CES 2018 demo details

It might be fitting to use DCS 2 and the NTTR map. After all we’re talking Vegas. people could fly down the strip.


That would be a better idea. Also DCS 2.2 runs far better FPS wise in VR im told.

DCS have strong lobby grup on this forum but true is that IL 2 BoS ,BoM, Kuban is the best VR implemented flight sim so far. Very immersieve with beauty , detailed , diversed ground graphics and cockpit elements with text is even more readable than DCS on current gen HMDs.
just look at this vid: Graphics review IL-2 KUBAN - YouTube
Il-2 Sturmovik Battle of Kuban VR - YouTube

ED Team did reach out to Pimax after Frisco to work together to “cooperate for an amazing DCS VR experience”. They have been strangely quiet regarding that overture ever since. Perhaps something will be revealed this week. It seems fair to conclude that the 200 fov and clearer distance viewing got their attention. I am excited to find out now DCS will be received.

I agree.
IL-2 best flight/fight VR implementation.
Tino Costa

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Final exam? I thought there were issues being address with refresh rate, no?

People you have to understand it is not lobby for ED and his DCS. Point is DCS is most demanding ens if DCS will work good Il2 BoS or any other Race sim could work only better. DCS is real stress test for Pimax that is the only conclusion here.

But there is some catch. If this is not done right could get opposite effect. So Pimax devs I hope you know what you are doing.

And like @dogbite say what could be better than take VR and flying true Vegas when you are in Vegas.

I love racing sims. That’s the only gaming I do. But if you sit any noobie into a race car cockpit for the first time all they will do is spin and crash. Not a very efficient way to demo a product. So I can understand not using PC2 even though I’m dying to see how it will look.


Thats exactly the same for flight sims though.

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Exactly. I see no difference in that.

Not exactly, if you sit a noobie in DCS in instant mission in air , it would be hard enough to crash the airplane in the next two or three minutes, which is quite enough to learn basic joystick movements to keep the plane flying.

But in Project cars, indeed , it is very hard to go straigh from the beginning and you will crash a lot or spin around your butt.

I use to play both games and more cars and flight sims, so I ve been a nobie in both kind of games. There is a sensible difference.


Well, depends a bit on the car & track selected, I guess, but it is correct that you don’t have the chance to go straight for a couple of miles as you do with a plane. One issue with both of them is, that for those unexperienced with VR, both plane and car simulators are likely to cause nausea pretty quickly. Hope Pimax have positioned a couple of buckets nearby… or even better, check with the folks if they have any substantial VR experience and if not, lead them to theBlu and Fruit Ninja instead.

But whatever you guys are discussing here in terms of what’s better suitable for demo’s - they have already started, so pretty much a moot point at this stage. And DCS surely is better than just having Fruit Ninja and TheBlu on display, both in terms of performance with a high-demand application, the visual quality and the effect of the wide FoV and lower refresh on motion sickness.

Sorry as a sim enthusiast I disagree, both can be just as easy to “crash” if you’re not being sensible. You can also enable many aids in PCARS to make it easier and also more forgiving so if one does crash they can just get back on track and carry on racing again.

This is so true. I remember my first time, crashing was especially terrible.

This is how you should test the headset. With racing cars.


I remember demoing for my friend. When he made his first hard turn he fell out of the chair because he was expecting to feel the g-force of the turn, lol.


That’s hilarious! Wish I were there to see it when it happened. :slight_smile:

@deletedpimaxrep1 So no room scale tracking for the vive games then? At least do robo recall for the rift game, so lighthouse tracking can be experienced as well.

Hi, @deletedpimaxrep1, @Matthew.Xu:

Has anyone been able to test if it works with Revive?



Hi @isequence

Would love to hear your comments from CES. How did it go?