Community Discussion 0423 Update

Yes, that is contradicting information, I agree.

THIS is constructive criticism, and this is what we need around here. But just blasting out like as if somebody has taken away my favourite toy is not helpful.

So your comment is great. However, I would consider a comment on exactly the same issue not very helpful, and annoying to waste my time to read, if it was using this kind of language, which unfortunately sometimes is used here too:
“They posted something about availability of components for the M1 assembly and they are clearly lying to us in order to cheat us, and I demand that they provide us an update within **10 minutes ** from the time of my post !!! They are a big scam, and this proves beyond any doubt that they are never going to deliver anything !!! I want to SELL my pledge, I am outta here !!!” (and of course this same user will still be around in 1,2,3 months from now and will not have sold his pledge)

[Edit: ok, I see that Xunshu has clarified this point.

Guess what, I suppose she would not have responded if it had been stated like my sample I cretaed above in this post]


Carefull with that axe @Axacuatl,

because you are on the other side of the river.
The same can be said about you when you defend blindly your position only to have your ego survive.

But I don’t want to start again offtopic issues, although lot of psychological things are happening here.

And btw, please tell me what was clear in my last post regarding factory and vendors ? Was it clear ? Try do draw a logical scheme. Does it draw well ?

Like I said to you in another thread, has a backer we can only hope to have a transparent communication with the creator and that he’s going toward the realization of the project. With the last update Pimax give us what seems to be to real situation and where there going in plausible terms and means. You can feel uncomfortable with it or not but at this point it’s out of our hands

For example in another Kickstarter I was supposed to have the item 1.5 year ago. We are only 2 month late for a foreseeable 5-6 months delay from February if we take in account the info of the last update

This is the norm for such Kickstater, and for my part now that I know where Pimax is going a I’m fine with this delay.


i think that they are just liars, took the money in order to get funding and then, we, backers will help them making a good product (like sheep that we are).
And this remind me one of my first post when i said " i am nobody here"
Of course i am, i am the idiot 2365 who believed what Pimax said about suppliers and being able to deliver in time and all this.
Of course tech guys will now jump saying stuff like…you know the stuff takes times…you know components stuff and more but i don’t care.
I backed believing what they was saying and now i think they are just liars .
flipping 4 month with the same excuses.
i am really trying hard to stay polite.

In my opinion they lie in a positive way. Their lies cover their incompetence not their fraud.

That’s kinda odd… the main purpose of Kickstarter is to fund a product for a company we wish to support. As a Kickstarter backer myself, I knew that going in and I don’t think I’m sheep for it… just informed and hope-full the relationship will bear fruit. That is my understanding of Kickstarter. Now if you wish to believe Pimax lied about the ETA… that’s speculative. Pimax has done what every other Kickstarter does… Estimates on “best case scenarios”.


A lie is a lie.
They must have know this for a while and decided not to say anything and actually they have a very very very very good background in that sector…
They SHOULD have updated us before about that.
What is the point to be a backer???
Easy to use the well know " we want to give you a perfect product" , every updates says something different from the previous one, blurry update, makes me fell like i am being for it.
And please some of you stop playing the big daddy’s, we have the right to be pissed and say what we think!!!
i am still looking forward to get mine before general release cause at this path it won’t be the year of the Pig or the Rat .

Your point of view, its ok.
Not mine

Yeah, I couldn’t say it better than you. Actually I gave up. You can not fight with the hope and positive thinking. Hope is the last who dies.

It’s to back a company to produce a product they believe they can deliver. Kickstarter is not a online-store to purchase a proven product at a discount rate. It is to show financial support to a company that desires to make a product that is unique and that individuals wishes to help. If your understanding that Kickstarter is somehow a discounted store to purchase a proven product with guarantees of functionalities and shipping dates… you’re misinformed what crowdfunding is all about.


Well, to become a backer you have to start once, and i did after reading all the " stuff" pimax was stating on Kickstarter regarding delivery date / suppliers and all.
So pardon me my man if i am not an experienced backer and no matter how you put it a lie is a lie.
First delivery date was very optimistic i know that, i don’t need you to talk to me like if i needed your knowledge .
But the lack of transparency is really annoying,i backed it to be part of the development and so i expect to be tell the truth, no matter if i wasted 10 years of my life on previous project, if its my first ,if i paid more or less.
I am a backer and should know more.
Now if you are happy with selling technics like "estimated " “willing to deliver the best” “to you backers” ,
if you really think you are being part of anything, well…good for you.
But let me moan in peace you want!

Fair enough…

This isn’t the first time you and I had this conversation… And I’ll say it again… I’m a low number backer and I really don’t expect to see my 8K until early next year. But I’m confident it will come. Will it be everything I hope for? I’m not certain of that but I do think it will be good. I know my ETA date will annoy people. But that’s my opinion and I have stated that for a while now. If it comes earlier… it’s all gravy! Anyhow, I backed the 8K for two reasons…

  1. I want the HMD that Pimax says it can deliver… SteamVr compatible 200 degree FOV and high resolution.
  2. I want to push VR technology faster. If Pimax succeeds, it will force other competitors to improve their VR technology.

I will only feel angry and burned if Pimax doesn’t deliver to me a 200-degree FOV, high resolution HMD by next year. And again, I seriously doubt I’ll get burned and when it does arrive, my second reason will be accomplished as well.


This is not at all the first time a campaign has been wrong about the delivery date. Every one I have been in has been late. My Coolest Cooler came in about a year after the expected delivery date. My Lords of Hellas board game came in 4 months after and there are extra components that are delayed 5 months. Secret Hitler came in 6 months later. This is very normal of a KS. Delivery dates are not important and no campaign I have seen lately has hit theirs yet. The product is the most important. If they have to push out the delivery date for a year then so be it as long as we have a great product.


Unless you are terminally ill I do not see what the big fuss about an extra month is for. If so you have my deepest apologies and offer my sympathy.

There is nothing else scheduled from the competition prior to this date, why do you think this dooms the launch of this product?


Thank you!

I would much rather get a really good product than one that is rushed, please take your time.


I think Pimax is making the right decision by focusing on Picture Quality (lenses and lcd display). Personally I want to wait months if I eventually will receive the best possible HMD on the market.

Thank you Pimax for all the hard work.


I don’t agree. If the difference is that hard to see, it is not worth months of delay and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just my opinion…


Thank you Pimax for your hard work …

Everything here is experimental…

In my opinion, after v2

  1. we get the new bigger lenses for more fov (this is great).
  2. we get feedback about reflection and pimax will making more surface for solve that issues.
  3. improvement of lenses.

Although the general consumer can’t tell the different, but when we send this headset to the expert such as roadtovr, I think people still can be disappointed if it has some issues.

We come so far and I think we should not back to the old version.
This is long term product and it should be the best right now until we have new technology.