Cyberpunk 2077 VR Enhancement Guide

Yeh i agree i think LR has supported Pimax headsets well, the CP 2077 works great for me in my 8kx and should do as after all Pimax sent Luke an 8kx over a year ago to dev on.

Well I have been having trouble getting custom Resolution to work in many games…Cyberpunk was an exception…for example I have to dig deep in the games grounded and HzD to force the correct aspect ratio, i will try hogwarts this week

ah ok, out of Lukes vr mods i only play CP (and GTA) so i’m unsure about problems with others.

if anyone has that issue i had with hogwarts,it needs to be in windowed fullscreen not windowed,it wasnt the 8kx,looks great in it now.

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I know that, so i did back him a little via patreon .As he was coming by another post on cyberpunk i think , where he said he will go for standart fov, because not many users are using headsets with a bigger fov.
There was another guy also asking for langer fov support because he is using a pimax.
That was the main reason i did stop supporting him.


played some cyberpunk on the crystal(bit older version of the game and mod)so idk about last versions,works normally(proly all lukes games work will try atomic heart next) and it looks mesmerizing the sharpness and the colors are crazy good the local dimming is really perfect for this game,the head shake recenter doesnt work with the mod thats about it.


Looks awesome. I have 8kx and waiting on Crystal from Amazon next week ! :grinning:

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