I’ve tried the cupon with the reservation fee but the store said it’s expired
It’s not updated? Or the cupon should be applied with the final order?
I’ve tried the cupon with the reservation fee but the store said it’s expired
It’s not updated? Or the cupon should be applied with the final order?
Reservation is 30 euro. No confirmation of official Euro price but almost certainly it is 1899 euro (basically the usual USD + 20%, Quest Pro is the same).
This link also somewhat confirms it: https://unboundxr.de/pimax-crystal?sqr=pimax%20crystal Credit to Boss80 on the Pimax discord for that link.
Edit: Also, anything I have got shipped from Pimax in the last year has been from Germany.
Coupon is applied later when paying the remainder of the value.
Not 100% but 95% no, it won’t be. (That’s from Sweviver and Kevin).
Thank you very much for the info.
Reservation done
It depends if Pimax pays for importduties or we have to pay it ourselves. But i think you are right the final price will be something like that.
wonder how the pimaxians discounts are gonna be applied tho,how will they know if someone bought it on amazon or something
Just reserved one. Waiting for reviewers to give me more details about Crystal. Very very excited about it.
The rest is up to you Pimax guys ! Please don’t disappoint us.
yes , $100 cupon should be applied with the final order
I thought there was mention in the first Crystal video of some method of adjustment for near/ far sightedness? Wouldn’t that imply that the lenses could be adjusted towards and away from the eye of the user?
I may be misremembering. It would be nice though!
The coupon is for the full payment, and I bet the reservation is limited, I hope I can reserve more than 3 units
I wear glasses so it would be good to get some clarification as to if the Crystal has diopter adjustment but the pics of the lenses I did not see anything that look like it was there. If not then will need to find lens inserts.
I did make the reservation for the pimax chrystal and did get a email from the payment from paypall.
But i didnt get a email from pimax for the reservation?? @hammerhead_gal
I didn’t received it either, but in my account the order appears correctly
I’m the opposite. I received the email but order isn’t in my account on pimax.com lol
Kind of funny to see so much speculation going on for a product which has been “launched” and can be pre-ordered now, yet hardly anything is known other than the specs which had been provided up to 5 months ago.
No single hands-on from anybody, not even Pimax-friendly Youtubers - as if the product didn’t really exist yet.
I admire the amount in belief (or on the bank account) those of you demonstrate who pre-order the Crystal based on marketing talk only so far. I mean I did the same - with the og Vive and Rift. But that was it, all subsequent headset purchases where based on at least a minimum level of actual hands-on experience shared by somebody. Even when backing the 5K+ & 8KX it was only after I had tried the 8K prototype during a roadshow.
To me the Crystal is still pretty much a black box.
Who would you put on that list? Other than NextGenVr I can’t really think of any. He has already confirmed that he is getting one of each headset to test from Pimax but he wouldn’t say when.
I guess they have Sweviver but woukdnt you expect a video every other day from him? Seems pointless employing him not to do what he was doing.
With the removeable lenses, I imagine that even were there to turn out to be no diopter adjustment, after all, it should be quite easy to shim in a sheet paper or a few, or a small stack of thin, tiny disc magnets, between the magnetic attachment points and the lens frames, for added diopters – not so much luck for subtraction…
Then comes the question of whether there is a distortion correction tuning variable, to match the change…
It strikes me that with the “fast-swappable” magnetic attachment solution, somebody could potentially add some sort of sensor, or NFC tag reader, or something, which detects which lens is fitted (…of the two types, and maybe even other, aftermarket ones, tailored to prescription…), along with the position of any diopter-dial, to have settings auto-adapt…
I wonder how visible the intermediate pane of glass will turn out to be… The one in the 8k series was pretty inconspicuous, but the new one has to be quite reflective at close to perpendicular, in order to do what it needs to for the eye-tracker, just like with the 8k series Droolon thingy… :7 (EDIT3: Apparently there have been a few reports about people experiencing ghosting in new headsets with pancake lenses, by the way – I had been wondering how much of that there would be… :7)
EDIT: Given people have apparently been sending devices needing service to Sweden, I could imagine that alone (EDIT2: …dealing with the logistics of it, that is - not personally diving into every unit with a soldering iron, himself…) keeping SweViver busy, depending on whether it is just him operating his locally incorporated subsidiary, all on his own, or there are others… I could also imagine him having acted as reach-out and go-between, between Pimax and Tobii…
There’s this other youtuber on this forum who does flightsims mostly, forgot his name but he posts pimax vids here on this forum, he seems to mostly post videos of him playing games using a Pimax headset. Then there’s that transsexual who does Pimax only stuff, pretty active on Discord. And Sweviver also of course.Also some others on Pimax discord, you can see them under ‘reviewer/media’, not all necessarily 100% pro pimax, but some are.
Honestly I dont trust ANY youtube reviewer at all. I mean if you send somebody a headset for free, how ‘independent’ is his review going to be?
I’d rather wait and see regular forum users here post their reviews. I’m happy @john2910 preordered the crystal, going to see what he has to say Although the Crystal reviews have to be REALLY REALLY good for me to buy a small FoV headset ever again.