Flight Sims not work since last upgrade of SteamVR

The plus on top of this it would be offering something that thus far Both Oculus and Steam’s reprojections don’t. Adding another boon to pimax’s growing feature set not on other headsets. So not just leading the charge in just FoV.

I apologize as maybe should have marketed the idea better.



Not so much. Oculus ASW works so well already as not to bear any comparison. That is maybe the only good feature of the Oculus platform now.

Oculus also has multiple agnostic FFR techniques depending on game’s demands. Of course I believe you might need to use it in your game. Of course they had this long before the Nvidia driver up convert hack.

So if DCS used one of the other versions it would see gains where the Nvidia flavour doesn’t work.

Have you tried DCS through Oculus mode to maybe see if the ASW might work? Though imagine likely bound to Oculus hmds only.

Back when I was using an Oculus CV1, and I switched to a Vive (to get my first lighthouses for Pimax 5k+), I was quite surprised at what reprojection did to the visual quality. :expressionless:

Yes in general forms of reprojection are generally not a prefered solution to low frame rates. :wink:

I didn’t know that project. It seems very interesting. Have you tried it? How is the performance in relation to DCS or Msfs? Is it VR?

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Does it officially even support VR?

i found this.

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AFAIK, no. However, its codebase may have some helpful resources for those looking to make similar aircraft as generic objects for Unity/Unreal/CryEngine.

I tried it in it’s early years. But at that time you needed to really know flight control systems. There are videos on it and it has improved considerably since then.

A huge plus is how old the project is demonstrates just how committed people are to have this continually move forward. It is one of the oldest flight sim projects out there.

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It like Things like Multi core support is on the roadmap. So need to keep an eye on it for sure.

This video shows some of the features in there lts release.


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