Elite Dangerous through the lenses


Thank you! :slight_smile: That’s what I’ve been wanting to see: ED and how readable the text will be. It looks really good.


This thing is lookin pretty close to ready to me.


Wish the video hadn’t edited out the launch from the station though. Would have liked to see how station details looked from the pad.

Combat would have been good too, one issue with the DK2 and Elite was the targeting pips were too small to make out.

Hi, William @DKruohuo is the guy who recorded the ED thur the lens. He is collecting your requests here to make better videos for your pleasure.


Yes please show the start and flight true the spacestation. Would be perfect to see the sharpness of things in the distance !

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Hi, would be nice to see some DCS World from around 1000 meters high above forest/sea
and some racing too pls :slight_smile:


It looks amazing. Blacklevels, colors, text. Just amazing. Can’t wait.


Please show us ONWARD in the 8k.
There is a huge onward community out there waiting to see what the game looks like in the 8k!
Mainly to see what enemies look like in the distance, on the vive it’s very hard to see as it’s only a few pixels moving.



Thanks for uploading in 4K resolution! Just viewed on my 4K projector. Looks amazing!

Does @deletedpimaxrep1 let you take the 8K home to use?? LOL

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I don’t see Godrays!! Please tell me I don’t see them because they won’t be able to exist!! This is very exciting!


In the 4K video, you can just make out the pixels and the (very slight) SDE. Here’s a close up, where it’s particularly visible. Note the pixels on the left edge of the face and the SDE in the green area. I still think it’s much better than the other headsets which are currently available.

Here’s a shot with some small text. It’s a bit blurry, but readable, which is what matters.

FYI, the Edge browser limits me to 1080p video resolution, but Chrome offers 4K res.


While shooting, I found that some of the model’s text was blurry or almost invisible on the normal monitor, but it was still visible under the Pimax 8K. This is invaluable.


Maybe it will appear at the end of the video next week:smile:


While watching the video, these issues were hardly noticeable. :thumbsup:

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Damn I keep trying to not hype myself up to much but this video really is something. Looks great.
I spent way too many hours in that game with the Vive to know how big a leap this is.


The thing is there is no one wearing the headset in these videos so things like combat etc would be incredibly hard to do

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Blacks are pretty good, i,m whatching it on a oled screen and aren’t 100% black but deep enough, but it’s sharp and without god damm rays (only a little on the top of the screen?) shut up and take my money


Really good video @DKruohuo well done!

I‘m stoked you managed to get rid of the flickering due to camera/panel varying refresh rate.

What I would like to know @deletedpimaxrep1 is what the dark banding seen across the panel is about. I’m asking because this does not seem to be due to camera/panel issues as Ben from roadtovr as well as others reported on seeing this IRL at CES2018.

Is this an issue and if so, can it be solved?

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There is also a blur filter in elite settings you can turn off that may help if it is on.