Please correct me, but I have the impression that the new Brightness adjustment in PiTool 121 changes GAMMA levels, while the old Brightness adjustment (Low/Normal/High) changes the LCD/OLED backlight?
I agree with you that lowering the new brightness level on 5K+ to lets say -2 or -4 gives a really nice improvement in colors and a more popping image with better blacks. Unfortunately, the blacks gets crushed quite a lot with dark details vanishing already at brightness -2 which makes me believe we are playing with the gamma here and not the LCD back light. Anyhow, adding +2 on contrast makes the blacks less crushed, brings out slightly more details in the very dark parts and improves the overall image by making it more “popping”. Really great job Pimax. This is a huge improvement for the 5K+ (I havent tested on 8K yet).
But… comparing it with 5K XR OLED reveals quite a dramatic difference after all. While the blacks definitely get better on the 5K+, and the difference between brightness 0 and -3 is actually huge, its still quite far from the OLED blacks. And let me hint you that even if the blacks really look black on the XR, they are not 100% black (pixels not completely turned off) which by the way is done on purpose to remove black smear - just as Vive and Rift is doing. Anyhow, its still a huge difference between 5K XR and 5K+ in any game I have tried so far.
I will give you an example in Elite Dangerous I just made. Sorry for the poor quality of the photos and some light bleed from the surroundings (as I cant turn off all lights here at work). All photos were taken with Pro mode, manual settings and same values.
I did not change the brightness/gamma/contrast on the 5K XR OLED, so its all on Normal and 0.
Please leave the SDE difference away from this discussion, I will cover that later with better comparisons
Let me know what you think
Pimax 5K+
Brightness Mode: Low
Brightness Level: 0
Contrast Level: 0
Pimax 5K+
Brightness Mode: Low
Brightness Level: -4
Contrast Level: 0
Pimax 5K+
Brightness Mode: Low
Brightness Level: -4
Contrast Level: +2
Pimax 5K XR OLED
Brightness Mode: Normal
Brightness Level: 0
Contrast Level: 0
Now, here is another example which shows you the black crush I mentioned above. Look at that little “cloud” of stars in the middle of the view on each image. Notice how its almost completely gone with Brightness on -4 and no contrast added?
And yes, the 5K XR will crush some details as well, but thats not surprising as OLED panels will always have more black crush.
Pimax 5K+
Brightness Mode: Low
Brightness Level: 0
Contrast Level: 0
Pimax 5K+
Brightness Mode: Low
Brightness Level: -4
Contrast Level: 0
Pimax 5K+
Brightness Mode: Low
Brightness Level: -4
Contrast Level: +2
Pimax 5K XR OLED
Brightness Mode: Normal
Brightness Level: 0
Contrast Level: 0