Eye Tracking Fix Update:

Update to the first post located at https://community.openmr.ai/t/eye-tracking-software-fix/37292

If you are like me and saw the Droolon Pi1 eye tracking module and thought. wow, eye tracking on a Pimax! that must be great! and you buy it. and low and behold. it is barely usable. it can not track properly, it gets very hot etc. well I got fed up with that. so I went out and made my own software/firmware for it. (the firmware is a branch of an official 7invensun firmware that 7i has provided to me through an email) well, what does this that you made do? how can it improve on a product that seems hopeless? as long as you follow the instructions I posted below, the Eye tracker becomes

  • more accurate
  • less hot
  • less power draw
  • still runs at 120 hertz
  • and no longer a need for an external cable to the pc

it performs best directly connected to the headset, with the 15mm foam. please be aware, the cable thing has only been tested by 2 people, both with the same results, that might not be the case for you, as well as the size of the facial interface. I will continue to try to update this as time goes on to better improve upon the code. Please make sure to install AseeVR through the Official Pimax website located at their google drive link DroolonPi1_100Hz.zip - Google Drive

Step 1. After Installing the Pimax software locate the folder at C:\7invensun\aSeeVR_UserSDK should appear like this


Step 2. Visit my software install located at my google drive link and install aSeeVR_UserSDK.rar - Google Drive this will install a folder called aSeeVR_UserSDK.rar Does that name of the folder sound familiar? It should. Its the same name as the folder that I had you locate earlier

Step 3. Right click aSeeVR_UserSDK.rar and select “Extract Files” this will extract the downloaded AseeVR_UserSDK folder

Step 4. Double click the now extracted folder to open it up. you will see a folder with the exact same name inside of it. the file path should look similar to this C:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads\aSeeVR_UserSDK\aSeeVR_UserSDK

Step 5. Make sure your Pimax and aSeeVR are closed open back up the filepath in a separate folder view of C:\7invensun\aSeeVR_UserSDK and drag and drop all contents from C:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads\aSeeVR_UserSDK\aSeeVR_UserSDK into the 7invensun folder. this will prompt you to replace files, skip, or cancel. Select replace files. this will replace all files that you installed from Pimax with the files from my AseeVR folder you downloaded.

Step 6. start up your Pimax headset and in Pitool you will be prompted to run aSeeVR like usual. Once you start aSeeVR you will be greeted by 2 new windows labeled “Draw Image 1” and “Draw Image 2” These are windows for you to view the live camera feed from the eye trackers. this will allow you to properly position your headset to get the highest tracking quality for the eye tracking

Additional info located at *C:\7invensun\aSeeVR_UserSDK\runtime\devices\Pimax\config* there is a file called “EyeTracking.ini” if you right click and open with notepad there are some configuration settings



fdimgline provides tracking lines along with the probability of tracking to enable it please swap the “0” to “1” 0 = off 1 = on
The Latest version is what you will be installing over google drive, if you would prefer an older version of the software please visit this openMR link https://community.openmr.ai/t/eye-tracking-software-fix/37292

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me on Discord
@ guppyexpress#0001, I will respond when I get the chance to

commonly asked questions
Q. why is it a google drive link?
A. I swapped to a google drive link for ease of install and to help avoid errors when first installing

Q. the tracking is still jittery/slow
A. please enable the tracking lines and check that you have your headset lined up properly

Q. my headset is properly worn and tracking is still jittery
A. make sure that your AmCap displays a video capture pin of 10000
it is located here on AmCap

Q. what does this fix actually do?
A. this fix allows for a higher resolution 120hz camera feed. as well as unlocking the camera feeds, reducing total power draw. which in turn reduces the heat produced as well

If you enjoy my work. Feel free to support me on KoFi https://ko-fi.com/guppyexpress


This sounds really impressive! Your work on this is really cool. I dont have an eye tracking module for my 8kx…but Im an enthusiast…is this worth buying now?


it depends. the eye tracker is still limited in some aspects by what it can do. example would be. it can do DFR really well. but not many social games allow DroolonPi1 tracking without mods (like Neos or Vrchat)


How 'bout contacting @mbucchia. He just added eyetracked foveated rendering to his openxr mod which works with FS2020. Although geared towards varjo, he’s a genius and could probably make it work with the pimax eye tracking module in no time. Largely it just moves the radii around where you look right? He said lag was low and it used nvidia VRS


Do they have a software simulator for their eye tracker though? That’s really important when developing without a device.

