Community Discussion 0423 Update

He did not say it was supposed to impress you. Do whatever you do to relax and try again, or just continue to go at every single person that does not not agree with you … whatever you think is best.

Insults ? You mean like suggesting other people you know nothing about are liars and frauds. Calm down a bit. Nobody here is a bad guy. At least not in any way that should matter to the other on this forum. The basic idea others are trying to share with you is that there is valid reason to be bothered by the delays, and there is a right to express that here, and there it is not helpful or make sense to shove “That is how kickstater works” at those who chose to do so.

prom·ise[ˈpräməs]NOUN a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen.

Kickstater campaigns are littered with them. Jeez man get real here. Promises are not contracts this is true, but Kickstater is centered around promises… Such as “Backer 499 or more … get this!” That declaration is … you guessed it … a Promise.

No, you just told him how he was making a mistake by expressing himself and he is only doing so because if does not understand Kickstarter or what he had agreed to… Nothing insulting there ? You cannot get your money back and you cannot make them do anything they are not able to… so why not vent if you feel like it. It has been awhile and it looks to be awhile yet before everyone is deep in what “promises” to be some pretty epic VR experiences

Estimatations like estimated shipping is not a promise unfortunately.

As for the liars comment it seems both sides are clinging to that non-sense. Ie “Pimax are liars”, users promoting false info(those who are still in support).

At the end we all need to relax & play some fruit ninja to unwind or stare out into the blue. :beers::innocent::+1::sparkles:

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Haha. Fruit Ninja Stresses me out! Fun but I get too frantic when I get close to my high score and then just mess it up :slight_smile: All this talk about folks getting stressed over the timelines… Makes me wonder if ebay will get inundated with 8k units after delivery. I would not bet on it, but then again I am sure there will be at least a few. Not myself though I already sold my Vive headset so the 8k will be my one and only.

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The irony truly escapes you…

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Nice try. But you are the only one who is going at me. I am not having a bad conversation with anyone else. I have tried to diffuse far above, but I think it is best that I just not converse with you anymore.

Tom the irony escapes many at this point. Like @dogbite stated is good advice for all.

Like @Hoodathunk posting his resume as an engineer but misinterprets “estimate” as promise. :v::innocent::+1::sparkles: but we need to move on & relax maybe with a good ole :beer: as long as one is of age. Lol


Maybe we shouldn’t ask for so much transparency from Pimax on the same day :wink:

I misinterpreted nothing. Pimax made a hard sell that they had all the engineering issues solved when it was nothing of the sort. Have you forgotten that drawn out explanation of why the risk for not meeting Feb shipping dates was ‘low’? I haven’t.

No doubt, delays on a recreational consumer item are in the ‘1st world problem’ column and I have illusions in that regard, but for Pimax to portray this as anything other than poor management is plain disingenuous. This is the only issue I take exception to.

Possibly or we need to go on a month long co-op to better understand how business is different from what we understand it to be.

I don’t know so I can’t say. :beers::innocent::+1::sparkles:

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Well we understand estimated differently. I had guessed by the v2 that feb wasn’t going be difficult either based on what I saw.

But not all engineers are hands on. (Not to be confused with me lumping you as them). I have worked with engineers that can’t recognize what your making; is what they drew; even with solidworks. Lol

I always thought world hunger was no. 1. :smirk:

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So a low level risk being high enough to actually manifest as a problem is bad managing now? That’s what risk means, that there is a possibility that something goes wrong.

Within a research and development project everything can change until you have your finished product and even then some things may be reworked in future versions.

If you can’t handle this you never should have backed a Kickstarter in the first place.


Okay folks. I think were letting our collective passions get in the way.

So i propose something simple. Alot of folks simply need to vent (it’s also therapeutic). So with that being said anyone who would like to vent free of community jumping.

Feel free to PM me; my :ear: is there for any without judgement. I might make the odd point. But i will not :hammer: that it’s a kickstarter etc. It is what it is and will be.

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Well, this didn’t just spring up. There was no need to delay info that contradicts previous statements.

It is what it is and it’s done when it’s done BUT is Pimax chasing tech/breakthroughs that doesn’t exist or is beyond manageable?

Who knows.

and looks really good

Thanks for the update @deletedpimaxrep1, prefer the attention to quality. It’s just like if we could choose the pilot of a plane we take, everyone would choose the perfectionist.

No I don’t think so… As always you have your vocal minority and their worries about nearly anything and most backers just wait to get the best product possible.

If you don’t have the patience then sell your pledge to someone else. There is only one thing they can do to destroy their own business and that is giving in to impatient customers. A subpar product will be the end for Pimax, the HDM and the company so they should ignore the whining as much as they can.


@deletedpimaxrep1 thank you for the update, I’m very pleased to hear that the lenses are being iteratively improved on. :smile:

I’m hoping that you all truly care about image quality as much as you say you do, and that the release iteration of the lenses totally rock. :slight_smile:

It shocks me to see so many against this… How can you be so naive?? The ENTIRE visual experience of VR is filtered through the lenses. It’s how you’re eyes and brain perceive the virtual world you are in. Why the **** do so many of you seem to think this is something that doesn’t hardly matter? might as well tape a screen to your face with no lenses at all, right? Full immersion? Full FOV? Must be perfect right, screw lenses why are they even there??

The lenses have always been one of my biggest concerns with the product and I am really hoping that you guys at Pimax nail it. It’s a tricky science that no company has yet figured out in a consumer product (at your FOV scale) and I’m thinking that the quality of the lenses + screens (ghosting, response, hz) will make or break the Pimax 8k.

Do your best work, and please don’t listen to the impatience of the forum!


I tried the v3 version and the lenses were absolutely fine in there. But then I read someone say those were very expensive lenses that can’t be used for mass production. But where did those lenses come from then? Did they use lenses from another (business edition) headset? Is there someone on this forum here that knows lenses?

Those lenses were probably custom tooled (“manually”), and therefore not compatible with mass produced manufacturing standards.


So that must be the problem. When I backed the 8k I thought all those things were sorted.