Extension Cables, pls share experiences

anyone here that managed to create a reliable 10m extension cable?
my Vive is already at its limits and considering that it even has a breakoutbox,
the e.g. Odyssey will turn out to be HALF as long which may significantly reduce movement.
Found some forum discussions that covered topic for rift but since the resolution of the Odyssey is bigger this task my be more demanding. There are insanely expensive cables (100+$) out there so I’m aiming at least for a 50$ cable because I understand that they (USB, HDMI) need to be active. It does not to look nice, I can use cable ties instead of a super expensive sleeve, should stay a bit flexible though in order to put it aside with no big hustle. (My PC is in the very corner of my room) Any ideas?

Sebastian just claims 5 or 10m will be no problem at all but this does not add up with most discussions about that topic. He should do a video for prove :smiley: @mixedrealityTV I’m sure his 2m extension cord works fine but 2m won’t be enough for me and probably most others that wanna use it for room scale games

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For hdmi something like this may work but untested.

i use a 3m usb and hdmi cables with this device for the hdmi with my odyseey+ and it works fine. nothing special about either cable. just the cheap ones from amazon.

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Hi, can you show me where I claim that 5 to 10m are not a problem? That would interest me! :wink:


@mixedrealityTV I will! I’ll try to find the part tonight, pretty damn sure of it. :slight_smile:

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@mixedrealityTV srry man, I really tried but u have such a big load of footage :slight_smile: especially concerning the O+ with a repetitive character which is kind of common in that style of show and therefore really hard to find a certain piece and after 30min. I quit, not judging though pls don’t get me wrong, I like our stuff. But unfortunately I can’t prove it because of that as well. I’m kinda sure, no biggie though.
I was something like “yes you can extend the cable… 5m, 10m I have extended it to 3(2?)m since my room is not so big”
(maybe if u remember the…very short, likely to miss if skipping through… part of you referring to your extension it’ll be there)

My deep apologies if adult beverages lead to me not beeing attentive enough for the case that I may have misunderstood something. Cheers :slight_smile:

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Yes, watch this post. Comfirmed working with links to purchase.



Sounds to me like You’re talking about @SweViver’s review: Pimax 8K & 5K+ Full Review | The Most In-Depth Pimax 8K vs 5K+ Review and Analysis you will find! - YouTube (that’s the part about extending cables)

EDIT: Totally missed the part where You clearly stated that this was about the Odyssey + :slight_smile: I’ll show myself out… :slight_smile:


Well…this does not help a lot, thanks though.
Look at the length of the cables. The USB cable is 10m which is not the real challenge.
The challenge will be the long HDMI cable (which appears to be a displayport cable in the link u send and therefore good for pimax but not O+) The cable from the link is 6feet=1,8m…1.8m ain’t long and far from 10m :slight_smile:

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nope, I connected it to Seb because it was in context of the O+
Nevermind, I can’t prove it but I hope nobody is pissed If I may have been wrong.
I’m very picky with audio/Video cables so this is something that I usually give lots of attention too.


Its 10m extension guide, usb + display port + power for pimax 5k+ and 8k



different cable=different luck

Didnt reallized you’re looking for oddisey extension on pimax forum, my bad.

As i know hdmi extensions up to 10 meters are possible too, but it will be tricky and not every cable will work.
Try to search on this forum for pimax 4k, its should be similar to odissey.


u’re right, I probably was not clear enough in my og post that it was for odyessy.
I see this forum also VR related so I don’t feel bad to ask for info about other products that are not pimax as well.
on the other hand the advice to ask pk4 guys since it is HDMI as well might help.
But I have not much hope since the pk4 was not used for roomscale a lot and therefore less
needed to extend.

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I’m still on my 10m cable project although I figured that 5m may have suited my needs as well but it has gotten to be a project of “can it be done?” :slight_smile:
But I ran in some unforeseen issues and I’m on it but I’m afraid that in the end even looking on the budget (not buying the cheap ass stuff though) it will turn out quite expensive…
After having solved the final issues I’ll let you know which components I used, which issues may happen and how to workraound.

Fact remains that IF the Pimax 10m extension cable works (honestly I can’t see how for now) it was a craaaazy bargain to pledge for that in advance, especially it beeing displayport which is even way harder to extend than HDMI.

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Sweviver & the other Tubers already extended the pimax cables. Sweviver was the first as i recall.

Hdmi did find a repeater good for upto i think 4k @60hz. Posted awhile ago.

Yes they extended it but I doubt that it were 10m (extension cable itself without the normal cable added in lenght :wink: you should be easily able to extend to 3m, you won’t need any specials for that. Even onboard USB will sufice for that, most likey even no active cables + repeater/s.
10m are possible but a lot of factors are involved.

Have to look but @sweviver betweem the original cable & extension might be around 10m.

Anyone had any luck getting anything 8-10 meters?

I’ve tried daisy chaining smaller ones, a 15M DP extension with repeater built in, a 10m DP cable with a DP repeater box on the end. Nothing is working.

I even have this 10ft cable - Amazon.com which is mentioned to be working here - https://community.openmr.ai/t/quick-impressions-of-pimax-5k/10081/5?u=industria

and even that’s no good. I can’t get any signal with any of them. My Pimax 5K only works plugged directly into the PC. I wondered if it was the ports on the card but they’re listed as DP 1.4 compatible.

Any ideas?

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I think you might have to limit to 5m cable extension.

@SweViver would be s good one to ask.