Congratulations PiMax Team!

Your welcome & thank you for your kind endorsement. Back 2 sleep mind like mush. (gotta hate false fire alarms) lol

Pinky to lips…2 MILLION dollars.

Calling it a bit early aren’t we? :wink:

Looking forward to the Wireless module news.

Pimax will likely need more than a few shovels very shortly.

I can not believe that this project is close to raising more money in kickstarter than oculus with the dk1 :astonished:

can you explain to me what is this oculus you speaking about?

I am from the future year 2150

Congrats on 2mil Pimax and backers!! :smiley:

Indeed one of the folks said Oculus was something like 2.4m so we need the 2.5m+


I’m wondering, since I cant back the HMD, @deletedpimaxrep1 @PimaxVR is there anything I can do to help you guys? Do you need help with Ad ideas? Social media?


Then again… wasn’t DK1 the first real VR project that existed? No one really knew what VR was and how it would turn out to be so it’s harder to back a project when you have no real hands on experience with the technology.

Now with the more recent Oculus, the Vive, PSVR, there is no excuse, people have tried the product and they know what they’re getting into (minus the extra details like larger FOV and sharper resolution) so there is no excuse, we have to surpass the DK1 kickstarter!

Go Pimax! :wink:

looks like it could take out the oculus KS. especially after we get reviews of the new prototype. Please PiMax, don’t sell out to Facebook. :scream:

Earliest consumer home vr was to my knowledge Nintendo Virtual boy & Sega had some kind of vr headset. Neither worked out.

because in those days, 2% had such thing in the house. Now it is almost the opposite

You think China is going to bow to CIA FACEBOOK?

LMao, not in a million years. China cannot be bought with money, they have morals and dignity.

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Oh I’m sure there were others prior to the rift, what I meant was that it’s the rift that truly came to consumers view and introduced vr to the wider market. I may of course be totally wrong but for me personnally, I had never heard such a thing as vr before the oculus. But DK1 was more publicised.



never heard of this crap when you were young?

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Fat boi Palmer is going to be buy Pimax.

Nah I hear lucky is embracing military applications.

Endersgame is inevitable. :fearful:

2mil broken :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

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Wow! Just wow! Haha no never saw that one! Looks like power rangers gear though lol

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