[FIXED]Stormland Doesn’t Work with either ReVive or PiTool Native

As subject, at the moment only Oculus hardware works


Yep, nothing happening yet there’s a thread on re-vive github.

Seems that there shouldn’t be a specific block from the dev, so the Re-vive guys should be able to sort this soon.


ReVive fix here:


Had anyone tried this fix ? I have tried it and the game starts but nothing shows on the headset .

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It sounds like even if you get it to work, it’s only a quick fix and badly needs optimising. I think I’ll wait for the revive lead to get back in town to integrate it properly…

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It doesn’t work for me either. It starts then crashes instantly still like it did before the fix.

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New fix for revive & how to.


With the Pimax this technique don’t work, the game runs, tracking works, but I do not have a display in the headset.


Okay revive fix isn’t working on title with pimax. That’s too bad. Maybe pimax can review the link & see if it helps with next pitool release. @Doman.Chen @Sean.Huang


Unfortunately, Stormland does not work on Pimax. I tried the Revive Fix. The game starts, but it gets stuck in the loading screen. The game starts on the desktop but not in the Pimax. Has anyone already tried that? Does Pitool need an update?

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I am getting the same issue. Pretty strange. I’m looking around for a fix but no dice yet.

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Same issue here, no image in HMD.

I have the same issue with Echo VR and lone Echo.

Hope can be fixed.



Fortunate enough to also have a Quest to experience Stormland using Virtual Desktop and Revive.Not ideal sure but better than missing out I suppose.

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I´m playing it on Samsung Odyssey thru revive and works, there is some problem with ground, rendered only in one eye and looks strange, but playable.

Great game at all!.


Yeah right … I will wait for the compatibility to be better before purchasing it >__<

i wish there was a option in revive to turn off your desktop monitor,so that the game only is rendered inside the headset… it would save some performance

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You shouldn’t be having any issues with lone echo, works fine for me with latest oculus runtime and pitool 192 with 5k+.


After a several hour debug session debugging this issue, I figured I’d provide some technical data on this. If anyone knows how to get this to the Pimax Devs so they can fix this, please do so.

In case anyone is interested, figured I’d share what I found on the Pimax front for Stormlands:

  • Looks like PiTool is not working with Stormland because of the Oculus SDK version in the compatibility layer is too old. (“ovr app request version is too high” is the last thing in the log.)

  • Found Pimax Driver errors in the vrserver.txt file that coincide with EndFrame calls in Revive:

    aapvr: pvr_createTextureSwapChainDX failed with err: 5
    aapvr: failed to find sharedTextureHandle to destroy.

  • More detail of the Pimax Driver errors inline with Revive debug logs from DebugView:
    [66600] Revive: ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex
    [66600] Revive: ovr_GetInputState
    [66600] Revive: ovr_GetTimeInSeconds
    [66600] Revive: ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain
    [66600] Revive: ovr_EndFrame
    [13332] [19-11-16 21:12:55][PSRV] CreateTexture2D failed with error:-2147024809
    [13332] [19-11-16 21:12:55][PSRV] desc: 2176,1860,1,1,1,0,0,0,40,0,2
    [13332] [19-11-16 21:12:55][PSRV] pvrdesc: 2176,1860,1,1,1,0,0,1,0
    [13796] [19-11-16 21:12:55][PVR] createTexture failed with error:1

I’ve got my system setup for debugging Revive (and anything else for that matter), so if a Pimax Dev wants to send source code, .dbg files, beta builds or anything else my way, please feel free to PM me.

Just a side note, I went to the Revive Discord for help and they don’t seem to have any love for Pimax or those using Pimax HMDs. Perhaps someone in PR should reach out and send them a headset. Like it or not, Revive is a valuable asset for Pimax customers.

@Doman.Chen @Sean.Huang


I remember reading somewhere that the guy behind Revive said Pimax were using his code without his permission so if that’s true it’s unlikely he will do anything specific to help support Pimax headsets .

@PimaxVR this had better not be true. It’s not right to use someone else’s hard work without recompense. Reach out to them and make it right before you get sued out of existence or end up with yet another marketing disaster!
It’s just not right: it’s called “stealing”.

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