Best Pimax Crystal mods

We’ve seen some creations with our Crystal on our Discord channel or on social media, with some of them seriously getting our approval. Here we share the best mods.

Side-charging for 45H battery life

Credit to: Cheezus-Crisp & Jason Lyon

You can basically get infinite battery life by using a 25W QC3.0 charger and a USB-C cable, and plug in the USB-C on the top right of the headset (normally used for firmware updates).

You can get a long cable and neatly fit it together with the DP cable so that it’s not in the way.

Headset foam for thinner faces

For smaller faces, if you want less light leakage, simply put in weatherseal into the sides of the facial padding. If you cut it neatly, it’s a pretty elegant solution!

3D print for more comfort

Credits to HeadsetHistorian

This comfort mod can be 3D printed, URL coming soon.

Using Index controllers

Credits: Dextro, Reinhard Roscher & Dextro

Youtuber and user Reinhard has this tutorial on how to use Index controllers with the Crystal, even without the lighthouse cover.

Comfort strap

Credits to: Omniwhatever

Even though Pimax is developing its own comfort strap (as an accessory), Omniwhatever also shared his comfort strap solution on Discord. This one is from StudioFormCreative: