Apple Vision Pro's launch

So IFixit did some partial pixel counting, and multiplied that count, to arrive at about 3660 by 3200 pixels per eye; Then calculated a rough 34 PPD average, based on an assumption of 100 degrees FOV.

However; If this was done using the simplest possible naiive division (it is certainly unlikely to take lens distortion into account), I would have to conclude it also assumes 100% stereo overlap – i.e. 100 degrees per eye; Do we know whether this is really the case?

I couldn’t help but making a light observation, by the way… We may scoff at the user experience just being iPad- (…and Mac-, etc…) screens floating around you, but, you know… From William Gibson et al, to Oculus kickstarting this generation of VR trying to happen, Skeumorphism had already come and gone, on mobile devices… Early app UIs mimicked leather filofaxes and things like that (…and back then the device makers would refuse you application multitasking), but eventually, everybody went back to plain old WIMP style windows (EDIT: …albeit fixed full-screen jobbies), with regular OS-standard text lists and buttons stuff in them them. -Present things in the most direct, clear, and simple way possible, with a unified look through a standardised UX toolkit, with a style guide, and you’ll “just get things done”… :stuck_out_tongue:
To insist on, say, a clock application having to present as a 3D modelled baroque-inspired 70 kg piece of exotic wood and brass in your augmented room, would come across as rather quaint today, rather than the futuristic fantasy it once may have excited the reader with, in popular speculative fiction, back when computers were big electron tube things in wealthy universities… :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like the screens are canted, btw, if I see things correctly in the teardown video. :7


Good news, Ivry’s hack will be using the “AVP developer strap” which is an USB-C cable. Exciting stuff indeed. However according to UploadVR they (ivry) don’t even have an AVP yet to play with and they will get one by April. Damn … I’m really not even considering the AVP until ivry has this ready.

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What? A major VR outlet didn’t get in on the early pre orders? Thats shocking.

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Interesting and Good news indeed :+1:

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Haha no I was talking about ivry the developer. Should have stated that better

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Haha. :joy: No problem.

When I go on Youtube it seems filled with plonkers doing rediculous stuff with their AVP. lol


How long before we get AI filters that turn every female into naked females? PMSL.


Sebastian loves it:
“Best ever” but then again, he says that quite often in his reviews, I would be worried if he wouldnt say so :slight_smile:


Pimax used stated peak PPD to be 35, while iFixit states average PPD to be 34 on the AVP. There‘s your difference.


Umm, I didn’t invoke Pimax, nor any difference of any sort, in the post the above was in response to…(?)

@jojon Sorry, I meant to reply this post of Pascal314:

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you’re underestimating the demand for a device like this.

I have around 28-29 (I already lost count) HMDs and for a serious productivity purposes there are all $ hi t. So many quirks & issues in soft, the ecosystem is fragmentated, every step you losing time due to the raw software. While hardware if not the best but still already pretty usable the ecosystem still not there even close. From what I see this is finally a productivity device with a full focus on it & while software is still far from ideal there are so much to appreciate: 12ms latency (you see your hands & devices around), gorgeous visuals, aliasing, professional grade eye tracking integration, there are input combos you cant gain on pc (eg looking at various windows you dont need to move a trackpad all the way, it jumps there automatically. When you streaming a macbook when you move trackpad out of main window it reacts with Vision Os windows, looking at different input fields while typing on a keyboard without a need to switch focus manually etc etc). Its perfect for development work. We dont need games, we need a good usable (not that meta’s crap software that they cant fix for last ~6 years) pc interface without a crap software. The major con is weight but using 900gramm index for a 16hrs per day (counterweight) same with Q3+ counterweight it seems with double softstrap mod as a top strap it doesnt need a counter weight & weights around 700gramms which is fine for the time being and a quality you get from it. For me personally it is easier to work in VR as your eyes get less fatigue as well as muscles as you look at screen in distance & at relaxing angles. I dont use monitors for last 3 years since Q2 & fine with it, however resolution (finally Q3 gave bearable lenses e2ec) & ugly soft was always a problem (have to use VD (oculus store or steamvr variant with vitualbox & linux on top of it or mac + VD, there are so many issues with dpi in diff OSes, not staying apps at same place when you put off the hmd, constant issues with guardian, I hate it so much, every 2-3 hrs you need to click confirm button 3-4 times). I would say for what AVP is, it costs cheap, very cheap I spent bunch of money but i cant get what I can get with it.


Hey nice to see you got one! And yeah I’m sure that IF you want to use a headset for productivity, then the AVP currently is the best you can get.

Interesting point you brought up about eye muscles. In theory you’re right, most VR headsets have a focus distance around 2 meter so it would only make sense that watching a projection at 2 meters yields less eye strain than looking at a monitor at 0.5 meter distance. However the only headsets that had my eyes completely relaxed were the Varjo headsets. Even my Quest 3 gives me a slight eyestrain that I dont have when working in front om my monitor. I tried watching Netflix with my Quest 3 and my eyes felt more strain than with a TV and also the image of course was worse. However if Apple managed to match/beat Varjo in that aspect, then it would indeed make sense to use a headset. However I’d still miss the crispy clearness of a 4k monitor in front of me I’d guess. Then again, maybe I should just try an AVP and see for myself :slight_smile:

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@twack3r you already got yours, buddy? Looking forward to your review!

Sure did.

Received it this morning at 8:30am and outside of a few hours of work, I spent every single minute inside including cooking dinner for my family.

I have to spend a lot more time with it to really experience where it might fall short but for now, I can say it’s the best HMD and the most complete MR experience I have ever had.

Remember your first hours with a Vive or Rift? That - times 100.

It’s insanely good.

I will share more with you once I get the time but rest assured you @djonko HAVE to get it. It’s a technological feat and a milestone to remember.


its in your case, in my I have issues with nerve system & after some incident that slightly damaged my brain (not cognitively) I cant look at close objects, after 30 mins of using a monitor I get very strong headache, so basically I cant use ordinary solutions & even watching a tv while way better but still not good for me. For driving a car or just in life when i look relaxing no issues, same with vr hmds, almost all hmds i have dont give me any headache except for geometry unstable + old oled ones are hot & give some eye fatigue but not the lcd ones. As Im a dev if not VR I couldnt work anymore at all. And reading also would be a problem. And nobody apart of Apple is doing something serious in this regard. I like Valve’s soft though but its gaming oriented. Im out of reach for AVP yet due to geolocation but ill grab mine once they start selling more widely.

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whats your comparison in regard to 4k tv, is avp close to a quality like this? Can you value it at 0-10 scale, where 10 is same quality as a 4k tv?

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also is res better than xr-4 or whats the name of last varjo hmd?

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Awesome! Next month I’ll be in Miami, going to test it an Apple store for sure. And if it’s anywhere as good as you say it is, I’ll probably end up buying it. Bradley claims that ALVR is starting to work really well and I have no doubts that iVRY will have his version of steamVR compatibility out too in the coming months, so that alone would make it a lot more interesting.


Always found the Valve Index very comfortable optically. Lenses had class leading geometric stability and large 50mm dual compound lens gave larger aperture for eye and slightly larger FOV. Unfortunately the glare spoiled it’s media consumption potential but in well designed XR games it wasn’t an issue.

120hz and 144hz also very comfortable on nervous system with powerful GPU truly a magical experience

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