Yesterday, I got my pimax at last.
My system is
Intel Zeon 1230, 16G, AMD 290, Window 10 Korean.
First impression is that Pimax itself is better than I thought.
Its figure is solid. Well made. Don’t thing it will be the same as other Chinese android headsets.
after watching movies, It’s very wonderful, awesome crisp screen quality. (consider its cost)
but you want to avoid any mistake when install pimax to your computer,
you need to uninstall all JAVA in your computer first.
and install latest piplay in this site.
when installer asks if install java, click yes.
after install, reboot.
and enjoy.
Screen quality is quite excellent! especially good for watching movies.
working well with steam VR.
Virtual desktop and Simple VR player working well.
This product is not perfect. but better than any other VR headset when talking about watching movie experiences.
If there are any vive compatible controller, it will be nice.
only one problem is that this isn’t support any myopia adjustment menu, yet.
Forget about mobile VR, and if you looking for good vr headset and your first priority is watching movie, this is the best choice.