We added DFR support for the G2 Omnicept into OpenXR Toolkit in less than 2 hours, but HP has a great SDK and simulator. Few days later I tried on a real device, it worked right away.

Looking at both the official SDK and this neat wrapper lib for the Pimax eye tracker (GitHub - NGenesis/PimaxEyeTracker: A utility library with language bindings for aSeeVR UserSDK, to use with the 7invensun Droolon Pi1 eye tracker designed for Pimax headsets.), it looks pretty easy to add - but without a simulator/device, this could be very slow to do.

You have an eye tracker on your Pimax @DJSlanr?


Great, amazing work Sheen!
Please check the PM ,There’s an Steam Gift Card for you~


I have a working 8KX eye tracker and if DFR is added to OpenXRToolkit I will test it.


Thanks! It’s not just testing, at this stage it needs a certain level of back and forth to experiment (because I would be writing code blindly). That’s how we did for Varjo (blind coding then have tester on the other side of the country try it out and record videos for feedback).


No sadly. But would get one to work with the msfs2020 if it inproved performance etc. Ive decided not to get a varjo


I reinstalled the eye tracking module and updated the software. It is working fine and the calibration is running light.

DFR in DCS is working fine now.

PiTool’s DFR option has 3 levels and I think the effect is weak even with aggressive.
It would be nice, in my opinion, if PiTool added an option to adjust the DFR ring size and reduction level like OpenXRToolkit.


As a side note, I tried to install the eye tracking module today and the plastic holder for the center belt broke.
Since it was just an additional part, I removed it and reattached the belt to the body, but the part seems to be thin and fragile.
Please do not use a similar design on the 12K as it seems to have broken due to fatigue…


Yes the ET was very poorly designed with the install.

However the 12kR will be integrated so no issues like what you xp.

I would try contacting support they might be able to send a replacement holder.

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Wait when you say DFR, do you mean the FFR follows your gaze? I.e. the center of the FFR follows your eyes/gaze? Ive been referring to that as ETFR because there was another technique called DFR that was referring to Fiveated rendering that strengthened with lower frame rates and softened when rates were high.

So your eye tracking works with just using the basic FFR in pitool? WOW! I couldnt get the PiTool to affect most games, and sometimes it would but not properly, for example Elite dangerous it only affected one eye. Have you tried it in other games?
Also i dont know: does the pitool FFR use VRS from nvidia? Or the cheaper method Ive heard doesnt give as good of a performance.

Right dynamic was once breifly used to describe the rate-adjusted FFR…havent seen much of that though for awhile for DFR means gaze-based FFR now…

DFR follows Gaze. It uses iirc FFR but with the Eye Tracking to move the FR area.

Fixed Foveate Rendering.
Dynamic Foveate Rendering.

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Perhaps it was designed as a fitting to install an HMD cooling fan.
The fan module is not present and the plastic parts are not important for me.
No need to resend the parts to me. Thanks.

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To be honest the top clip is an afterthoight after making the top strap wider. So not likely related to the cancelled module.

Man, I want ET now for my 8kx…or to wait for 12k. What to do!

@hammerhead_gal if you can share, The 12k uses ET from Tobii for input, will the output integrate with the old FFR method from PiTool? Will it use VRS or a custom Tobii-type FFR? Or are they all the same and Im lost hahah

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I understand that your ETFR is the same as my DFR.
The FFR moves around in conjunction with eye tracking.

Perhaps DFR works when FFR works, but the rendering performance is similar to FFR and not very effective.
DCS seems to be the only title that is advanced and working correctly.
(I have not tested it much because it is not very effective. The module didn’t work at all before)

But now that openXRToolkit has independently mentioned NIS, FFR and DFR support in MSFS2020 and has proven to be quite effective, I am starting to test again.


Awesome thank you guys for pushing VR up this very imprtant milestone!

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