[Extension confirmed to at least Jan 31st] Extend the Pimax upgrade program

Here’s how much i paid to upgrade my 8KX:

Paid about $1,000 for 8KX after I forfeited all the stretch goals. Upgrade to Plan F for 2 base stations and Index controllers for $200.00 (include shipping). So total is $1,200.00. Now I sold my Pimax 5K Plus and get back about $450.00. So I paid $800 (kickstarter) - $450 (SOLD) = $350 + $1,200 (upgrade) = $1,550.00. So in the end, I pay $700 ($1,550 - $800) to upgrade to 8KX!! That almost equal to the original $800 kickstarter for Pimax 8K or 5K Plus. So basically we’re paying almost TWICE to upgrade on a device that I thought initially was going to be awesome with no SDE, the device that I actually envision in my head as the 8KX!! But now we have to pay twice, not only that but forfeited all our stretch goals.

Now for my situation, it is bad because I never get to use the 5K Plus much and doesn’t enjoy it. So I am wasting money. For others who enjoy the heck out of it, a $700 upgrade ain’t bad if you think about it. Of course this is all assuming you’re able to sell the Pimax 5K Plus. If not, your financial loss is even greater.


Yes when I owned my oculus rift it pretty much played every steam vr game I purchased + I could play Stormland which would be awesome . I still have my plan f controller upgrade so now I will get Half-life Alyx for free .

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I confirmed with the team, we will agree that extend the upgrade program. However, we will update the data before Dec 31. Thank you.


Great, thank you for reconsidering this and making the change


Wonderful! Thank you for listening :slight_smile:
With this and Matthew’s increased communications, I feel (hope) Pimax are turning a corner!


Thanks @Matthew.Xu for hear our suggestion. Extended it till we have seen reviews… May or June 2020. :sweat_smile::sunglasses:


One could also make the case that the longer they extend the upgrade program, the longer they can delay sending out a single stretch goal!

I would anticipate many more upgrade time extensions.

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What about on the last step? I can get to the confirm order step but don’t see any way to complete the order

Thank you, Matthew! We all appreciate your efforts.


Thanks @Matthew.Xu !! Good communication


This is good news, @Matthew.Xu.

What would be great news is an official date for the deadline extension.

What would be awesome news is an extension date that is after industry ‘influencer’ reviews of the final product and a ‘set in stone’ delivery date.

My days of throwing money at a proverbial “pig in a poke” are over.The suspension of disbelief that Pimax can meet a deadline has long since evaporated.

Earn my trust back. I double-dog dare you.


I believe no need for such a program. It should be an unlimited time offer as long as those products exist. Pimax should try to welcome any new comers as well as deliver asap what they promised their ks pledgers 2 years ago.

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The issue with that is with these offers you have to give up your stretch goals. So if it’s unlimited time they will never send out the stretch goals to you.


You’re right. The ones that wants you opt out of stretch goals should be terminated as of now, and the rest (if any) that encourages you to buy these new Pimax’s can be continued with better discounts… But do I care? Of course not anymore… I just want my strech goals asap!

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Hi Mathew do you know what date the backer upgrade program will be extended to yet ?

It’s not confirmed yet, but I will update it after confirmation.


I was about to make this thread and here it is. As mentioned already, we shouldn’t have to request this.

with Marcin (sweviver) community manager I assume he would have suggested this already but if not then what influence does he actually have over at Pimax HQ? This should be an pinned announcement surely?

@Matthew.Xu, I have a much better solution.

You want to minimize the number of stretch goals you have to honor by enticing backers to ‘pre-order’ an 8K+ or 8KX. You (understandably) want to create a sense of urgency by setting a deadline, which serves a dual purpose of better defining your financial liability with regards to the stretch goals and minimizes the ire of backers waiting on their stretch goals, base stations & controllers.

Backers are reluctant to sign away their stretch goals, package bundles, and pre-order a new headset because of your past (poor) track record in meeting delivery dates (fool me once…) and the latest announcement of a 3 month delay (confirmation of fool me once…) in 8KX shipping.

I won’t speak for others (they can confirm or disagree), but for me personally, the experience of giving Pimax $800 and waiting 2 years for the headset and even more time waiting for the other commitments (not yet honored) makes the thought of giving another $800, even if it’s (for now) only a 3 month wait, particularly abhorrent.

Pimax needs to give backers a compelling reason to pre-order now, without feeling like chumps.

I would suggest that Pimax accepting pre-orders, but not charge the payment method until 1 week before the individual order ships, as an acceptable ‘good faith’ compromise.

This gives backers some feeling of control in the process and it gives Pimax the means to move forward on having an accurate count of stretch goals and full package bundles to honor. This gives both parties a measure of accountability to (and from) the other.


Sometime pre-orders required some deposit 5%-10% of the total to ensure client seriousness. Should be minimal unlike the one for the Pimax controllers

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I do not disagree that both must have “skin in the game”. As it stands, Pimax has none, and this must be rectified.

They have shown that they are content to hold onto my money with no consequences and this continued demonstrated behavior is no longer tolerable for me. This behavior should, ideally, not be tolerable to anyone and Pimax (in a perfect world) should not be rewarded for it.

If their response is “learn to deal with it”, then I’m fine with continuing to be a thorn in their side, as I wait for my stretch goals, base station and controllers… as no doubt they’re fine with losing a once enthusiastic advocate and continued customer.