Digital Combat Simulator

I want to draw the attention of the Developers and fellow kickstarter backers to Digital Combat simulator (DCS):

DCS is a high fidelity flight simulator and is the sole reaon I, and many other people, are willing to spend thousands of dollars on VR headsets and the computer hardware needed to power them. This title has a very strong VR following with many people using the OR, Vive and Pimax4k with it. The DCS VR subforum is viewable here Virtual Reality - ED Forums

I strongly urge the Pimax developers to consider working directly with Eagle Dynamics (DCS Devs) to make the 8K(X) the success it should be in DCS. Current VR headsets are limited in this title as the low resolution makes cockpit dials and instruments difficult to read and visual spotting almost impossible. The narrow FOV is also limiting. With the increased resolution and wider FOV of the new 8K(X) I really think Pimax can make a killing here and make us simmers extremely happy.

The title is free to play for the basic terrain and aircraft. I urge Pimax to download and install it and tell us how it looks in the 8K(X). I hope they get in contact with ED and use DCS to showcase their new products in their upcoming events.

Please let usknow.

Thank you.

@PimaxVR @deletedpimaxrep1 @Matthew.Xu


I added a few of the pimax team pokes to your post to help draw attention to your awesome suggestion.


After watching this very shocking video, I immediately conveyed you suggestion to our team. I will inform you of any news. Thank you so muchļ¼


Great! I look forward to seeing DCS world footage with 8K.

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omg!!! that will be soo awesome ! one of my main reasons for backing this headset aswell!!!

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Iā€™m also DCS fan and DCS will be my major reason why go to more expensive 8Kx VR with potential to upgrade with Eyetracking and handtracking modules.
With this game if it done right you will see full potential of Pimax8KX. Imagine you can read instruments and spot targets in distance and have full 6DoF movemant inside full interactive cocpit where you can interast with any single button inside like it is in real plane.
Also major 200deg. FOV with Eyetracking, when you are siting inside cockpit and want to check your 6 (180deg.) you need to turn your head full 180deg. but in real life you will do it 90deg with body and other 90deg. with eye look on side.
Also instead of mouse cursore you can see your hands how reching and interact with buttons in cockpit.

DCS community is specific and people who is playing is is highly dedicated players who donā€™t ask for price if it is worth. So farr CV1 is ruller but main reason for it is 6DoF tracking. 8KX is will have good support for eye tracking and handstracking modules with disent 6DoF tracking will soon begin king of the VR and DCS is perfect title to show all benefit to competition. DCS is most demanding but in same time most rewording title and if its work good with DCS with other titles could work only better.

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Pimax Devs need to establish direct contact with Eagle Dynamics.
They need to do their job with better implementation of serten things. It is not just on Pimax devs.
Point is it is mutual interest because in same way how 8KX could shine in DCS, DCS could shine in 8KX in the same way.


I agree. Work together and make it a ā€œnativeā€ title so its a seamless experience. I really hope we get some sort of demo of the 8K with DCS.


That would be great and also a Huge DCS fan among other sims.

From my LEAP experience though, currently glued to my Oculus and using the Flyinsde program to use it in P3D. It needs a lot of work to reach its potential. Touching switches is glitchy, using the 3D yoke and throttle is all but useless. Hope they keep refining it as thereā€™s potential.

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Right now it is pointless. This prototype Pimax have right now is just to prove concept and gather Kickstarrter founds.
In essence it is 2xPimax4K with overclocked display to work on 75Hz. Iā€™m not even sure is it work on 1080p or 1440p but it is sure it is nor working on 4K. That why it is right now pointles because such video could show only lower SDE nothing else what 4K model allready have so people could get wrong picture especially 200deg. FOV canā€™t be showen on any tipe of media. VR is actualy based on subjective 3D experience close to reality.
Only when 8K will be able to reproduce picture in native 4K resolution is time to show true lense diferences in reading instruments CV1 vs 8K and spoting enemy targets in distance or ground comparison. That is where will 8K shine. But before real 4K ress could get negative effect and give public wrong picture of its potential.

I disagree. Positional tracking, wider FOV +/- higher resolution. Its not pointless because I want to see it. Im am entitled to ask least of all because I am a backer.


is DCS native VR ready? i would like to try it on the 4k but i suspect it has a very steep learning curve and truth be told i am nearly 1600 hours into Elite Dangerous and they have just released the 2.4 patch so i suspect i will be focusing on thatā€¦ ALIENS!!! :slight_smile:


I believe so. Its free to try so nothing to lose!

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I disagree as well. Game devs that want the best experience for their users want their games ready.

Warthunder dev for example jumped on VR support with Rift Dk1. The 8k was just a concept in Jan 2017 & was not near ready. The kickstarter model is more than ready for game devs to want in & have their titles working well ahead of consumer release.


Yes agree but you miss the point. right now there is no difference at all from 4K model. Only FOV and that could not be capture true lens. We still have to wait real 8K model with 4K ressolution.

Ah you mean when the 8k-X ships i believe in May?

So your wanting the 8k-X Wormeater. :v::wink::+1::sparkles:

The 5k & Base 8k model will still give a much better overall experience to the current marketā€™s offerings.

You miss point too. Right now is not because only difference 4K vs 8K is FOV.

No I havenā€™t missed your point the pixel density is the same between the 4k & 8k. The 8k has new clpl display & no shudder glass & higher refresh, ultra wide fov, steam based tracking system, Controllers & modular support.

Now sure base stations & controllers ship at a later date.

So if i have missed something let know.

Oh forgot display port & comfy headmountā€¦ & 2x1440p input of the 4k model.

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DCS was the first game I tried in VR.

Oh yes you doo. We are talking only about some demo true lenses and this is about some details which only us DCS users know what we are talking about and what is holly grail for us. 6dof is one of it but it is not matter when you filming true lens.

About some general demo of VR googles and its technical possibilities in DCS I didnā€™t see one single properly made on this technical issues needed in DCS. There is tons of DCS VR videos but not one proper demo who will show exactly what some user could expect from VR.