Device Detected as Illegal, please contact after sales support message when starting new pitool 262?

Please, make a review!

Great Question!!!


I don’t think Pimax has ever released a stable PiTool before, so their declaration is pretty meaningless anyway.


Since its only US and UK boys wit “illegal” headsets it might be those Huawei chips that make em locally illegal :crazy_face:

@SweViver @PimaxQuorra @PimaxUSA

An explanation (and resolving) would be hardly appreciated ! :confused:


PimaxUSA posted on reddit that this version will be rolled back it seems. But im not sure if thats true because i can use it.


for me, the update works in DCS.
Without HAGS nice, not full GPU load but 10-12% better frames then before.
With HAGS more GPU load, frames like with catalyst +8 before (up to 25% +/-5), but slightly stutter on fast movings.

Will test now X-plane beta…but there is an update… some minutes to wait.


Thank you for this. I use it for iRacing and some other sim racing titles. I havent set up il-2 sturmovik yet, but its good to know how DCS looks to gauge it with other sims.


One of the engineers said they could quickly resolve and they were able to do so.


XPlane 11 Beta
massiv loaded Scene (Orbx Edinburgh, Helistart anf Fly over Airport ), high details/objects, Ultraweather but blu sky, no frame helper plug,

Vulkan with HAGS 18-21 FPS, massive stuttering (261 before 11-14FPS)
Vulkan no HAGS 22-25 FPS, (261 before 18-21 FPS)
OpenGL no HAGS 33-38FPS (259 before 23-28 FPS)

Vulkan sucks again with parallel projection

It still sucks but it seems like you’re showing some increases in fps, which is definitely a good sign.
Have you tried to lower super sampling to like 20-40% in steamVR, leaving Pitool 1.0?

I´ve been playing everything with Pitool 1.5, 2100pix Vertical (44/45% Steam) since last year, which gives my system the best ratio of performance to sharpness. I tried everything before. Not interested in experiments. I think it depends a lot on your own system (7700k @ 5GHz, 2080ti 330W Bios @ 2000/7600, 32Gb @ 2800, 8k and 8k+)

The winner is XP / OpenGL - the best pitool for XP I’ve ever seen

Ok well then there may still be some hope for me then. Im on a 9900KS @ 5.0 all core, 32gb@4000, m.2 ssd, and 2080Ti @2.1

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in my opinium, OpenGL looks many, many better as vulkan.
Vulkan have bad colors, bad light, flat textures… have you seen in florida map the poor water and riffs? the most plugins dont work…and for parallel projection not enough power

I got PP working for Automobilista2 with my 5k+ at 90fps, but i just barely got it there and the graphics look OK - nothing to rave about.
iRacing on the 5k+ looks amazing and i can hold 120fps no issues.

I just know that 8K X will need the 3000-series to run normally. Everyone’s reports I’ve heard of so far dont sound good.

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Automobilista are much better optimized, than the 20 years old XP System…

Dont panik, the 2080ti is ok…
You don’t have to run it vertically at 4000pix. 2100-2700 are also enough :smiley:

I dont push the SS values too much like that either. I just get it where its clear enough to my liking though.

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we should go to this thread.

possibly @Heliosurge can this also relocate? :slight_smile:

Page goes nowhere for me - maybe a typo?

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is the 262 working now?