw (?) IPD this way until the scale looks fine and then you adjust the IPD offset until it ‘feels good’?

I’m also somewhat thrown back in terms of how to best approach this feature.


The best for me is using my measured IPD for the hardware and then ajust the scale with the offset.
now its as relaxed as looking in the real world and can use the hmd for hours without any strain.(with an 18mm facepad)


In his defense, it’s not easy like that.

First of all, take the “hardware IPD”
Meanwhile, it became clear that Pimax IPD has a completely different approach than all existing headsets how to deal with IPD. Usually, the most common IPD value (if I’m not mistaken, sorry if I am) is the one provided by your optician is the “far” IPD.
So having this medical approved value, you just dial it into the headset and you’re good to go.
You may ± a little in order to compensate depending on the face foam you are using.

Yes, there ways to ask your optician about your “near” IPD (which at least seems to be what Pimax use for IPD) or use a more or less accurate app. But all other methods (many were described in that forum) do not result in the much-needed value for a starting point.

So the offset does not simply work as a fine tune of a valid starting point.
It’s a hit and miss on top of another hit and miss which makes everything more confusing.
Some people even got the best results by taking a value far off their far and even near IPD.

Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s beta and I really appreciate having the tools to work with offset, that’s huge!
But It does not hurt to suggest

  • the need for an official “how to” guideline
  • eg. to experiment to adjust the offset value per eye
  • having an overlay that helps A LOT in hit and miss procedures

in advance.


My Ipd was measured using an ap with a credit card. Now from what the Op has said my “offset” stereo overlap must be good by default as I can move the hardware ipd setting from one end to the other & seems very minimal difference.

But most know Betas do not come with detailed instructions. Usually a basic overview with some known issues.


point is pimax does not have a documetation or any guidance on how to use the HMD (i’m not talking about a pitool manual) and also has failed for weeks to answer explicit question about this, its even unclear if the near ipd is a thing, it might even be the needed compensation if you use a thicker foam (and ignoring the changed eye relief value) and the normal ipd is whats needed - there is just nothing from pimax and the conclusion from that might be they have no clue themselves
without a clear guidance (and a understanding whats going on and how to fix things from pimax) i can’t even see how additional face pads will help, it will just add more options and increase confusion and frustration

pimax just does not come off as if they know whats going on and know how to handle/fix this, they are not taking the lead and show how it should be done, they just sit quietly in a corner watching (i still hope that they at least watch/read whats going on)


While there is still a huge miss at the best of times with pimax.

Betas as said are often not very well documented. & we are talking about Beta feature which they could have just waited for an official release. Now we could ask the 3 if they tested these new features prior to this public beta release as @SweViver mentioned pitool 114 or was it 116?

Now we do know how pimax said we could measure our ipd back when they were asking fir ipd values with the credit/Bank card method. So is that method near or far?

Yes it would be nice to have better clarity on options. How many ppl pay to have TVs calibrated after purchase from bestbuy. Shouldn’t it come pre calibrated &/or the TV manual be well documented?

We know the software is not finished & tbh while we KS Backers chose to receive it in this state. It should have been more closer to aa finalized state before Pre-Orders or at least marketed that it is still early adopter/public beta.

But let’s be honest Game Devs Releases have been public betas for years now with Oops DLC.

Big Windows updates your better to wait & see what breaks & needs to be ironed out.


ok so you see it too, i had the impression you where kind of “overlooking” the fact that there is complete silence for weeks when it comes to IPD, eye strain and distortions (the only thing we get to see are new software version and its often not clear what was changed, like distortion profile to address one or the other problem - i dont say they are not doing something but they are not giving any help in regards of support or faq)
the moment the delivered pre-orders they have left the testing phase they might had with backers and i also see add’s in online shops that retail will start in april


Most missed the responses pimax gave that @RobCram sumarized & reposted. The new ipd offset & recall on a couple of headsets to check manufacture process for deviations was a decent response. Just some want a play by play.

The problem is no different than other headsets. There is no actual 1 headset fits all users. Not HTC & Not Oculus. So designs are taylored for as wide as possible. It just always sucks when one finds they are not part of the majority range.

Software imho was & is ruined by the convienance of the internet. No longer does software need to be properly ready for release as you can patch it later. It was quite a surprise when of all the big game devs; Rockstar chose not to half @ss Red Dead Redemption 2.

Microsoft has made drastic changes to user interfaces in Windows & Word more or less with the mindset it’s user friendly they will figure it out. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


I’ve been wondering and I might be completely wrong, but for me as far as eyestrain is concerned the ipd offset seems to be somewhat “isolated” from the physical ipd adjustment. I think I have gotten the ipd offset as good as I can at -0.5. it’s almost perfect. I then adjusted the HMD ipd, but I didn’t feel any lessening of eye strain. Or, it mostly affected clarity and into the for me more extreme high ipd range (I’m low ipd) I would feel more strain. Though after setting the ipd offset at -0.5 I felt like I had a much larger usable range on the HMD ipd adjustment.

So then I have one question. Would it be an idea to increase the granularity of the ipd offset from 0.5 steps to 0.1? It feels to me that my perfect setting is somewhere between -0.5 and -1.0 after switching between them.

I find it difficult to be certain about my own experience on this as I’m fumbling in the dark and sometimes I feel like when testing settings, then taking a break coming back after a good nights sleep my own preference has changed or adjusted somehow. More options are usually a good thing and we are already thinkering anyways right?

Edit: been a while since I read the first post, but as far as I can tell it fits with my experience.


Edit: back to natural HW IPD setting and -3 SW

My IPD is slightly above average, I’m getting the best clarity by:

* setting physical IPD to just where left & right image merge and inner lense edges disappear
* adjust software IPD

No idea if it also delivers good 3D performance. This setting is sensitive to proper hmd placement, and getting as close to the lenses is ideal for me.


No no no! This is not the issue, most of us on social media in reddit, youtube, facebook, and here on Pimax forums know that eyestrain with Pimax hmds has nothing to do with asymetrical ipds! It is so obvious that this is caused due to angled panels and lenses that can not cope with it.

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Respectfully, I think it’s more complicated than that.

When I have my 8K set normally, near my measured IPD (-0.7mm determined by trial and error), I can play for hours without any eyestrain. I can adjust the physical IPD up or down by a few mm without eyestrain, but things get a little fuzzy and/or I see some distortion (depending on the particular setting).

When I tried adjusting the software IPD, -1 caused instant eyestrain. I only used this setting for maybe 2 minutes. It was immediate and painful. I set it to -0.5 and played for about half an hour, when I started to get a headache. I also tried +0.5, which was a little fuzzy, but didn’t seem to trigger the eyestrain as much.


Isn’t it vital that for correct representation of the VR image:

  1. In-Game needs to place the center of the two cameras at the users IPD distance.
  2. The Lenses centerpoint must be centered over the users irises with a hardware adjustment.
  3. The images must be projected correctly aligned to the center of the lenses.

Are you saying:

That the visible IPD value, when setting the Pimax hardware IPD, does NOT correspond to what the in-game cameras get set to?

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Same here. With -0.5 soft ipd it’s perfect for me, beyond that it gets “strained”. My ipd is asymmetrical (32.5/33).