Eyestrain discussion / Problems and Solutions

Rift and Vive and Osyssey are. All support below 60 good enough. A high-end VR hmd should at least be able to support decently average human eye IPD of 64mm. I would understand your statement for below 59 and above 71 IPDs.

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Which the Pimax does. My IPD of 63mm is handled well. Granted, there may be other factors like head shape and facial asymmetry that may affect this.


No it is not. Its not facepad or shape thing. Its the lenses!

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I’m not sure what is the cause of the problem you are seeing, but 63 mm is supported well. I’m seeing things clearly (within the limits of the SDE and rainbow subpixels of my 8K).

If your complaint is because you dislike Fresnel lenses, that’s a necessary evil. Lens design is a set of trade offs. Conventional lenses would likely be too thick and heavy for the Pimax and introduce unwanted effects like pupil swim.

It’s your stance on the IPD issue I don’t agree with. It’s clear that the 5K+ and 8K have issues with narrow face shapes (and maybe other face shapes) and are painful for those with large noses. I just don’t think that that’s something Pimax can easily fix. I think they will probably have to introduce a new “narrow face” model.


I would like to ask you to do an experiment.

Put the static image I used here (https://community.openmr.ai/t/pimax-native-projection-and-pre-lens-warp-transformation/15775) on your headset. Then try different IPD setting and see if you observe fishbowl distortion in the middle and if the different IPD values have any effect on it.

Just make sure that you are focusing on the same numbers in the grid while doing the test. I would like to know, how it behaves for someone with lower IPD (as with my IPD at 72 mm I am at the other extreme).


Are you sure you have a 63 IPD! I mean 63mm works on your Pimax you may be close to 68 even 70mm.

Do you have a Rift? Vive? Pls share your optimum settings with those devices. So far I tested my Pimax with 4 people, 3 of them had below 65mm IPDs and all reported problems. All together we tried Rift, and PSVR by setting their real IPD on Rift and Playstation, and they said it works as it should be.

I have no problems with lenses, or distortion don’t bother me. Just they sure seem to lack to support less than around 66mm, because lenses center don’t get close enough.


I tried yesterday somehow image did not appear, probably did not kill piservice something… I will check this out again but I am pessimistic about this method as we need at least a software slider.

It is written in the post, how to set up the static image. The test I asked you to do is not supposed to be a precise method to find out the correct IPD setting, but it may give some clues about whether the overall headset geometry is correctly set up (including the distance from the face).

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Thanks for the answer. I found the file but what I was trying to ask is how do I see the picture in the HMD so that I can actually do the IPD adjustment? Is it accessed via the controllers (which I don’t have) like in the Rift?

If you are trying to correlate the distance between the lenses centers and the IPD value (dialed in) you need to take into account the divergent nature of the views Pimax uses, so there is always the difference between the two values.

For example on my Pimax 5k+ I have the IPD set to 70 mm and the distance between the lenses is (according to my semi precise measurement) ~ 78 mm. This is however expected behavior defined by the design of the headset. One consequence is that you cannot see clearly the same spot by both eyes at the same time.

I describe it in a detail in one of the post I linked above.

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Will do, and report back. Thanks

Due to angled display this can be the case, than should we always expect an eyestrain whatever we do?

Will like to hear more about your explantations. Thanks

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I am not an ophthalmologist so I really cannot say what may be the consequences of the Pimax design on the human eye (or the human perception of the visual information). It seems that people react differently.

My personal speculation is that some people are bothered by the fact that they cannot see the same spot in focus in both eyes at the same time and try to alleviate it by putting the lenses closer to each other, and sacrifying the angular verity (and possibly increasing the other distortions of projection geometry).

The others do not mind that much the clarity but the fishbowl/perspective distortion and thus keep the IPD at more or less nominal value.

The overall feeling is that people tend to dial-in slightly lesser value than their IPD is (e.g. myself I have 70 mm dialed in, for 72 mm real). The other one is that for some thicker padding increases the comfort. As the design can (by principle) only be calibrated to one eye depth, we can also assume that those deviation could also mean that the original face Pimax used for the calibration has different physiognomy (=different eye depth) than ours. Or they just did it wrong.

The eye/brain strain could come from both effects. Having an unclear image in one eye may trigger the brain to try to focus this one eye (but it cannot, so it leads to visual fatigue). Plus it is not like one is dominant as either one can become unclear depending on the angle they are looking along.

The other solution, while having the clear image introduces the perspective distortion which can again trigger the brain reaction (something is wrong with the world).

My other speculation is that people with perfect vision (who do not wear glasses) are more sensitive to that as the people with glasses (I have been wearing mines for 40 year so should know) are already used to distorted field of view and/or the different clarity between their eyes due to different pathology they have and basically can adapt more easily, while people who are not used to it suffer much more.

But as I said these are just layman’s observations. On the other side things which are measurable I have already tried to cover in my posts, the conclusion however must each one draw its own.


What is this talk about low ipd not supported ?
I have ipd of 66,5mm and I set the Pimax ipd to around 65 which gives me the best experience.

@PngVR I don’t know your reasons, but I think you’re exaggerating this problem you’ve made.
Yes yes the Pimax headset is not perfect in fact a perfect headset doesn’t even exist. My gf has the ipd around 60mm and I made her test the Pimax 5k+ she was impressed with the clarity and didn’t complain about any eyestrain, got nauseated though, noob to VR and seems to be suffering from the motion sickness easily.


If that jpg is not working for you it is blocked because it came from another computer. You must open the properties of the file and unblock it then it will be directly displayed, you don’t have to do anything else.

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Nothing is aggregated my friend. All my friends, 4 of them including my wife are experiencing eyestrain. Ipds are 66, 64, 62(mine) and 59. We tried with a bunch of vrcovers for vive, also modded the facpad my increasing padding on chicks.


Totaly agree
Just come back to the forum as i have a problem with the way things look ,mainly depth of view is flatish ,this causes me to look were i belive i should be lookin or focusing ,but being wrong makes for not so comfatanle vr

I dont wear glasses but for occasional reading and with some experamenting found. With reading glasses the vr would looks INPLACE if you can understand that but at the same time blurry

My only conclusion is that having the lens correct ipd while the screens have fixed ipd isnt giving a corret projection but only giving a clearer view , for instance if ipd was done by software any far points would not suffer as projecton would alter to suit rather than being fixed and relying on mear lens movment but as i say with reading glasses its like im there but its blurry without clear but flatish and didnt have this issue with the vive so can only conclude software ipd changes work better

This one is just a static pic. If you pihome clicked off. Don’t load steam. Just put headset on.

The Oculus style ipd adjustment look @neelrocker’s post. Link in 5k 8k ditectory.

maybe thats why i could not get clear image i have also 64 :frowning:
then when i tried my old vive and i got a wow “clear” image meaning no eyestrain

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Ok. I don’t know what is wrong. Sounds like you’ve dialed the ipd and/or eye to lens distance incorrectly.
Give it some time, if you get the eyestrain and you start to fiddle with the ipd setting, the eyestrain won’t ease immediately, or in a blink of an eye AAHAHAHAHA.
Tune the pimax ipd to your measured ipd, then start reducing it say 0.2mm at a time, while letting your eyes trying to get used to it before reducing again.

If you can not get used to the Pimax headset, sell it.

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