Deluxe Modular Audio Headstrap (DMAS)

@PimaxUSA @PimaxVR @PimaxQuorra
Can anyone from Pimax please give an update on the current status of the Deluxe Modular Audio Headstrap (DMAS)?

It has been a while since the last update and it has been some time since we received the Pimax 8KX, the unit is so incomplete without a better sound solution than the SMAS.

Any and all updates will be appreciated.


i was going to open a ticket for this +1 for an update

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I asked about that after I found the DMAS was not in the box of my jittery 8KX a few days ago and I was told that from next month they will start shipping some units…but who knows…this is Pimax but hopefully yes :slight_smile:

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I haven’t even gotten the lighthouses and controllers yet, so it sets in the box on a shelf. Some quality customer service

I cancelled/refunded my order for the lighthouses and controllers. Ordered light houses from amazon and controllers from steam. Both arrived within a week. I dont know if its a cashflow issue or steam is limiting sale to Pimax. Either way its unacceptable

I got the wrong controllers. I bought the vive controllers. I have to return them, however I did order the index controllers. Hope those work.

Now I got to figure out how to get my one lighthouse to register with Pitool. Funny but it does remind me of the problems I had with the original CV1 Rift. All good things come in time.

If the light houses were bought from somewhere else you most likely have to change the channel on one of them. I have found that you need to start the head set and pitool. Once running press restart service and everything should link

Has there been an update on the current status of the DMAS?


Changing the channels worked everyone.

Thank you

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Thats what I’d like to know. I would like the rest of the product I paid for. KDMAS, Lighthouses & COntrollers.

Last update we got they were to be starting to get shipped out on September 15th. Haven’t heard anything about delays just nothing happened. We are now almost 2 months past the ship date of the dmas. What is going on? We would really like an update. Atleast I would like an update about anything that doesn’t have to do with a backer box for once.


I thought that was for the backer box KDMAS’s? I thought I read in an update that DMAS sets were just entering production in the fall and would start shipping in December. I think it should come with an over the ear and higher quality audio headphone.
I’m waiting for mine too. And the thicker foam. And now I’ll be waiting for RMA on one of my base stations. (not Pimax’s fault tho’- they don’t make the base stations.

August 20th update:
“The first manufactured DMAS we use for testing arrive August 27th. If they pass testing we will begin production and this means first production around the 7th of September and initial packaged shipments beginning on September 15th.”
September 9th update:
“We are excited to announce the DMAS is finalized and it is now entering an estimated 1,000 unit production run. We will be revealing images and further details and more in some of the next updates.”


It really drives me nuts when Pimax goes silent on these things, any response is better than complete silence, it always give one a bad feeling and seems that they are being evasive for a reason.

When I finally received my 8kx after waiting for about a year after pre-ordering, I really thought our troubles with Pimax were behind us and they were actually on track, Now I’m getting that sinking feeling again.

Come on @PimaxUSA, @PimaxQuorra, @PimaxVR, give us something to work with here.

We did begin producing DMAS in September that was supposed to be part of a large run but early on we found the time to produce, test and calibrate each unit is much higher than KDMAS and SMAS.

Further a fair number of them were not passing tests. (The sound DMAS produces is genuinely amazing btw) But as a result it was dramatically slowing down production and testing of other items so we focused maximum effort to produce KDMAS in high volume. (and the other accessories for backer boxes).

Once that was completed at the end of October we wound up catching up on other accessories such as hand tracking and other long back-ordered items.

During recent weeks our engineers did refine the production process for the DMAS but we have not restarted production on it just yet. We will put out an advisory when the DMAS production is up and running.

But really no need to be concerned about the production side or any technical issues etc. We are committed to releasing DMAS but we just didn’t have enough factory capability to produce a large number of diverse items at the same time. We are also focused on adding additional production capacity and personnel.


Thanks sooo much for the detailed update, it really does help to get updates.
I am a very patient person as long as I know how to manage my expectations, but when I don’t have info from the source, I get a little crazy…lol

Thanks again for the update.


What? still not in production?

G’Day PimaxUSA

Appreciate your reply on DMAS,as other folk say, silence from Pimax to question’s
regarding purchases causes anxiety which harms the company and people jump
to all sorts of conclusions :beer:


I thought the DMAS was being made by an outside partner?

The short answer to that is, no. A longer answer would detail that most products involve other partners that are part of your supply chain to varying degrees.