Compiled specs sheet ["8K" V2 vs "8K" V3 vs "Vive" vs "8K" X CV vs "8K" CV] *UNOFFICIAL*

I accept there are people who would rather trust company with name P-IMAX, with proven record of marketing HMD as 4K, when input was 1080p(vertical), than person who gathered all available data, solved some puzzles, and presents the answers (real tech specs, not specs as marketing). And has HW/SW background, and has shown good analytical skills. You pick between my specs, and marketing specs, but don’t force other how to pick. Since Pimax will not give real specs, as didn’t with 4K HMD (to this day, how long from launch?) .
They could hide from some people, for some time, not from all people, the whole time.

Since I am mildly annoyed, by fanboy-ism, I will write analogy for non VR tech hard core people to understand. Analogy, from the console world:
Pimax 4K v1 (1080v res), that is like using XBOX 360 on QHD TV.
Pimax 4K v1.2 (1440v res), that is like using PS3 on QHD TV.
Pimax 8K v1-2 (1080v(DSC)) is like using PS4 Pro on 4K TV. (upscaling most games, ~30fps)
Pimax 8K V3(1080v downsampled) is like using XBox One S on 4K TV. (900p to 4k upscaled)
Pimax 8K CV, is like PS4 pro but with checkerboard rendering(4K CKRB), good enough to wait for PS5.
Pimax 8K X CV, is like XBox One X on 4K TV, some games run native, some upscaled.
And for fans of gen 1 tech, here it goes:
Rift CV1 is like XBox One - with Full HD TV.
Vive CV is like PS4 on 21:9 Full HD monitor, a bit wider FOV(to Rift).

Some compare Pimax 8K to gen 2, gen 2 will be, PS5, XBone 2X :slight_smile: 4K gaming on 4K TV, 60fps expected and HDR.
You can also compare HDR to SDR LCD(pimax) vs OLED(Rift/Vive/PS VR).

How can I dare to make analogy, who am I, to do that? I can do what I want, you can read what you want. Comment how you want. Some might find it interesting(confirmed by some backers). So I continue… I am on backers side, not company side. I will use logic+available data+assumptions, you can use personal attacks as your weapon of choice to defend company.
Edit: I won’t waste another post on explaining how you attack me instead of present new source of better data. That is not marketing(check marketed in my sheet).
I can do thought experiment, which I did, and from that I debunked whole 1080p to 1440p update via firmware. And scaler is part of DSC(decoder) engine, no separate HW scaler IC on P4K P_any_K …