I’m not sure how accurate the new information is. It was in response to my reply about a week earlier when she was asking why I wanted to cancel my 8K X order.
I want to cancel after hearing the news that the 8K X will be further delayed until March/April 2020. I’ve lost confidence in Pimax. I will wait until Pimax actually starts shipping the headsets and read individual reviews before deciding if I would want place an order again in the future.
I’m not backer but made preorder for 8K Plus on 4th November. I want to know estimated shipping date because if you sending to backers first and not by preorder date, and you will ship it in February-March, I’ll cancel my preorder and get back my 1100$ that you have charged me already.
I can’t see why the 8k+ would be “backer first” being a new item!? I can only assume they are confusing that situation with actual 8kx backers who obviously should be backer first.
Imho, because regular orders are split from backer upgrades, means it will be hard to create a single queue, much easier to server one category before others. As orders are constantly adding, backers list will be finished by the date - makes sence to serve backers first.
How they got paid for is irrelevant, full price orders, discounted owner orders and backer stretch goal forfeit orders all end up the same result… an order for an 8k+ with a delivery address.
If anything they will get shipped in groups based on region.
Interesting - which speicific information do you have which makes this an unlikely date ?
The rest of us are just left guessing and therefore cannot really say much, just as we were surprised when Pimax said it would have a delay till end of March/early April.
Hehehe yes so right! Just do it, till then don’t say anything… When Pimax apologizes, and say they are doing their best, the effect is negative than positive. So much confidence lost!
At least Davo’s comment is based on observation. And backed by much repetition and not once refuted in the data.
But you were surprised. Are you surprised when the apple falls from the tree it always falls downward to the earth? Next time it will fly off into the heavens, surely.
I can’t seem to get Bart Simpson and cupcakes out of my head.
He said „there‘s no way Pimax are shipping in February“. That suggests he has some kind of substance to such claim which would underpin it.
I for my part haven‘t seen any evidence being presented so far which would make it much more likely that Pimax will deliver in say March (or even January) than in February.
It is simply unknown to us as we don‘t have any reliable information (other than that the pre-production cable wasn‘t working properly which could be solved already given the first impressions having been shared, i.e. we have no basis to speculate profoundly about dates here).
If he wanted to say that he wouldn‘t rely on Pimax meeting the announced dates, different story, but that‘s not what he said. There is a big difference between stating that Pimax may not meet their date and stating that we know today that they definitely are not going to meet it. That difference seems to be completely lost on some, and it‘s a bit painful to even have to spell it out for them. But apparently it wasn‘t obvious enough…
This would suggest they either haven‘t delivered the 8K and 5K+ yet or they must have screamed that they will do anything, but NOT deliver it during the timeframe when they eventually delivered them. Huh?
I shouldn‘t even waste my time responding to this level of arguments, it just makes me sad. Why not read your own post at least once before posting it???
Pimax should not have started taking preorders this far away from delivery. And they should have saved the Pimax Day hype for closer to delivery too. These delays are just taking the wind out of people’s sails.