Bugs & Issues Reporting

Again, thank you all for taking your time to test the VR Experiendce software with your Pimax headset(s). The more testing results we can share, the more potential bugs and issues we can discover and resolve - which is the main purpose for the private beta phase :slight_smile: We really appreciate all your help and Im sure we can achive great things with this software the upcoming weeks and months!

Feel free to report and discuss any kind of issues and bugs you find along the way, and lets try to fix them all together! You can create your own threads and topics regarding bugs and issues in the private category “PE Bug Reporting”: https://community.openmr.ai/c/PEXPBeta/PEBetaBug/

General discussion, opinions, suggestions and ideas for future versions can be discussed in the category “PE Discussion”: https://community.openmr.ai/c/PEXPBeta/PEbetaDisc/

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Not sure if bug or just being dissed. but it seems this is the only thread i can actually reply in. (also not able to create threads it looks like)


hmm thats strange :confused: . @Heliosurge could you please double check so users can create own topics in the category?


Try refreshing the page and or flush browser cache.

All settings verified you should be able to reply and create topics in bugs and duscussion


I will be away for a bit as need to go do a job. Wil check back later. If needed will try the omr test user

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I can create topics and reply to threads in PE bug reporting. but not in pimax exp private beta

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That is the main category. You can create and reply in Bugs and Discussion subs

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Yeah it looks a bit confusing from start when the categories are so empty. I was also unsure if I really posted in correct category. But Im sure it will be easier to understand the categories when more posts are made.

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Try this link


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maybe the topic

General Discussion about Pimax VR Experience Beta builds

that encourages

Let’s brainstorm ideas in this category and discuss our opinions and potential suggestions for improvements of the VR Experience software in it’s Beta stage.

should be moved to a category that actually lets people post then.



a quote means the post is not empty

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The About Category is not the same as a regular tiouc

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The first one listed is the Parent Category not postable in.

Pimax Experience Private Beta

You can post in

  • PE Discussion
  • Report Bugs

Try the link as that goes to PE Discussion.

InPumax Hardware you can’t post there. But you can in it’s Subs.


Thanks for this great interface/tool/GUI @SweViver :smiley:

A few things I’ve noticed: After I launch it I am looking at the default moonscape background until I click the thumstick to recenter the GUI in front of me, it starts by default behind my head.

I cannot launch any games even though they show up. I can scroll through them but not launch.
The SYS info area on the right side says that my vr controllers are not detected even though I see them in hand with laser pointers, although the angle is off as others have noted.
I can’t change anything or even use exit from the lower bar, even though I can “point” at anything.

My tracking shows as 3DOF even though Pitool sees both my basestations.

I don’t seem to have much active functionality overall. (long face lol)

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ok, just rebooted and everything now working as intended…both controllers now detected or seen in PE sys area and buttons are clickable.

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Tested a bit, it’s a good start, thank you for that.

Now my noob questions / reports

1) The startup time is very high, the whole procedure takes 1:35 on my system, all on SSD, high-end rig. I guess it’s because I have 600+ games in my Steam library. It is not so unusual to have a library that big. An inexperienced user would surely think that the interface crashed. Every time I leave SteamVR it takes 1:35 to return to Experience. Changing UI Theme also reloads everything and takes the same amount of time. Hiding the SteamVR category doesn’t help. Here would be better a progress bar and/or load asynchronously without blocking user interaction. That’s the only real big issue I have found…

2) The resolution seems a bit low, the text is aliased and not very readable. Can I increase the interface resolution/supersampling? I don’t need 120fps in Experience, but I need crisp text

3) The interface starts to the right respect to the room orientation. How to center it isn’t clear.

4) Games sorted by “last played” are everything but in the correct order

5) “automatic steamvr optimize”, is it also possible to read the current value from the cfg ? Since SteamVR sometimes overwrites the values it would be useful and comforting to have them always visible someware, better in the right panel with all system data (GPU, etc… )

6) “add to favorites” would be better an empty star and a yellow star, not a yellow star and a red star. The yellow star seems already in favorites

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Are they all installed? I have a huge amount of games too, but they’re not all installed simultaneously, and my start-up times are seconds.

Might be related to the thumbnail generation/pre-loading that @SweViver mentioned he might disable.

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Ah thats great to hear :slight_smile: I gotta admit I was a little worried at first after your initial report!

Wow 600 games hehe!

The first time VRExp starts, it reads and imports all VR-games (SteamVR/Oculus/VivePort and manually Imported) and creates a default profile if not existing. It also creates a SteamVR optimization profile per each.
Although, strangely enough, its not what causes the delay and freeze. Its the pre-loading of images for the Profile section that is the cause. I think I made an unnecessary step in the loop, so I will start by removing the thumbs (only in Profiles view) from the pre-loading and I think it should remove the delay. I still want these thumbs in the Profile section, so eventually we may need to re-code that listing. Either way, its fixable and I will start by uploading a version later today that skips the thumbs in that listing.

I haven’t noticed that, but on 8K+ PiTool RQ 1.5 looks indeed much better than 1.0 in the app. I will try to add a built-in supersampling to the app.

Is that happening AFTER you have made the Room Setup im PiTool? The orientation and height/position is based on PiTools Room Setup. And you can re-center the view with Valve Index Thumstick button down (left or right) or Touchpad down on HTC controllers.

Yep the dates are messed up. Thats because Im using the timestamps that PiTool generates upon imports which are wrong. I will change that function. Soon I will make the import function of SteamVR/Oculus separated from PiTool (just like VivePort is already).

good idea, its possible so I will add that!


I second the request to have favourites with a filled in star and non-favourites with an empty star.

The main things I noticed on first few runs have been noted in the known issues post.

Other thoughts:
When running a steam game, you can’t get back to an overlay menu with the menu button like you can when running with steam overlay. Some games (irrational Exuberance demo etc) you can’t exit from within VR now.

The side panels don’t need to be there all the time, can they be toggled somehow?

You can change the UI from several places (side panel, main panel and bottom panel), this should be just one place.

Second vote for the auto optimise steamvr to show you what you have now.

The restore previous settings feature on the advanced settings page does not have a saved setting for me, and I cant see how to create one manually.

The app has failed to start from PiTool after setting Start Pimax Home on main settings page. I have to run it from the .exe [Fixed after a re-boot] Still doest stat again after finishing the VR app

Theme changes pause the app which is a bit jarring. Can you preview the themes in a dropdown (the name of the theme in the theme colour scheme in the dropdown) to avoid switching until the user really wants to.

Software should recognise my controllers are vive controllers and I shouldn’t have to switch from Index to Vive.

Overall a very good and pretty mature looking bit of software.
I’m looking forward to more testing.